Gallery Errors

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    Gallery Errors

    <div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>else if($action=="male")
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Viewing Male Gallery","");
    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
    $uid = getuid_sid($sid);

    //////ALL gallery SCRIPT <<

    if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1;

    $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;M&#39;"));
    $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;M&#39;"));

    $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable
    $items_per_page= 5;
    $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page);
    if(($page>$num_pages)&&$page!=1)$page= $num_pages;
    $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page;

    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;M&#39; ORDER BY uid ASC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page";

    echo "

    $items = mysql_query($sql);
    echo mysql_error();

    while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items))
    $who = $item[0];

    $countpics = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM fun_gallery WHERE uid=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
    $lnk = "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=viewuser&amp;who=$who&am p;sid=$sid\">$user</a>($countpics[0])
    echo "$lnk";

    echo "
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    $ppage = $page-1;
    echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$ppage& amp;sid=$sid\">«PREV</a> ";
    $npage = $page+1;
    echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$npage& amp;sid=$sid\">Next»</a>";
    echo "

    $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>";
    $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]";
    $rets .= "<go href=\"gallery.php\" method=\"get\">";
    $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>";
    $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>";
    $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>";
    $rets .= "</go></anchor>


    echo $rets;

    echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Gall ery Main</a>
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "Home</a>
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</card>";

    else if($action=="female")
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Viewing Female Gallery","");
    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
    $uid = getuid_sid($sid);

    //////ALL gallery SCRIPT <<

    if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1;
    $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;F&#39;"));
    $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;F&#39;"));

    $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable
    $items_per_page= 5;
    $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page);
    if(($page>$num_pages)&&$page!=1)$page= $num_pages;
    $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page;

    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;F&#39; ORDER BY uid ASC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page";

    echo "

    $items = mysql_query($sql);
    echo mysql_error();
    while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items))
    $who = $item[0];
    $countpics = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM fun_gallery WHERE uid=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
    $lnk = "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=viewuser&amp;who=$who&am p;sid=$sid\">.$user.</a>($countpics[0])

    echo "$lnk";

    echo "female gallery is empty";
    echo "
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    $ppage = $page-1;
    echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$ppage& amp;sid=$sid\">«PREV</a> ";
    $npage = $page+1;
    echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$npage& amp;sid=$sid\">Next»</a>";
    echo "

    $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>";
    $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]";
    $rets .= "<go href=\"gallery.php\" method=\"get\">";
    $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>";
    $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>";
    $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>";
    $rets .= "</go></anchor>


    echo $rets;

    echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Gall ery Main</a>
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "Home</a>
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</card>";


    am getting this error when i vallidate Failed validation and this Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on line 3 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication. who can help fix it

    that error isnt caused by your gallery


      that error isnt caused by your gallery[/b]
      whats it cause by then ?


