Chatzone Updates / Addons

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    Chatzone Updates / Addons

    Post the Chatzone script updates /addons u have ....also u can post the ones u want so tht oders can post them here Thnx..........
    <span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>

    Post yours at first


      I dont have much ..i can give u online list , member list , shout box script etc u have peditnick nd psetstatus in moder.php ?
      <span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>


        State the features of peditnick,psetstatus,moder.php.i dont have those atm but can code it


          well see this in this u have to input name of user whose nick or status u have change i want to put in profile after nick nd status change function so tht i dont have to put the nick but frm the user whose profile m in his nick is taken ....
          case &#39;setstatus&#39;:
          print $lang[&#39;who&#39;].":
          <input name=\"who\" value=\"$who\"/>

          <input name=\"status\" value=\"".$data[&#39;status&#39;]."\"/>

          <anchor>".$lang[&#39;ok&#39;]."<go href=\"moder.php?id=$id&amp;pass=$pass&amp;mod=$mo d\" method=\"post\">
          <postfield name=\"act\" value=\"set\"/>
          <postfield name=\"who\" value=\"$(who)\"/>
          <postfield name=\"status\" value=\"$(status)\"/>
          if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;$status&#39; where login=&#39;$who&#39;"))
          print $lang[&#39;done&#39;];
          print $lang[&#39;error&#39;];

          case &#39;editnik&#39;:
          print $lang[&#39;old_nick&#39;]."
          <input type=\"text\" name=\"old\"/>
          print $lang[&#39;new_nick&#39;]."
          <input type=\"text\" name=\"new\"/>
          print "<anchor>".$lang[&#39;ok&#39;]."<go href=\"moder.php?act=update&amp;id=$id&amp;pass=$p ass&amp;mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"old\" value=\"$(old)\"/><postfield name=\"new\" value=\"$(new)\"/></go></anchor>
          $q = @mysql_query("select * from `".$px.$utable."` where login=&#39;$new&#39; limit 1;");
          $ud = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
          print $lang[&#39;such_nick_exist&#39;];
          if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set login=&#39;$new&#39; where login=&#39;$old&#39;;"))
          print $lang[&#39;done&#39;];
          print $lang[&#39;user_not_exist&#39;];
          <span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>


            Gosh i didnt see the request forum this can be moved there i guess .....
            <span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>


              I did this script in xhtml a few months ago.

              Click here!!!


                Spiderwap thn share the xhtml verison it wud be great i guess .....
                <span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>


                  here is codes to change user nick and to change status directly from a user&#39;s profile.I coded it for chatzone script edited by kovsza
                  copy and paste this code in admin.php
                  //Edit nickname
                      case &#39;editnick&#39;:
                  $whoid = $_GET["whoid"];
                      //print $lang[&#39;old_nick&#39;]."
                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"old\"/>
                      print $lang[&#39;new_nick&#39;]."
                  <input type=\"text\" name=\"new\"/>
                      print "<anchor>".$lang[&#39;ok&#39;]."<go href=\"?act=update&amp;id=$id&amp;pass=$pass&amp;whoid=$whoid&amp;mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"new\" value=\"$(new)\"/></go></anchor>
                      $q = @mysql_query("select * from `".$px.$utable."` where login=&#39;$new&#39; limit 1;");
                      $ud = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
                    print $lang[&#39;such_nick_exist&#39;]; 
                      if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set login=&#39;$new&#39; where id=&#39;".$whoid."&#39;;")) 
                    print $lang[&#39;done&#39;];
                    print $lang[&#39;user_not_exist&#39;]; 
                  usage in user.php
                  if ($login[&#39;admin&#39;]>0)
                  print "
                  <a href=\"admin.php?id=$id&amp;pass=$pass&amp;whoid=".$data[&#39;id&#39;]."&amp;room=$room&amp;mod=editnick\">Edit Nick</a>
                  to change status
                  copy and paste this code in moder.php
                  //setstatus status
                      case &#39;psetstatus&#39;:
                  $whoid = $_GET["whoid"];
                  print "<select name=\"stat\" value=\"boss\">";
                  print "<option value=\"boss\">boss</option>";
                  print "<option value=\"king\">king</option>";
                  print "<option value=\"queen\">queen</option>";
                  print "<option value=\"princess\">princess</option>";
                  print "<option value=\"prince\">prince</option>";
                  print "<option value=\"guru\">guru</option>";
                  print "<option value=\"unstopable\">unstopable</option>";
                  print "</select>
                      print "<anchor>".$lang[&#39;ok&#39;]."<go href=\"?act=update&amp;id=$id&amp;pass=$pass&amp;whoid=$whoid&amp;mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"stat\" value=\"$(stat)\"/></go></anchor>
                      if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."`set status=&#39;$stat&#39; where id=&#39;".$whoid."&#39;;")) 
                    print $lang[&#39;done&#39;];
                    print $lang[&#39;error&#39;];
                  and the usage link has been already put in this script that i mentioned


