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    lmao theyr just asking fa trubble with that there

    Dont Ask Me Dumb Questions.Or you'l get a Dumb Answer..
    Want A Profesional Logo or Theme For Your wap site Pm Me.If I Have The Time Ill Make It For Free


      that perl/cgi was only made 4 those who wanted a working version as the wml had incompatability issues on pcs even thru opera i neva once stated it was my script only my work for the xhtml conversion and as for afta-dark its php not cgi lol so why call it that lol maybe u should check before u think u no it all


        use lib '/home/*****/public_html/modules';
        use AdminLevels;
        # -- Default Url:
        $prefix = "/home/speajos6/public_html";
        # -- Useful modules:
          require "$prefix/modules/db.ccc";
          require "$prefix/modules/misc.ccc";
          require "$prefix/modules/user.ccc";
          require "$prefix/modules/web.ccc";
          require "$prefix/modules/email.ccc";
          require "$prefix/modules/admob.ccc";
        # -- Site components:
          require "$prefix/components/functions.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/signup.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/userhome.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/inbox.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/buddies.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/forums.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/login.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/useroptions.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/chat.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/extras.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/admin.ccc";
          require "$prefix/components/upload.ccc";
        # -- Database Server (MySQL) connection information:
          $driver = "mysql";
          $hostname = "localhost";
          $database = "speajos6_prodigit";
          $dbuser = "speajos6_special";
          $dbpass = "remember";
          $dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=$database;hostname=$hostname";
        # -- Database tables definitions:
          $SESSIONS_TABLE = "sessions";
          $USERS_TABLE = "users";
          $BANNED_TABLE = "banned";
          $INBOX_TABLE = "inbox";
          $BUDDIES_TABLE = "buddies";
          $FORUMS_TABLE = "forums";
          $ALERTS_TABLE = "alerts";
          $CHATROOMS_TABLE = "chatrooms";
          $CHAT_TABLE = "chat";
          $IGNOREDUSERS_TABLE = "ignoredusers";
          $EXTRAS_TABLE = "extras";
          $LOGS_TABLE = "logs";
          $USERPROFILES_TABLE = "userprofiles";
          $VOTE_TABLE = "vote";
          $SAYIT_TABLE = "sayit";
          $SMILEYS_TABLE = "smileys";
        # -- smiles defintion
          %smiles = (
          'wickedwap' => '/images/spam1.gif'
        # -- Paths definitions:
          # Dirs:
          $ROOT_DIR = $prefix . "/";
          $TEMPLATES_DIR = $ROOT_DIR . "templates/";
          $LOGS_DIR = $ROOT_DIR . "logs/";
          # Files:
          $ABOUT_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "about.wml";
          $ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "account.wml";
          $ACCOUNTSTATS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "accountstats.wml";
          $ADDBUDDY_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "addbuddy.wml";
          $ADMIN_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "admin.wml";
          $ADMINDIALOG_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "admindialog.wml";
          $ADMINERROR_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "adminerror.wml";
          $ADMINRULES_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "adminrules.wml";
          $ALLUSERS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "allusers.wml";
          $BANNEDUSERS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "bannedusers.wml";
          $BASICINFO_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "basicinfo.wml";
          $BROWSERINFO_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "browserinfo.wml";
          $BUDDIES_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "buddies.wml";
          $BUDDIESERROR_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "buddieserror.wml";
          $BUDDYREQUEST_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "buddyrequest.wml";
          $CHAT_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "chat.wml";
          $CHATCONTROLS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "chatcontrols.wml";
          $CHATERROR_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "chaterror.wml";
          $CHATMSG_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "chatmsg.wml";
          $CHATROOM_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "chatroom.wml";
          $CHATSTATS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "chatstats.wml";
          $DELBUDDY_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "delbuddy.wml";
          $DELETEALLMSGS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "deleteallmsgs.wml";
          $DEVICE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "device.wml";
          $EDITLINKS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "editlinks.wml";