        post ur page ere


          header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
          header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
          echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
          echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"\">";
          $action = $_GET["action"];
          $sid = $_GET["sid"];
          $page = $_GET["page"];
          $who = $_GET["who"];
              echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
                echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                echo "You are not logged in
                echo "Or Your session has been expired
                echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>";
                echo "</p>";
                echo "</card>";
                echo "</wml>";
          $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
                  echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";   
                echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/>
                echo "You are [b]Banned[/b]
                $banto = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT timeto FROM fun_penalties WHERE uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;1&#39;"));
                $remain = $banto[0]- time();
                $rmsg = gettimemsg($remain);
                echo "Time to finish your penalty: $rmsg
                //echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>";
                echo "</p>";
          echo "</card>";
                echo "</wml>";
            addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"user gallery","");
               echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
          echo "[size="1"][b][u]Send Your Photos To
           Along With Your Username[/u][/b][/size]
             echo "</p>";
            echo "
           echo "[size="1"]";
           $males = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;M&#39;"));
          echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=male&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/male.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Male Gallery($males[0])</a>
          echo "
          $females = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;F&#39;"));
          echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=female&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/female.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Female Gallery($females[0])</a>
          echo "[/size]";
          echo "
          echo "[size="1"][b]";
          echo "<small>--------[/b][/size][b]
          echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=gallery&amp;sid=$sid\">Add A Photo Now!</a>
          echo "[/b]</small>";
          echo "</p>";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
            echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
          echo "Home</a>";
            echo "</p>";
            echo "</card>";
          else if($action=="gallery")
            addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Adding Photo","");
               echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
            echo "<p align=\"center\">";
           echo "[size="1"]";
          echo "If you have a url to ur photo u may add it to the gallery below
          [b]Please NOTE that only .jpeg/.jpg files will show in gallery.[/b]
          All other file formats will be removed my staff
          echo "[/size]";
          echo "[size="1"]Image URL:[/size] <input name=\"itemurl\" maxlength=\"100\" value=\"http://\"/>
          echo "<anchor>Add Photo";
          echo "<go href=\"genproc.php?action=addgal&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
          echo "<postfield name=\"itemurl\" value=\"$(itemurl)\"/>";
          echo "</go></anchor>";
            echo "
          echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">User Gallery</a>
            echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
          echo "Home</a>";
            echo "</p>";
             echo "</card>";
          else if($action=="male")
                addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Viewing Male Gallery","");
                echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
              $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
              //////ALL gallery SCRIPT <<
              if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1;
              $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;M&#39;"));
              $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;M&#39;"));
              $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable
              $items_per_page= 5;
              $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page);
              if(($page>$num_pages)&&$page!=1)$page= $num_pages;
              $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page;
          $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;M&#39; ORDER BY uid ASC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page";
          echo "
              $items = mysql_query($sql);
              echo mysql_error();
              while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items))
          $who = $item[0];
          $countpics = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM fun_gallery WHERE uid=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
                  $lnk = "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=viewuser&amp;who=$who&amp;sid=$sid\">$user</a>($countpics[0])
                 echo "$lnk"; 
              echo "[/size]</p>";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">[size="1"]";
                $ppage = $page-1;
                echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$ppage&amp;sid=$sid\">«PREV</a> ";
                $npage = $page+1;
                echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$npage&amp;sid=$sid\">Next»</a>";
              echo "
                $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]";
                  $rets .= "<go href=\"gallery.php\" method=\"get\">";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>";
                  $rets .= "</go></anchor>[/size]
                  echo $rets;
          echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Gallery Main</a>
          echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
          echo "Home</a>[/size]";
              echo "</p>";
               echo "</card>";
          else if($action=="female")
               addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Viewing Female Gallery","");
                 echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
              $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
              //////ALL gallery SCRIPT <<
              if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1;
              $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;F&#39;"));
              $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;F&#39;"));
              $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable
              $items_per_page= 5;
              $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page);
              if(($page>$num_pages)&&$page!=1)$page= $num_pages;
              $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page;
          $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM fun_gallery WHERE sex=&#39;F&#39; ORDER BY uid ASC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page";
          echo "
              $items = mysql_query($sql);
              echo mysql_error();
              while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items))
          $who = $item[0];
          $countpics = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM fun_gallery WHERE uid=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
                  $lnk = "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=viewuser&amp;who=$who&amp;sid=$sid\">.$user.</a>($countpics[0])
          echo "$lnk";
          echo "female gallery is empty";
              echo "[/size]</p>";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">[size="1"]";
                $ppage = $page-1;
                echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$ppage&amp;sid=$sid\">«PREV</a> ";
                $npage = $page+1;
                echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$npage&amp;sid=$sid\">Next»</a>";
              echo "
                $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]";
                  $rets .= "<go href=\"gallery.php\" method=\"get\">";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>";
                  $rets .= "</go></anchor>[/size]
                  echo $rets;
          echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Gallery Main</a>
          echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
          echo "Home</a>[/size]";
              echo "</p>";
          echo "</card>";
          else if($action=="viewuser")
                $who = $_GET["who"];
              addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Viewing user Photos","");
                   echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"User Photo\">";
              $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
              //////ALL gallery SCRIPT <<
              if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1;
              $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fun_gallery WHERE uid=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
              $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fun_gallery"));
              $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable
