when i ban a member he still have access to the site
code in the index
can anyone help with this please
<?php header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">"; ?> <wml> <?php include("config.php"); include("core.php"); connectdb(); $action = $_GET["action"]; $sid = $_GET["sid"]; if(!ismod(getuid_sid($sid))) { echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"$stitle\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "You are not a mod<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</card>"; exit(); } if(islogged($sid)==false) { echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"$stitle\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "You are not logged in<br/>"; echo "Or Your session has been expired<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</card>"; } addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Mod CP",""); if($action=="main") { echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Reports</b>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; $nrpm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_private WHERE reported='1'")); echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=rpm&sid=$sid\">»Pr. Messages($nrpm[0])</a><br/>"; $nrps = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_posts WHERE reported='1'")); echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=rps&sid=$sid\">»Posts($nrps[0])</a><br/>"; $nrtp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_topics WHERE reported='1'")); echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=rtp&sid=$sid\">»Topics($nrtp[0])</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Logs</b>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_mlog")); if($noi[0]>0){ $nola = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT (action) FROM ibwf_mlog ORDER BY actdt DESC"); while($act=mysql_fetch_array($nola)) { $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_mlog WHERE action='".$act[0]."'")); echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=log&sid=$sid&view=$act[0]\">$act[0]($noi[0])</a><br/>"; } } echo "</p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } /////////////////////////////////Reported PMs else if($action=="rpm") { $page = $_GET["page"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Reported PMs</b>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; echo "<small>"; if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1; $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_private WHERE reported ='1'")); $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable $items_per_page= 5; $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page); if($page>$num_pages)$page= $num_pages; $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page; $sql = "SELECT id, text, byuid, touid, timesent FROM ibwf_private WHERE reported='1' ORDER BY timesent DESC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page"; $items = mysql_query($sql); while ($item=mysql_fetch_array($items)) { $fromnk = getnick_uid($item[2]); $tonick = getnick_uid($item[3]); $dtop = date("d m y - H:i:s", $item[4]); $text = parsepm($item[1]); $flk = "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid&who=$item[2]\">$fromnk</a>"; $tlk = "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid&who=$item[3]\">$tonick</a>"; echo "From: $flk To: $tlk<br/>Time: $dtop<br/>"; echo $text; echo "<br/>"; echo "<a href=\"modproc.php?action=hpm&sid=$sid&pid=$item[0]\">Handle</a><br/><br/>"; } echo "</small>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; if($page>1) { $ppage = $page-1; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=$action&page=$ppage&sid=$sid\">«PREV</a> "; } if($page<$num_pages) { $npage = $page+1; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=$action&page=$npage&sid=$sid\">Next»</a>"; } echo "<br/>$page/$num_pages<br/>"; if($num_pages>2) { $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>"; $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]"; $rets .= "<go href=\"modcp.php\" method=\"get\">"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>"; $rets .= "</go></anchor>"; echo $rets; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Mod R/L</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } /////////////////////////////////Reported Posts else if($action=="rps") { $page = $_GET["page"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Reported Posts</b>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; echo "<small>"; if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1; $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_posts WHERE reported ='1'")); $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable $items_per_page= 5; $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page); if($page>$num_pages)$page= $num_pages; $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page; $sql = "SELECT id, text, tid, uid, dtpost FROM ibwf_posts WHERE reported='1' ORDER BY dtpost DESC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page"; $items = mysql_query($sql); while ($item=mysql_fetch_array($items)) { $poster = getnick_uid($item[3]); $tname = htmlspecialchars(gettname($item[3])); $dtop = date("d m y - H:i:s", $item[4]); $text = parsemsg($item[1]); $flk = "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid&who=$item[3]\">$poster</a>"; $tlk = "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewtpc&sid=$sid&tid=$item[2]\">$tname</a>"; echo "Poster: $flk<br/>In: $tlk<br/>Time: $dtop<br/>"; echo $text; echo "<br/>"; echo "<a href=\"modproc.php?action=hps&sid=$sid&pid=$item[0]\">Handle</a><br/><br/>"; } echo "</small>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; if($page>1) { $ppage = $page-1; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=$action&page=$ppage&sid=$sid\">«PREV</a> "; } if($page<$num_pages) { $npage = $page+1; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=$action&page=$npage&sid=$sid\">Next»</a>"; } echo "<br/>$page/$num_pages<br/>"; if($num_pages>2) { $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>"; $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]"; $rets .