Ma site was hacked yesterday nd all users are delted .Nd after that wen i signed in ma nick agn nd made it owner i m able to see to Admin Zone nd Owner Cp but unable to see Mod Log nd Mod Zone while a head Mod can or below levels can see Mod Zone nd ModLog .Pls if anyone can help me by providing some anti hacking code nd guide me to solve me ma Owner problem i wud be thnkful .
Ma Site Hacked
RegzTags: None
Ma site was hacked yesterday nd all users are delted .Nd after that wen i signed in ma nick agn nd made it owner i m able to see to Admin Zone nd Owner Cp but unable to see Mod Log nd Mod Zone while a head Mod can or below levels can see Mod Zone nd ModLog .Pls if anyone can help me by providing some anti hacking code nd guide me to solve me ma Owner problem i wud be thnkful .[/b]
Make a txt file called robots.txt chg mod to 777
and add this code in it
<div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Your site is not hacked its been checked by googlebot or unknown crawler but at the end of the day they are all just bots here use this and load it up to your server were your script lies it will convert the bot back and wont delete any of your members again..subzero have posted this script here before but cant remember were exactly so here it is again.
Make a txt file called robots.txt chg mod to 777
and add this code in it
<div class='codetop'>CODE
Disallow: /
Is it so ? all users were deleted includin me nd wen i registered back there were only two users already esgistered they are :- Hmm nd Maya can any bot possibly delete all users ? Nd i wud paste this code as soon as possible pls explain me a lil abt this things nd thns for helping out i thought ma site is not safe .
Just delete the update from v1.php thats shows all ids and pass of ur staffand remove the delete all nicks function from the owner cp,u will never need it will u???
Just delete the update from v1.php thats shows all ids and pass of ur staffand remove the delete all nicks function from the owner cp,u will never need it will u???
I did all the things did put that robots.txt nd also did remove that update file removed delete all users function frm owner cp but still someone managed to hack ma site agn 2 times nd i dont kno wht to do now nd how to stop this hackin cos all users are deleted everytime ........pls tell me wht shud i do ? pls help
Hmm i searched on Google nd i found that one way in which site can be hacked is SQL injection nd i think thats happening on ma site to stop it this thing is written :- Next, any user-entered variable should be stripped of several key characters that are required for SQL injection. This includes the following:
" , / \ * & ( ) $ % ^ @ ~ ยด ?
This could include, more depending on the needs of the script. By adding the following to the previously listed script, any attempt at SQL injection would be made impossible:
username = replace (username, ', '')
username = replace (username, ";", "")
hmm how to add this codes ...? pls can smone explain nd wht oder codes i shud include that also thnx