          $EDITVOTE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "editvote.wml";
          $EXTRAOPTIONS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "extraoptions.wml";
          $FORUMINFO_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "foruminfo.wml";
          $FORUMS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "forums.wml";
          $FORUMSERROR_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "forumserror.wml";
          $FORUMSTATS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "forumstats.wml";
          $FORWARDMESSAGE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "forwardmessage.wml";
          $HEADADMIN_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "headadmin.wml";
          $INBOX_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "inbox.wml";
          $INBOXERROR_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "inboxerror.wml";
          $INBOXSTATS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "inboxstats.wml";
          $INDEX_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "index.wml";
          $LINKS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "links.wml";
          $LOCATION_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "location.wml";
          $OFFLINEBUDDIES_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "offlinebuddies.wml";
          $ONLINELIST_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "onlinelist.wml";
          $OWNER_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "owner.wml";
          $POSTALERT_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "postalert.wml";
          $POSTMESSAGE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "postmessage.wml";
          $POSTREPLY_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "postreply.wml";
          $POSTS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "posts.wml";
          $PRIVATEROOM_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "privateroom.wml";
          $READMESSAGE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "readmessage.wml";
          $SEARCHUSERPROFILE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "searchuserprofile.wml";
          $SENTMSGS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "sentmsgs.wml";
          $SETMOOD_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "setmood.wml";
          $SHOWPROFILE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "showprofile.wml";
          $SHOWVOTE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "showvote.wml";
          $SIGNUP_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "signup.wml";
          $SIGNUPINFO_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "signupinfo.wml";
          $SITEADMINS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "siteadmins.wml";
          $SITESTATS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "sitestats.wml";
          $SMILEYS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "smileys.wml";
          $TELLANOTHERUSER_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "tellanotheruser.wml";
          $TERMS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "terms.wml";
          $THREADS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "threads.wml";
          $UPDATEPROFILE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "updateprofile.wml";
          $UPLOAD_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "upload.wml";
          $USERHOME_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "userhome.wml";
          $USERINFO_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "userinfo.wml";
          $USERLIST_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "userlist.wml";
          $USEROPT_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "useropt.wml";
          $USEROPTERROR_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "useropterror.wml";
          $USEROPTIONS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "useroptions.wml";
          $USERPROFILES_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "userprofiles.wml";
          $VOTE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "vote.wml";
          $WELCOME_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "welcome.wml";
          $WHOISWHERE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "whoiswhere.wml";
          $WRITEMESSAGE_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "writemessage.wml";
        # $OPINIONS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "opinions.wml";
        # $EXTRAS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "extras.wml";
        # $EDITEXTRAS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "editextras.wml";
        # $EDITOPINIONS_TEMPLATE = $TEMPLATES_DIR . "editopinions.wml";
        # -- Globals:
          # admin ID:
          $ADMIN_ID = 1;
          # admin buddy (appears at top in buddy list):
          $ADMIN_BUDDY = 2;
          # admin inbox size:
          $ADMIN_MAXINBOX = 500;
          # maximum inbox size:
          $MAXINBOX = 100;
          # maximum threads:
          $MAXTHREADS = 500000;
          # maximum posts:
          $MAXPOSTS = 500000;
          # session ID lifetime:
          $TIMEOUT = 31536000; # (1 year)
