Latest Scotspaul Edit

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    Latest Scotspaul Edit

    Latest version of my edited scotspaul script, now with 6 levels, forum bans, member status icons and extra owner tools, also a much easier to install single sql file.
    For those who dont know about split volume rar files, you must download all 5 parts and place them in a folder before attempting to unrar them, all 5 parts will extract automatically

    if anyone requires any assistance with this edit or scotspaul scripts in general give me a shout
    Attached Files

    nice edits mate


      Isnt Lavalair beter then scotspaul


        good additions


          alredi had it
          Want something coded email me at for a prices.


            using the colour in the site to add to my site immortalwap


              in your edited script there is one file missing called useroptions.php do you have that with you?


                dont think any version of the site posted on here has ever had that file, its not needed anyway, everything is in other places


                  actually i tried a test id, tried to access user options, but it didnt worked at all, as i was not able to edit anything about my test id from ownerCP


                    actually i tried a test id, tried to access user options, but it didnt worked at all, as i was not able to edit anything about my test id from ownerCP[/b]

                    try making yourself owner in the database first


                      try making yourself owner in the database first[/b]
                      yup i did that long back, but with my owner id i cannot make any other user as admin with that useroption, as that file is missing.

                      also i am having problem with the forum

                      Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 19 in /home/id/public_html/folder/forumindex.php[/b]
                      which line should i edit for mysql database name, id & paswd in forumindex.php ?


                        you make admin in the file adminprofile.php not useroptions.php, search the username in owner tools, click on the name and it gives you the options to make admin.
                        as for the forum error, on which page are you getting this ?
                        if its when you created a forum thats quite normal and i get it too lol


                          renu4u gimme your url and ill come take a look


                            you make admin in the file adminprofile.php not useroptions.php, search the username in owner tools, click on the name and it gives you the options to make admin.
                            as for the forum error, on which page are you getting this ?[/b]
                            yes it worked with owner tools -> search username -> edited the user & made admin.

                            i am getting forum error on main index page.

                            it shows like this

                            Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 19 in /home/id/public_html/folder/forumindex.php[/b]
                            so where should i put mysql database name/ paswd & username?


                              renu4u gimme your url and ill come take a look[/b]
                              sorry i cannot give you my site link, but what error i got it, only that i can tell you, i am yet working on it, and unable to fix it, you just tell me which line should i edit for mysql database name/ username aswell as password in forumindex.php that's what i need to edit now.

