Post the Chatzone script updates /addons u have ....also u can post the ones u want so tht oders can post them here Thnx..........
Chatzone Updates / Addons
Chatzone Updates / Addons
<span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>Tags: None
I dont have much ..i can give u online list , member list , shout box script etc u have peditnick nd psetstatus in moder.php ?<span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>
well see this in this u have to input name of user whose nick or status u have change i want to put in profile after nick nd status change function so tht i dont have to put the nick but frm the user whose profile m in his nick is taken 'setstatus':
print $lang['who'].":
<input name=\"who\" value=\"$who\"/>
<input name=\"status\" value=\"".$data['status']."\"/>
<anchor>".$lang['ok']."<go href=\"moder.php?id=$id&pass=$pass&mod=$mo d\" method=\"post\">
<postfield name=\"act\" value=\"set\"/>
<postfield name=\"who\" value=\"$(who)\"/>
<postfield name=\"status\" value=\"$(status)\"/>
if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status='$status' where login='$who'"))
print $lang['done'];
print $lang['error'];
case 'editnik':
print $lang['old_nick']."
<input type=\"text\" name=\"old\"/>
print $lang['new_nick']."
<input type=\"text\" name=\"new\"/>
print "<anchor>".$lang['ok']."<go href=\"moder.php?act=update&id=$id&pass=$p ass&mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"old\" value=\"$(old)\"/><postfield name=\"new\" value=\"$(new)\"/></go></anchor>
$q = @mysql_query("select * from `".$px.$utable."` where login='$new' limit 1;");
$ud = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
print $lang['such_nick_exist'];
if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set login='$new' where login='$old';"))
print $lang['done'];
print $lang['user_not_exist'];
break;[/b]<span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>
Gosh i didnt see the request forum this can be moved there i guess .....<span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>
Spiderwap thn share the xhtml verison it wud be great i guess .....<span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>
here is codes to change user nick and to change status directly from a user's profile.I coded it for chatzone script edited by kovsza
copy and paste this code in admin.php
Code://Edit nickname case 'editnick': $whoid = $_GET["whoid"]; if(empty($act)) { //print $lang['old_nick']." <input type=\"text\" name=\"old\"/> "; print $lang['new_nick']." <input type=\"text\" name=\"new\"/> "; print "<anchor>".$lang['ok']."<go href=\"?act=update&id=$id&pass=$pass&whoid=$whoid&mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"new\" value=\"$(new)\"/></go></anchor> "; } else { $q = @mysql_query("select * from `".$px.$utable."` where login='$new' limit 1;"); $ud = @mysql_fetch_array($q); if($ud['id']) { print $lang['such_nick_exist']; } else { if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set login='$new' where id='".$whoid."';")) print $lang['done']; else print $lang['user_not_exist']; } } break;
Code:if ($login['admin']>0) { print " <a href=\"admin.php?id=$id&pass=$pass&whoid=".$data['id']."&room=$room&mod=editnick\">Edit Nick</a> "; }
copy and paste this code in moder.php
Code://setstatus status case 'psetstatus': $whoid = $_GET["whoid"]; if(empty($act)) { print "<select name=\"stat\" value=\"boss\">"; print "<option value=\"boss\">boss</option>"; print "<option value=\"king\">king</option>"; print "<option value=\"queen\">queen</option>"; print "<option value=\"princess\">princess</option>"; print "<option value=\"prince\">prince</option>"; print "<option value=\"guru\">guru</option>"; print "<option value=\"unstopable\">unstopable</option>"; print "</select> "; print "<anchor>".$lang['ok']."<go href=\"?act=update&id=$id&pass=$pass&whoid=$whoid&mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"stat\" value=\"$(stat)\"/></go></anchor> "; } else { if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."`set status='$stat' where id='".$whoid."';")) print $lang['done']; else print $lang['error']; } break;
Ok, tell you guys what, if someone inbox me a url to the must updated chatzone script I'll convert the entire thing to xhtml again.
I just dont think its any use for me to convert an old version to xhtml as i just have old versions of it myself.
I'll do it for you guys, but personaly i'm done with using other peoples scripts i'm coding my own.
here is codes to change user nick and to change status directly from a user's profile.I coded it for chatzone script edited by kovsza
copy and paste this code in admin.php
Code://Edit nickname case 'editnick': $whoid = $_GET["whoid"]; if(empty($act)) { //print $lang['old_nick']." <input type=\"text\" name=\"old\"/> "; print $lang['new_nick']." <input type=\"text\" name=\"new\"/> "; print "<anchor>".$lang['ok']."<go href=\"?act=update&id=$id&pass=$pass&whoid=$whoid&mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"new\" value=\"$(new)\"/></go></anchor> "; } else { $q = @mysql_query("select * from `".$px.$utable."` where login='$new' limit 1;"); $ud = @mysql_fetch_array($q); if($ud['id']) { print $lang['such_nick_exist']; } else { if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set login='$new' where id='".$whoid."';")) print $lang['done']; else print $lang['user_not_exist']; } } break;
Code:if ($login['admin']>0) { print " <a href=\"admin.php?id=$id&pass=$pass&whoid=".$data['id']."&room=$room&mod=editnick\">Edit Nick</a> "; }
copy and paste this code in moder.php
Code://setstatus status case 'psetstatus': $whoid = $_GET["whoid"]; if(empty($act)) { print "<select name=\"stat\" value=\"boss\">"; print "<option value=\"boss\">boss</option>"; print "<option value=\"king\">king</option>"; print "<option value=\"queen\">queen</option>"; print "<option value=\"princess\">princess</option>"; print "<option value=\"prince\">prince</option>"; print "<option value=\"guru\">guru</option>"; print "<option value=\"unstopable\">unstopable</option>"; print "</select> "; print "<anchor>".$lang['ok']."<go href=\"?act=update&id=$id&pass=$pass&whoid=$whoid&mod=$mod\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"stat\" value=\"$(stat)\"/></go></anchor> "; } else { if(@mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."`set status='$stat' where id='".$whoid."';")) print $lang['done']; else print $lang['error']; } break;
<span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>
Ok, tell you guys what, if someone inbox me a url to the must updated chatzone script I'll convert the entire thing to xhtml again.
I just dont think its any use for me to convert an old version to xhtml as i just have old versions of it myself.
I'll do it for you guys, but personaly i'm done with using other peoples scripts i'm coding my own.[/b]<span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#FF0000">ViSiT Ma SiTe Nd PoSt Ua CoMmEnTs On It In Ma PoSt</span></span>