          # offline time (how many seconds before a user is considered offline):
          $OFFLINETIME = 300; # (5 min)
          # number of messages per page, in inbox:
          $MAILSPERPAGE = 10;
          # number of buddies per page:
          $BUDDIESPERPAGE = 10;
          # number of threads per page:
          $THREADSPERPAGE = 10;
          # number of posts per page:
          $POSTSPERPAGE = 7;
          # default number of posts per page:
          $DEFPOSTSPERPAGE = 7;
          # number of lines in chat:
          $CHATLINES = 40;
          # refresh speed in chat:
          $CHATREFRESH = 10;
          # lifetime for chat messages:
          $CHATMSGLIFETIME = 1200; #(20 min)
          # number of users per page, in who is where?:
          $CHATUSERSPERPAGE = 10;
          # number of users per page, in userlist (admin):
          $USERSPERPAGE = 10;
          # number of smileys per page:
          $SMILEYSPERPAGE = 5;
          # number of users per page, in historylist (admin):
          $HISTORYPERPAGE = 100;
          # number of chars in opinions:
          $OPINIONSCHARS = 250;
          # number of extras per page, in extras:
          $EXTRASPERPAGE = 10;
          # number of interests per page, in interests:
          $LINKSPERPAGE = 10;
          # flood time for forums (both threads and replies):
          $FORUMFLOODTIME = 30; # (half a min)
          $REPLIESFLOODTIME = 20; # (10 sec)
          # flood time for inbox:
          $INBOXFLOODTIME = 10; # (10 sec)
          # flood time for chat:
          $CHATFLOODTIME = 10; # (10 sec)
          # site sections:
          %site_areas = (
          'home' => 'Home',
          'inbox' => 'Inbox/Alerts',
          'buddylist' => 'Buddy List',
          'forums' => 'Forums',
          'chat' => 'Chat',
          'extras' => 'Extras',
          'opinions' => 'Opinions',
          'options' => 'Options',
          'admin' => 'Admin Tools',
          'logout' => 'Log Out',
          'vote' => 'Site Vote',
          'links' => 'Links',
          'upload' => 'Uploading Photo'
        # -- Init function: this function will always be called, and this is the point
        # -- where we call all the other modules and verify user information.
        sub Init {
          # Create the database connection and browser interface:
          $inp = new CGI;
          $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$dbuser,$dbpass,{RaiseError >= 1});
          $HASH{'SITENAME'} = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
          my $brwsr = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
          @Numbers = split('/',$brwsr);
          $HASH{'BROWSER'} = "@Numbers[0]";
          $HASH{'BROWSER'} = "Internet Explorer 7" if $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ "MSIE 7.0";
          $HASH{'BROWSER'} = "Internet Explorer 6" if $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ "MSIE 6.0";
          $HASH{'BROWSER'} = "Opera" if $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ "Opera";
          $HASH{'BROWSER'} = "Opera Mini" if $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ "Opera Mini";
          $HASH{'BROWSER'} = "Firefox" if $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ "Firefox";
          $browser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
          if ($browser =~ m/ { Template($DEVICE_TEMPLATE,%HASH); exit(); }
          my $now = time;
          $HASH{&#39;ONLINEUSERS&#39;} = getField("COUNT(id)",$USERS_TABLE,"$now - lastseen <= $OFFLINETIME");
          my $lastact = getField("lastseen",$USERS_TABLE,"id = &#39;$uid&#39;");
          my $user_time = getField("onlinetime",$USERS_TABLE,"id = &#39;$uid&#39;");
          $timetoadd = $now - $lastact;
          if($timetoadd>120) { $timetoadd=0; }
          my $addtime = $user_time + $timetoadd;
          $dbh->do("UPDATE $USERS_TABLE SET onlinetime = &#39;$addtime&#39; WHERE id = &#39;$uid&#39;");
          # Define the areas accessible by all users, without a password required:
          my %public_areas = (
          &#39;index&#39; => &#39;Homepage&#39;,
          &#39;login&#39; => &#39;Login&#39;,
          &#39;signup&#39; => &#39;Signup&#39;,
          &#39;about&#39; => &#39;About This Site&#39;,
          &#39;terms&#39; => &#39;Term Of Usage&#39;,
          &#39;account&#39; => &#39;Account&#39;
          # List of all actions that require authentification:
          my %restricted_areas = (
          &#39;home&#39; => &#39;User Homepage&#39;,
          &#39;inbox&#39; => &#39;Inbox&#39;,
          &#39;buddylist&#39; => &#39;Buddies&#39;,
          &#39;forums&#39; => &#39;Forums&#39;,
          &#39;chat&#39; => &#39;Chat&#39;,
          &#39;extras&#39; => &#39;Extras&#39;,
          &#39;opinions&#39; => &#39;Opinions&#39;,
          &#39;options&#39; => &#39;User Options&#39;,
          &#39;admin&#39; => &#39;Admin Zone&#39;,
          &#39;logout&#39; => &#39;Logout&#39;,
          &#39;vote&#39; => &#39;Vote&#39;,
          &#39;links&#39; => &#39;Links&#39;,
          &#39;upload&#39; => &#39;Upload&#39;
          # Get global variables and well known parameters from the browser:
          $rem_ip = $inp->remote_host;
          $action = $inp->param("act");
          $sesid = $inp->param("id");
          $mode = $inp->param("mode");
