Hey guys.
I have created a guest section for the lavalair script, I managed to code it sothat it put guests online ect ect.
The problem I am having, it does show the total number of memebers online (inc guests) but doesnt show the guests in the online list, only registerd memebers.
heres the code
index.php action=online
I know i am forgetting something but can't seem to find the problem.
Thanks in advance
I have created a guest section for the lavalair script, I managed to code it sothat it put guests online ect ect.
The problem I am having, it does show the total number of memebers online (inc guests) but doesnt show the guests in the online list, only registerd memebers.
heres the code
function addguestonline($guid,$place,$plclink) { $guid = getip(); /////delete inactive users $tm = time() ; $timeout = $tm - 420; //time out = 5 minutes $deloff = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_online WHERE actvtime <'".$timeout."'"); ///now try to add user to online list and add total time online $ttime = time(); $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO guest SET id ='".$guid."', lastact='".$ttime."', name='Guest' "); $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_online SET userid='".$guid."', actvtime='".$ttime."', place='".$place."', isguest='Guest', placedet='".$plclink."'"); if(!$res) { //most probably userid already in the online list //so just update the place and time $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_online SET actvtime='".$ttime."', place='".$place."', isguest='Guest', placedet='".$plclink."' WHERE userid='".$guid."'"); } $maxmem=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE id='2'")); $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_online")); if($result[0]>=$maxmem[0]) { $tnow = date("D/d/M/Y - H:i", time()); mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_settings set name='".$tnow."', value='".$result[0]."' WHERE id='2'"); } $maxtoday = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT ppl FROM ibwf_mpot WHERE ddt='".date("d m y")."'")); if($maxtoday[0]==0||$maxtoday=="") { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mpot SET ddt='".date("d/m/y")."', ppl='1', dtm='".date("H:i:s")."'"); $maxtoday[0]=1; } if($result[0]>=$maxtoday[0]) { mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_mpot SET ppl='".$result[0]."', dtm='".date("H:i:s")."' WHERE ddt='".date("d m y")."'"); } }
index.php action=online
////////////////////////////////////////MEMBERS ONLINE VIEW else if($action=="online") { addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Online List",""); $pstyle = theme($sid); echo xhtmlhead("Online List",$pstyle); if ($popuppm[0]=="1"){ include("popups.php"); } echo "$themeh"; echo "<center><b> $ts1 ONLINE STATS $ts2 </b></center></div>"; echo "$themeb"; echo "$ts1"; $mols = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name, value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE id='2'")); echo "Most online ever: <b>$mols[1]</b><br/>"; $mols = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT ppl, dtm FROM ibwf_mpot WHERE ddt='".date("d m y")."'")); echo "Most online today: <b>$mols[0]</b><br/>"; echo "$ts2"; echo "</div>"; if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1; $num_items = getnumonline(); //changable $items_per_page= 10; $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page); if($page>$num_pages)$page= $num_pages; $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page; //changable sql $sql = "SELECT a.name, b.place, b.userid, sex, perm, specialid FROM ibwf_users a INNER JOIN ibwf_online b ON a.id = b.userid GROUP BY 1,2 LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page "; $sql2 = "SELECT a.name, b.place, b.id, number FROM guest a INNER JOIN ibwf_online b ON a.id = b.id GROUP BY 1,2 LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page "; $items2 = mysql_query($sql2); $items = mysql_query($sql); echo mysql_error(); echo "$themeh"; echo "<center><b> $ts1 MEMBERS ONLINE $ts2 </b></center></div>"; echo "$themeb"; echo "$ts1"; while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items)) { if ($item[3]=="M") { $icon = "<img src=\"images/male.gif\" alt=\"M\"/>"; } else if ($item[3]=="F") { $icon = "<img src=\"images/female.gif\" alt=\"F\"/>"; } if ($item[4]=="0") { $staff = ""; } else if ($item[4]=="1") { $staff = "[M]"; } else if ($item[4]=="2") { $staff = "[A]"; } else if ($item[4]=="3") { $staff = "[O]"; } else if($item[4]=='3') { $name = "<font color=\"red\">$item[0]</font>"; } else if($item[4]=='2') { $name = "<font color=\"#999900\">$item[0]</font>"; } else if($item[4]=='1') { $name = "<font color=\"#336600\">$item[0]</font>"; } else if($item[5]>0) { $name = "<font color=\"#006666\">$item[0]</font>"; } else if($item2[0]=='Guest') { $name = "Guest $item[0] $item[3]"; } { $name = $item[0]; } $lnk = "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&who=$item[2]&sid=$sid\">$name</a>"; echo "$icon $lnk <b>$staff</b> - $item[1] <br/>"; } echo "$ts2"; echo "</div>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; if($page>1) { $ppage = $page-1; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=online&page=$ppage&sid=$sid\">$ts1« Prev$ts2</a> "; } echo "$ts1 $page/$num_pages $ts2"; if($page<$num_pages) { $npage = $page+1; echo " <a href=\"index.php?action=online&page=$npage&sid=$sid\">$ts1Next »$ts2</a>"; } if($num_pages>2) { echo "<br/>"; echo getjumper($action, $sid,"index"); } echo "<br/>"; echo "$ts1<a href=\"lists.php?action=longon&sid=$sid\">Longest Online</a>$ts2"; echo "</p>"; ////// UNTILL HERE >> echo "<p>$ts1"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Home</a>"; echo " > "; echo "Members Online"; echo "$ts2</p>"; echo xhtmlfoot($sid); }
I know i am forgetting something but can't seem to find the problem.
Thanks in advance