Why dos this keep showing as html I thoufgt I converted it perfectly but it keeps showing error pars failed please help
And this 1 aswel
PHP Code:
//////////////////////////PM 2 ALL
else if($action=="toall")
addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Owner Tools","");
echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Owner Tools\">";
echo "<p align=\"center\">";
echo "<b>Owner Tools</b>";
echo "</p>";
echo "<p>";
echo "<form action=\"ownrproc.php?action=prvtall2&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
echo "Message:<input name=\"pmtou1\" maxlength=\"250\"/><br/>";
echo "Recipient:<select name=\"who\">";
echo "<option value=\"online\">Online Members Only</option>";
echo "</select><br/>";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\"/>";
echo "</p></form>";
echo "<p>";
echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">»Main Menu</a>";
echo "</p></card>";
PHP Code:
else if($action=="prvtall2")
$who = mysql_real_escape_string( $_REQUEST["who"] );
$pmtou1 = mysql_real_escape_string( $_REQUEST["pmtou1"] );
$byuid = getuid_sid($sid);
echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Owner Tools\">";
echo "<p align=\"center\">";
echo "Owner Control Panel";
$tm = microtime(get_as_float);
$lastpm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT MAX(timesent) FROM ibwf_private WHERE byuid='".$byuid."'"));
echo "<p>";
echo "<img src=\"../phpThumb/phpThumb.php?src=../images/check.png\" alt=\"x\"/>";
echo "The Online Members have been sent This Message<br/>";
echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\">»Owner Ttools</a>";
echo "</p>";
$pms = mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM ibwf_online ");
$tm = microtime(get_as_float);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='Public Anouncment:[br/]".$pmtou1."[br/]<i>This message was sent to all online members</i>', byuid='".$byuid."', touid='".$pm[0]."', timesent='".$tm."'");
echo "</p>";
echo "</card>";