          # Add some globals to main hash
          $HASH{&#39;SESID&#39;} = $sesid;
          # "guest" is a specially assigned user to all visitors of the site, that are
          # not registered users.
          my $now = time;
          $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $SESSIONS_TABLE where $now - time > &#39;86400&#39; AND username=&#39;guest&#39;");
          # Get the username attached to this session ID. The user return may be "guest"
          # or a registered user. If the value returned is "undef" the session ID is not
          # valid. If the user is registered we grant access to all site sections.
          $username = isSessionOk($sesid,$SESSIONS_TABLE,$rem_ip);
          if (!defined($username)) {
          # Session ID invalid. Create one, and redirect to the first page:
          $sesid = newSessionID("guest",$rem_ip,$SESSIONS_TABLE);
          # Session ID successfuly created. Redirect to the start page:
          if ($sesid ne "") { Location("index.cgi","act=index"); }
          else { Location("index.cgi","act=index"); }
          elsif (lc($username) eq "guest") {
          # The user is not registered, or he didn&#39;t provide authentification information
          # by now. The access is restricted only to public areas.
          # Request to public section, follow action:
          if (exists($public_areas{$action})) {
          Template($INDEX_TEMPLATE,%HASH) if $action eq "index";
          login() if $action eq "login";
          signup() if $action eq "signup";
          Template($ABOUT_TEMPLATE,%HASH) if $action eq "about";
          Template($TERMS_TEMPLATE,%HASH) if $action eq "terms";
          Template($ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE,%HASH) if $action eq "account";
          elsif (exists($restricted_area{$action})) {
          # Request to restricted areas, go to login page:
          else { Location("index.cgi","act=index"); }
          else {
          # The user is registered, allow access to all site areas:
          # Get the user id:
          $uid = getField("id",$USERS_TABLE,"username LIKE &#39;$username&#39;");
          $HASH{&#39;USERNAME&#39;} = $username;
          $HASH{&#39;UID&#39;} = $uid;
          $username = lc($username);
          $POSTSPERPAGE = getField("postsperpage",$USERS_TABLE,"id = $uid") || $DEFPOSTSPERPAGE;
          # Send alert
          if (defined $inp->param("send_alert_reply")) {
          my $to = clear_illegal_user_chars($inp->param("to"));
          my $subject = clear_illegal_chars($inp->param("subject"));
          my $message = clear_illegal_chars($inp->param("message"));
          my $toid = getField("id",$USERS_TABLE,"LOWER(username) = LOWER(&#39;$to&#39;)");
          if ($toid != &#39;&#39;) {
          unless (sendinbox($uid,$toid,$subject,$message)) {
          $HASH{&#39;MSG&#39;} = "Error sending message!";
          $HASH{LOCATION} = $inp->param("continue");
          $HASH{LOCATION} =~ s/\^/;/g;
          # Incoming message alert
          my $msgid = get_oldest_unread($uid);
          my $alerts_on = getField("receivealerts",$USERS_TABLE,"id = $uid");
          if ($msgid && $alerts_on && !($action eq &#39;chat&#39; && $mode eq &#39;send&#39;)) {
          $HASH{CONTINUE} = $inp->self_url;
          $HASH{CONTINUE} =~ s/;/&/g;
          $HASH{CONTINUE2} = $inp->self_url;
          $HASH{CONTINUE2} =~ s/;/&/g;
          my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $INBOX_TABLE WHERE id = $msgid AND uid = $uid");
          if ($sth->rows > 0) {
          my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array;
          my $sex = getField("sex",$USERPROFILES_TABLE,"uid = &#39;$row[2]&#39;");
          if ($sex eq "M") { $color = "#0000FF"; }
          elsif ($sex eq "F") { $color = "#FF0066"; }
          $HASH{&#39;DATE&#39;} = gmt_date($row[7]);
          $HASH{&#39;TIME&#39;} = gmt_time($row[7]);
          $HASH{&#39;FROM&#39;} = "".get_sender($row[2])."";
          $HASH{&#39;FROM2&#39;} = get_sender($row[2]);
          $HASH{&#39;SUBJECT&#39;} = bb_code($row[3]);
          $HASH{&#39;SUBJECT2&#39;} = $row[3];
          $HASH{&#39;MESSAGE&#39;} = bb_code($row[4]);
          $HASH{&#39;MSGID&#39;} = $msgid;
          $HASH{&#39;MESSAGE&#39;} = bb_code($HASH{&#39;MESSAGE&#39;});
          $dbh->do("UPDATE $INBOX_TABLE SET isnew = &#39;N&#39; WHERE id = $msgid AND uid = $uid");
          Template($TEMPLATES_DIR . "/msg_alert.wml", %HASH);
          else {
        # End *CR*
          if (exists($public_areas{$action}) || exists($restricted_areas{$action})) {
          userhome() if $action eq "home";
          inbox() if $action eq "inbox";
          buddies() if $action eq "buddylist";
          forums() if $action eq "forums";
          chat() if $action eq "chat";
          extras() if $action eq "extras";
          opinions() if $action eq "opinions";
          useroptions() if $action eq "options";
          admin() if $action eq "admin";
          logout() if $action eq "logout";
          vote() if $action eq "vote";
          links() if $action eq "links";
          upload() if $action eq "upload";
          else { Location("index.cgi","act=home"); }
          # Disconnect from DB server:
        # -- End of app.ccc:
          return 1;