= "<go href=\"modcp.php\" method=\"get\">"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>"; 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ORDER BY actdt DESC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page"; $items = mysql_query($sql); while ($item=mysql_fetch_array($items)) { echo "Time: ".date("d m y-H:i:s", $item[0])."<br/>"; echo $item[1]; echo "<br/>"; } echo "</small>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; if($page>1) { $ppage = $page-1; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=$action&page=$ppage&sid=$sid&view=$view\">«PREV</a> "; } if($page<$num_pages) { $npage = $page+1; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=$action&page=$npage&sid=$sid&view=$view\">Next»</a>"; } echo "<br/>$page/$num_pages<br/>"; if($num_pages>2) { $rets = "Jump to page<input name=\"pg\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"/>"; $rets .= "<anchor>[GO]"; $rets .= "<go href=\"modcp.php\" method=\"get\">"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"action\" value=\"$action\"/>"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"view\" value=\"$view\"/>"; $rets .= "<postfield name=\"page\" value=\"$(pg)\"/>"; $rets .= "</go></anchor>"; echo $rets; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Mod R/L</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } /////////////////////////////////Reported Topics else if($action=="rtp") { $page = $_GET["page"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Reported Topics</b>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; echo "<small>"; if($page=="" || $page<=0)$page=1; $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_topics WHERE reported ='1'")); $num_items = $noi[0]; //changable $items_per_page= 5; $num_pages = ceil($num_items/$items_per_page); if($page>$num_pages)$page= $num_pages; $limit_start = ($page-1)*$items_per_page; $sql = "SELECT id, name, text, authorid, crdate FROM ibwf_topics WHERE reported='1' ORDER BY crdate DESC LIMIT $limit_start, $items_per_page"; $items = mysql_query($sql); while ($item=mysql_fetch_array($items)) { $poster = getnick_uid($item[3]); 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}else{ echo "<a href=\"modproc.php?action=ushld&sid=$sid&who=$who\">»Unshield</a><br/>"; } echo "</p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } //////////////////////////////////////Penalties Options else if($action=="penopt") { $who = $_GET["who"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $unick = getnick_uid($who); echo "What do you want to do with $unick"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; $pen[0]="Trash"; $pen[1]="Ban"; $pen[2]="Ban Ip"; echo "Penalty: <select name=\"pid\">"; for($i=0;$i<count($pen);$i++) { echo "<option value=\"$i\">$pen[$i]</option>"; } echo "</select><br/>"; echo "Reason: <input name=\"pres\" maxlength=\"100\"/><br/>"; echo "Days: <input name=\"pds\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"4\"/><br/>"; echo "Hours: <input name=\"phr\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"4\"/><br/>"; echo "Minutes: <input name=\"pmn\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"2\"/><br/>"; echo "Seconds: <input name=\"psc\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"2\"/><br/>"; echo "<anchor>PUNISH"; echo "<go href=\"modproc.php?action=pun&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<postfield name=\"who\" value=\"$who\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pid\" value=\"$(pid)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pres\" value=\"$(pres)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pds\" value=\"$(pds)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"phr\" value=\"$(phr)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pmn\" value=\"$(pmn)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"psc\" value=\"$(psc)\"/>"; echo "</go></anchor>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } //////////////////////////////////////Penalties Options else if($action=="plsopt") { $who = $_GET["who"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $unick = getnick_uid($who); echo "Add/Substract $unick's Plusses"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; $pen[0]="Substract"; $pen[1]="Add"; echo "Action: <select name=\"pid\">"; for($i=0;$i<count($pen);$i++) { echo "<option value=\"$i\">$pen[$i]</option>"; } echo "</select><br/>"; echo "Reason: <input name=\"pres\" maxlength=\"100\"/><br/>"; echo "Plusses: <input name=\"pval\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"3\"/><br/>"; echo "<anchor>Update"; echo "<go href=\"modproc.php?action=pls&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<postfield name=\"who\" value=\"$who\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pres\" value=\"$(pres)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pval\" value=\"$(pval)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pid\" value=\"$(pid)\"/>"; echo "</go></anchor>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } else{ echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "I don't know how did you get into here, but there's nothing to show<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ?></wml>