                    Ok, tell you guys what, if someone inbox me a url to the must updated chatzone script I&#39;ll convert the entire thing to xhtml again.

                    I just dont think its any use for me to convert an old version to xhtml as i just have old versions of it myself.

                    I&#39;ll do it for you guys, but personaly i&#39;m done with using other peoples scripts i&#39;m coding my own.

                    Click here!!!


                      here is codes to change user nick and to change status directly from a user&#39;s profile.I coded it for chatzone script edited by kovsza
                      copy and paste this code in admin.php
                      //Edit nickname
                          case &#39;editnick&#39;:
                      $whoid = $_GET["whoid"];
                          //print $lang[&#39;old_nick&#39;]."
                      <input type=\"text\" name=\"old\"/>
                          print $lang[&#39;new_nick&#39;]."
                      <input type=\"text\" name=\"new\"/>
                          print "<anchor>".$lang[&#39;ok&#39;]."<go href=\"?act=update&amp;id=$id&amp;pass=$pass&amp;whoid=$whoid&amp;mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"new\" value=\"$(new)\"/></go></anchor>
                          $q = @mysql_query("select * from `".$px.$utable."` where login=&#39;$new&#39; limit 1;");
                          $ud = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
                        print $lang[&#39;such_nick_exist&#39;]; 
                          if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set login=&#39;$new&#39; where id=&#39;".$whoid."&#39;;")) 
                        print $lang[&#39;done&#39;];
                        print $lang[&#39;user_not_exist&#39;]; 
                      usage in user.php
                      if ($login[&#39;admin&#39;]>0)
                      print "
                      <a href=\"admin.php?id=$id&amp;pass=$pass&amp;whoid=".$data[&#39;id&#39;]."&amp;room=$room&amp;mod=editnick\">Edit Nick</a>
                      to change status
                      copy and paste this code in moder.php
                      //setstatus status
                          case &#39;psetstatus&#39;:
                      $whoid = $_GET["whoid"];
                      print "<select name=\"stat\" value=\"boss\">";
                      print "<option value=\"boss\">boss</option>";
                      print "<option value=\"king\">king</option>";
                      print "<option value=\"queen\">queen</option>";
                      print "<option value=\"princess\">princess</option>";
                      print "<option value=\"prince\">prince</option>";
                      print "<option value=\"guru\">guru</option>";
                      print "<option value=\"unstopable\">unstopable</option>";
                      print "</select>
                          print "<anchor>".$lang[&#39;ok&#39;]."<go href=\"?act=update&amp;id=$id&amp;pass=$pass&amp;whoid=$whoid&amp;mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"stat\" value=\"$(stat)\"/></go></anchor>
                          if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."`set status=&#39;$stat&#39; where id=&#39;".$whoid."&#39;;")) 
                        print $lang[&#39;done&#39;];
                        print $lang[&#39;error&#39;];
                      and the usage link has been already put in this script that i mentioned[/b]
                      Nice work mate i got it how to do tht now ....
                      <span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>


                        Ok, tell you guys what, if someone inbox me a url to the must updated chatzone script I&#39;ll convert the entire thing to xhtml again.

                        I just dont think its any use for me to convert an old version to xhtml as i just have old versions of it myself.

                        I&#39;ll do it for you guys, but personaly i&#39;m done with using other peoples scripts i&#39;m coding my own.[/b]
                        Ok i l try nd find one ...
                        <span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>


                          Ok bro, no prob, lol Ill do the entire script in max 3 days with color selection etc...

                          Click here!!!