        !!!!Once more please use code tags!!!!

        Dont Ask Me Dumb Questions.Or you'l get a Dumb Answer..
        Want A Profesional Logo or Theme For Your wap site Pm Me.If I Have The Time Ill Make It For Free


          Hate romains that take codes from here and tell to all that they had made that


            <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ozziemale31 @ Feb 11 2009, 03:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
            and look what else we have lmao

            link not work
            if like my post click:





                <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (friend @ Feb 17 2009, 05:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
                pls delete this topic[/b]
                stop posting useless replies!
                else i&#39;ll ban you!
                It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.
                ⓣⓗⓔ ⓠⓤⓘⓔⓣⓔⓡ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓑⓔ©ⓞⓜⓔ, ⓣⓗⓔ ⓜⓞⓡⓔ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓐⓡⓔ ⓐⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓗⓔⓐⓡ !
                ιη тнєσяу, тнє ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ α яєѕυℓт σƒ тнє тнєσяу, вυт ιη ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ тнє σρρσѕιтє.
                キノgんイノ刀g 4 ア乇ムc乇 ノ丂 レノズ乇 キucズノ刀g 4 √ノ尺gノ刀ノイリ!


                  i dont even understand this topic can someone explain better?


                    seems somebody relised we were on to them lol and change the links

                    Dont Ask Me Dumb Questions.Or you'l get a Dumb Answer..
                    Want A Profesional Logo or Theme For Your wap site Pm Me.If I Have The Time Ill Make It For Free


                      lol bro
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                      Visit: WapMasterz Coming Back Soon!
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                      FileShare Script : -> Uploader you will never regret buying yeah it mite be old now but it still seems to own others...
                      Info & Tips


                        yes i did.......


                          as i dont see anymore good reasons i will close the topics

                          PHP Code:
                          foreach ($_SERVER as $server => $value)
                          "$server is $value<br />";