<?php header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">"; ?> <wml> <?php include("config.php"); include("core.php"); connectdb(); $action = $_GET["action"]; $sid = $_GET["sid"]; if(!ismod(getuid_sid($sid))) { echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"$stitle\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "You are not a mod<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</card>"; exit(); } if(islogged($sid)==false) { echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"$stitle\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "You are not logged in<br/>"; echo "Or Your session has been expired<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</card>"; } addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Mod CP",""); if($action=="delp") { $pid = $_GET["pid"]; $tid = gettid_pid($pid); $fid = getfid_tid($tid); echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_posts WHERE id='".$pid."'"); if($res) { $tname = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name FROM ibwf_topics WHERE id='".$tid."'")); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='posts', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Deleted Post Number $pid Of the thread ".mysql_escape_string($tname[0])." at the forum ".getfname($fid)."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Post Message Deleted"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"index.php?action=viewtpc&sid=$sid&tid=$tid&page=1000\">"; echo "View Topic</a><br/>"; $fname = getfname($fid); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewfrm&sid=$sid&fid=$fid\">"; echo "$fname</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////Edit Post else if($action=="edtpst") { $pid = $_GET["pid"]; $ptext = $_POST["ptext"]; $tid = gettid_pid($pid); $fid = getfid_tid($tid); echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_posts SET text='" .$ptext."' WHERE id='".$pid."'"); if($res) { $tname = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name FROM ibwf_topics WHERE id='".$tid."'")); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='posts', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Edited Post Number $pid Of the thread ".mysql_escape_string($tname[0])." at the forum ".getfname($fid)."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Post Message Edited"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewtpc&sid=$sid&tid=$tid\">"; echo "View Topic</a><br/>"; $fname = getfname($fid); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewfrm&sid=$sid&fid=$fid\">"; echo "$fname</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////Edit Post else if($action=="edttpc") { $tid = $_GET["tid"]; $ttext = $_POST["ttext"]; $fid = getfid_tid($tid); echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_topics SET text='" .$ttext."' WHERE id='".$tid."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='topics', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Edited the text Of the thread ".mysql_escape_string(gettname($tid))." at the forum ".getfname($fid)."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Topic Message Edited"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewtpc&sid=$sid&tid=$tid\">"; echo "View Topic</a><br/>"; $fname = getfname($fid); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewfrm&sid=$sid&fid=$fid\">"; echo "$fname</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////////Close/ Open Topic else if($action=="clot") { $tid = $_GET["tid"]; $tdo = $_GET["tdo"]; $fid = getfid_tid($tid); echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_topics SET closed='" .$tdo."' WHERE id='".$tid."'"); if($res) { if($tdo==1) { $msg = "Closed"; }else{ $msg = "Opened"; } mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='topics', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Closed The thread ".mysql_escape_string(gettname($tid))." at the forum ".getfname($fid)."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Topic $msg"; $tpci = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name, authorid FROM ibwf_topics WHERE id='".$tid."'")); $tname = htmlspecialchars($tpci[0]); $msg = "your thread [topic=$tid]$tname"."[/topic] is $msg"."[br/][small][i]p.s: this is an automatic pm[/i][/small]"; autopm($msg, $tpci[1]); }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; $fname = getfname($fid); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewfrm&sid=$sid&fid=$fid\">"; echo "$fname</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////////Untrash user else if($action=="untr") { $who = $_GET["who"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_metpenaltiespl WHERE penalty='0' AND uid='".$who."'"); if($res) { $unick = getnick_uid($who); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='penalties', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Untrashed The user <b>".$unick."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>$unick Untrashed"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////////Unban user else if($action=="unbanonley") { $who = $_GET["who"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_metpenaltiespl WHERE (penalty='1' OR penalty='2') AND uid='".$who."'"); if($res) { $unick = getnick_uid($who); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='penalties', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Unbanned The user <b>".$unick."</b>', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>$unick Unbanned"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////////Delete shout else if($action=="delsh") { $shid = $_GET["shid"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $sht = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT shouter, shout FROM ibwf_shouts WHERE id='".$shid."'")); $msg = getnick_uid($sht[0]); $msg .= ": ".htmlspecialchars((strlen($sht[1])<20?$sht[1]:substr($sht[1], 0, 20))); $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_shouts WHERE id ='".$shid."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='shouts', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Deleted the shout <b>".$shid."</b> - $msg', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Shout deleted"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////////Unban user else if($action=="shld") { $who = $_GET["who"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $res = mysql_query("Update ibwf_users SET shield='1' WHERE id='".$who."'"); if($res) { $unick = getnick_uid($who); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='penalties', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Shielded The user <b>".$unick."</b>', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>$unick is Shielded"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////////Unban user else if($action=="ushld") { $who = $_GET["who"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $res = mysql_query("Update ibwf_users SET shield='0' WHERE id='".$who."'"); if($res) { $unick = getnick_uid($who); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='penalties', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Unshielded The user <b>".