              $items_per_page= 1;
              $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page);
              if(($page>$num_pages)&&$page!=1)$page= $num_pages;
              $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page;
                  $sql = "SELECT id, sex, itemurl FROM fun_gallery WHERE uid=&#39;".$who."&#39; ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page";
          $sql = "SELECT id, sex, itemurl, uid FROM fun_gallery  ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">[size="1"]";
              $items = mysql_query($sql);
              echo mysql_error();
              while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items))
                $id = $item[0];
              $img = $item[2];
                  $lnk = "<img src=\"max.php?filename=$img\" alt=\"$id\"/>
              $rinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as nofr, SUM(prate) as nofp FROM fun_prate WHERE pid=&#39;".$id."&#39;"));
          $counts = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fun_prate WHERE pid=&#39;".$id."&#39;"));
          if($counts[0]>0) {
              $ther = $rinfo[1]/$rinfo[0];
              $rating = "Rating: $ther/$rinfo[1] (votes($counts[0]))
          $rating = "";
                   $gall = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fun_galcomments WHERE pid=&#39;".$id."&#39;"));
          $me = getuid_sid($sid);
          if($who=="$me") {
          $use = "<a href=\"genproc.php?action=useav&amp;sid=$sid&amp;gid=$item[0]\">Use as Avatar</a> | ";
          $use = "";
                if(candelgal($uid, $item[0]))
                  $delnk = "<a href=\"genproc.php?action=delgal&amp;sid=$sid&amp;gid=$item[0]\">Remove Photo</a>";
                  $delnk = "";
                echo "$lnk$rating<a href=\"$img\">Download Photo</a>
          <a href=\"gallery.php?who=$who&amp;action=comments&amp;sid=$sid&amp;gid=$item[0]\">Comments($gall[0])</a>
              echo "</p>";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                $ppage = $page-1;
                echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$ppage&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$who\">«PREV</a> ";
                $npage = $page+1;
                echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$npage&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$who\">Next»</a>";
              echo "
                 $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]";
                  $rets .= "<go href=\"gallery.php\" method=\"get\">";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>";
                  $rets .= "</go></anchor>";
                  echo $rets;
          echo "
          <a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">User Gallery</a>
            echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Home</a>";
              echo "</p>";
               echo "</card>";
          else if($action=="comments")
              $who = $_GET["who"];
          $gid = $_GET["gid"];
              addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Viewing Photo Comments","");
                      echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
              $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
              //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<
              if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1;
              $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fun_galcomments WHERE pid=&#39;".$gid."&#39;"));
              $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable
              $items_per_page= 5;
              $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page);
              if(($page>$num_pages)&&$page!=1)$page= $num_pages;
              $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page;
                 $sql = "SELECT id, pid, text, byuser, time FROM fun_galcomments WHERE pid=&#39;".$gid."&#39; ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page";
              echo "
              $items = mysql_query($sql);
              echo mysql_error();
              while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items))
              $iml = "<img src=\"images/onl.gif\" alt=\"+\"/>";
              $iml = "<img src=\"images/ofl.gif\" alt=\"-\"/>";
              $snick = getnick_uid($item[3]);
                $lnk = "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&amp;who=$item[3]&amp;sid=$sid\">$iml$snick</a>:";
                $bs = date("d m y-H:i:s",$item[4]);
                echo "$lnk
          $me = getuid_sid($sid);
          if($who=="$me") {
          $can = "a";
          $can = "b";
             $delnk = "<a href=\"modproc.php?action=delcmt&amp;sid=$sid&amp;id=$item[0]\">[x]</a>";
                  $delnk = "";
                $text = parsepm($item[2], $sid);
                echo "$text $delnk
          echo "$bs";
          echo "
                echo "[/size]";
              echo "</p>";
              echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                $ppage = $page-1;
                echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$ppage&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$who&amp;gid=$gid\">«PREV</a> ";
                $npage = $page+1;
                echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=$action&amp;page=$npage&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$who&amp;gid=$gid\">Next»</a>";
              echo "
                 $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]";
                  $rets .= "<go href=\"gallery.php\" method=\"get\">";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>";
                  $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>";
                  $rets .= "</go></anchor>";
                  echo $rets;
              echo "</p>";
            ////// UNTILL HERE >>
              echo "<p align=\"center\">";
             $me = getuid_sid($sid);
          if($me!="$who") {
              echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=addcomment&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$who&amp;gid=$gid\">Add Comment</a>
          echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">User Gallery</a>
              echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
          echo "Home</a>";
            echo "</p>";
            echo "</card>";
          else if($action=="addcomment")
              $who = $_GET["who"];
          $gid = $_GET["gid"];
              addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Adding Photo Comments","");
               echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
              $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
              $sql = "SELECT itemurl FROM fun_gallery  WHERE id=&#39;".$gid."&#39;";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
          $items = mysql_query($sql);
              echo mysql_error();
              while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items))
              $img = $item[0];
                $lnk = "<img src=\"max.php?filename=$img\" alt=\"$id\"/>
                echo "$lnk";
          echo "<go href=\"genproc.php?action=commentadd&amp;sid=$sid&amp;gid=$gid\" method=\"post\">";
          echo "<postfield name=\"text\" value=\"$(text)\"/>";
          echo "</go>";
            $vb = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fun_prate WHERE uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND pid=&#39;".$gid."&#39;"));
          $rinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as nofr, SUM(prate) as nofp FROM fun_prate WHERE pid=&#39;".$gid."&#39;"));
          $counts = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fun_prate WHERE pid=&#39;".$gid."&#39;"));
          if($counts[0]>0) {
              $ther = $rinfo[1]/$rinfo[0];
              $rating = "Rating: $ther/$rinfo[1] (votes$counts[0])
          $rating = "";
              echo "$rating";
          echo "[size="1"]Comment:[/size]
          echo "<input name=\"text\" maxlength=\"150\"/>
          echo "[size="1"]<anchor>Add Comment!";
          echo "<go href=\"genproc.php?action=commentadd&amp;sid=$sid&amp;gid=$gid\" method=\"post\">";
          echo "<postfield name=\"text\" value=\"$(text)\"/>";
          echo "</go></anchor>[/size]
              echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Gallery Main</a>
              echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
          echo "Home</a>[/size]";
            echo "</p>";
          echo "</card>";
                addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Lost in user gallery lol","");
                  echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kranic Wap\">";
            echo "<p align=\"center\">";
            echo "I don&#39;t know how did you get into here, but there&#39;s nothing to show
          echo "<a href=\"gallery.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">User Gallery</a>
            echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
          echo "Home</a>";
            echo "</p>";
          echo "</card>";

          post edited by wizard. use this file


            kwl ,


              i got the same error in male and female gallery


                i just found the best package ever


                look at the diamond hosting package , its kwl


                  wait rong topic lol my bad


                    i got the same error in male and female gallery[/b]

                    wats ur site link. i want to see it


                      search hear you will find 1 good gallery


                        search hear you will find 1 good gallery[/b]
                        hmm good gesture, but i dont need a new gallery... wizard here is the link bro kranicwap

