ny budy help for this sms.php i try to send sms via this but cant send got error
youngbuzz.net hacked script
goodjob.. keep up. thanks for thisLast edited by wapxtech; 03.11.10, 00:22.
Applications, Games, Wallpapers, Ringtones, Videos, Themes, Screensaver and More!!!
Originally posted by huwad View Posthere's the script of youngbuzz.net but no sql, I fail to get the sql of this script, anyway its mobilezones. i think mobilezone's sql will work here..
more hacked script but im tired to download them.. i think this youngbuzz.net will help a bit, this script is for sale by the owner and it has free sms messaging in india.. NO COPY RIGHT. MEANS ITS LEGAL TO HACK. LOL :D
DEMO: http://youngbuzz.netLast edited by wapxtech; 03.11.10, 00:22.
Applications, Games, Wallpapers, Ringtones, Videos, Themes, Screensaver and More!!!
same here i also dnt get where error when i use my pass in config.php and dnt change pass in core.php then i say sms sending succesfully but dnt get msg bcoz i dnt change pass in core.php but when i put my pass and id in core.php its give error
An error crept in while sending your SMS. Please try after sometime while an admin looks into the issue and fixes it.
am unable to short out plz help me
and in inbox am alwys see a new msg but msg not show in inbox
and if i deley all user mens empty ibfw_user table then i resister then its not register and ny user
plz help me out for these error i need ur help budy !
Originally posted by something else View Postwhy doesnt some body post the errors its giving?
Sounds to me problem is not in core .... sounds like there is missing sql :P
Code:boxstart("Youngbuzz FM - iFM"); $list = rand(3,7); $lasttrack=prevtracks(3); $status = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value from radio WHERE name='status'")); if($status[0]==0) {echo "<small><p align=\"center\">Please try again later.</p></small>";} else { $title=songtitle(); echo "<p align=\"center\"><b>Now Playing</b> : <marquee hspace=\"20\" width=\"90%\" direction=\"left\" loop=\"infinite\" scrollamount=\"4\"><i>$title</i></marquee></p>"; echo "<br/><p align=\"left\"><small><b>Last 3 Tracks</b> : <i>$lasttrack</i></small></p>"; echo "<br/><p align=\"center\"><small>[<b> iFM is Online </b>] || [<b> $list Listeners Currently Tuned In </b>]</small></p>"; echo "<br/><p align=\"center\">[ Login or Register Now to enjoy the Youngbuzz FM! ]</p>"; } boxend(); echo " <div class=\"footer\"><p style=\"text-align: center\"><small> Trouble logging in? Forgot your password? Just <a href=\"../mobile/tools.php?action=forgpass\">Click Here</a> to receive your password in your email or send an email to <b>help@Youngbuzz.net</b> <br/>Want to purchase Youngbuzz.net script? <a href=\"../buy.php\">Click here</a> for details.<br/> "; $onu = getnumonline(); $allm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ibwf_users")); echo $allm[0]." registered members, $onu currently online!<br/><br/>"; echo "© Youngbuzz"; echo "</small></p></div>"; } ?> <?php boxstart("Ads"); echo admob_request(); boxend(); $time = microtime(); $time = explode(" ", $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $finish = $time; $totaltime = ($finish - $start); //$queries = get_num_queries(); printf ("<p style=\"text-align: center\"><small>Page took %f seconds to load.</small></p>", $totaltime); ?> </body> </html>
P.S. Greska moze da bude bilo gde...