$unick."</b>', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>$unick is Unshielded"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////////Pin/ Unpin Topic else if($action=="pint") { $tid = $_GET["tid"]; $tdo = $_GET["tdo"]; $fid = getfid_tid($tid); echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $pnd = getpinned($fid); if($pnd<=5) { $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_topics SET pinned='" .$tdo."' WHERE id='".$tid."'"); if($res) { if($tdo==1) { $msg = "Pinned"; }else{ $msg = "Unpinned"; } mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='topics', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> $msg The thread ".mysql_escape_string(gettname($tid))." at the forum ".getfname($fid)."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Topic $msg"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>You can only pin 5 topics in every forum"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; $fname = getfname($fid); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewfrm&sid=$sid&fid=$fid\">"; echo "$fname</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////Delete the damn thing else if($action=="delt") { $tid = $_GET["tid"]; $fid = getfid_tid($tid); echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $tname=gettname($tid); $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_topics WHERE id='".$tid."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_posts WHERE tid='".$tid."'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='topics', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Deleted The thread ".mysql_escape_string($tname)." at the forum ".getfname($fid)."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Topic Deleted"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; $fname = getfname($fid); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewfrm&sid=$sid&fid=$fid\">"; echo "$fname</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////Edit Post else if($action=="rentpc") { $tid = $_GET["tid"]; $tname = $_POST["tname"]; $fid = getfid_tid($tid); echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $otname = gettname($tid); if(trim($tname!="")) { $not = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_topics WHERE name LIKE '".$tname."' AND fid='".$fid."'")); if($not[0]==0) { $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_topics SET name='" .$tname."' WHERE id='".$tid."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='topics', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Renamed The thread ".mysql_escape_string($otname)." to ".mysql_escape_string($tname)." at the forum ".getfname($fid)."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Topic Renamed"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Topic Name already exist"; } }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>You must specify a name for the topic"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewtpc&sid=$sid&tid=$tid\">"; echo "View Topic</a><br/>"; $fname = getfname($fid); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewfrm&sid=$sid&fid=$fid\">"; echo "$fname</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////Move topic else if($action=="mvt") { $tid = $_GET["tid"]; $mtf = $_POST["mtf"]; $fname = htmlspecialchars(getfname($mtf)); //$fid = getfid_tid($tid); echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $not = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_topics WHERE name LIKE '".$tname."' AND fid='".$mtf."'")); if($not[0]==0) { $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_topics SET fid='" .$mtf."', moved='1' WHERE id='".$tid."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='topics', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Moved The thread ".mysql_escape_string($tname)." to forum ".getfname($fid)."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); $tpci = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name, authorid FROM ibwf_topics WHERE id='".$tid."'")); $tname = htmlspecialchars($tpci[0]); $msg = "your thread [topic=$tid]$tname"."[/topic] Was moved to $fname forum[br/][small][i]p.s: this is an automatic pm[/i][/small]"; autopm($msg, $tpci[1]); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Topic Moved"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Topic Name already exist"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewfrm&sid=$sid&fid=$mtf\">"; echo "$fname</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } //////////////////////////////////////////Handle PM else if($action=="hpm") { $pid = $_GET["pid"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT byuid, touid FROM ibwf_private WHERE id='".$pid."'")); $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_private SET reported='2' WHERE id='".$pid."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='handling', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> handled The PM ".$pid."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>PM Handled"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid&who=$info[0]\">PM Sender's Profile</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid&who=$info[1]\">PM Reporter's Profile</a><br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Mod R/L</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } //////////////////////////////////////////Handle Post else if($action=="hps") { $pid = $_GET["pid"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT uid, tid FROM ibwf_posts WHERE id='".$pid."'")); $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_posts SET reported='2' WHERE id='".$pid."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='handling', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> handled The Post ".$pid."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Post Handled"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; $poster = getnick_uid($info[0]); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid&who=$info[0]\">$poster's Profile</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewtpc&sid=$sid&tid=$info[1]\">View Topic</a><br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Mod R/L</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } //////////////////////////////////////////Handle Topic else if($action=="htp") { $pid = $_GET["tid"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT authorid FROM ibwf_topics WHERE id='".$pid."'")); $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_topics SET reported='2' WHERE id='".$pid."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='handling', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> handled The topic ".mysql_escape_string(gettname($pid))."', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Topic Handled"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; $poster = getnick_uid($info[0]); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid&who=$info[0]\">$poster's Profile</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=viewtpc&sid=$sid&tid=$pid\">View Topic</a><br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"modcp.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Mod R/L</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ////////////////////////////////////////Punish else if($action=="pun") { $pid = $_POST["pid"]; $who = $_POST["who"]; $pres = $_POST["pres"]; $pds = $_POST["pds"]; $phr = $_POST["phr"]; $pmn = $_POST["pmn"]; $psc = $_POST["psc"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $uip = ""; $ubr = ""; $pmsg[0]="Trashed"; $pmsg[1]="Banned"; $pmsg[2]="IP-Banned"; if($pid=='2') { //ip ban $uip = getip_uid($who); $ubr = getbr_uid($who); } if(trim($pres)=="") { echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>You must Specify a reson for punishing the user"; }else{ $timeto = $pds*24*60*60; $timeto += $phr*60*60; $timeto += $pmn*60; $timeto += $psc; $ptime = $timeto + (time() - $timeadjust); $unick = getnick_uid($who); $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_metpenaltiespl SET uid='".$who."', penalty='".$pid."', exid='".getuid_sid($sid)."', timeto='".$ptime."', pnreas='".mysql_escape_string($pres)."', ipadd='".$uip."', browserm='".$ubr."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET lastpnreas='".$pmsg[$pid].": ".mysql_escape_string($pres)."' WHERE id='".$who."'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='penalties', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> $pmsg[$pid] The user <b>".$unick."</b> For ".$timeto." Seconds', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>$unick is $pmsg[$pid] for $timeto Seconds"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } } echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ////////////////////////////////////////Punish else if($action=="pls") { $pid = $_POST["pid"]; $who = $_POST["who"]; $pres = $_POST["pres"]; $pval = $_POST["pval"]; echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $unick = getnick_uid($who); $opl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'")); if($pid=='0') { $npl = $opl[0] - $pval; }else{ $npl = $opl[0] + $pval; } if($npl<0) { $npl=0; } if(trim($pres)=="") { echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>You must Specify a reson for updating $unick's Plusses"; }else{ $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET lastplreas='".mysql_escape_string($pres)."', plusses='".$npl."' WHERE id='".$who."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_mlog SET action='penalties', details='<b>".getnick_uid(getuid_sid($sid))."</b> Updated <b>".$unick."</b> plusses from ".$opl[0]." to $npl', actdt='".(time() - $timeadjust)."'"); echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>$unick's Plusses Updated From $opl[0] to $npl"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Database Error"; } } echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } else{ echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Mod CP\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "I don't know how did you get into here, but there's nothing to show<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; echo "</p></card>"; } ?></wml>
<? echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" > <?php include("config.php"); include("core.php"); $bcon = connectdb(); if (!$bcon) { echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>$stitle</title>\n"; echo "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style/style.css\" />"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"must-revalidate\" />\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n"; echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<img src=\"images/exit.gif\" alt=\"*\"/><br/>"; echo "ERROR! cannot connect to database<br/><br/>"; echo "This error happens usually when backing up the database, please be patient, The site will be up any minute<br/><br/>"; echo "you can temperoray be in this site <a href=\"http://4wap.co.cc\">4wap</a> while spiderwap is offline<br/>"; echo "<b>THANK YOU VERY MUCH</b>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } //protect against sql injections and remove $ sign if( !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { if( is_array($_GET) ) { while( list($k, $v) = each($_GET) ) { if( is_array($_GET[$k]) ) { while( list($k2, $v2) = each($_GET[$k]) ) { $_GET[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2); } @reset($_GET[$k]); } else { $_GET[$k] = addslashes($v); } } @reset($_GET); } if( is_array($_POST) ) { while( list($k, $v) = each($_POST) ) { if( is_array($_POST[$k]) ) { while( list($k2, $v2) = each($_POST[$k]) ) { $_POST[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2); } @reset($_POST[$k]); } else { $_POST[$k] = addslashes($v); } } @reset($_POST); } } $brws = explode(" ", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $ubr = $brws[0]; $uip = getip(); $action = $_GET["action"]; $sid = $_GET["sid"]; $page = $_GET["page"]; $who = $_GET["who"]; $uid = getuid_sid($sid); $theme = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT theme FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$uid."'")); //session_start(); cleardata(); if(isipbanned($uip,$ubr)) { if(!isshield(getuid_sid($sid))) { echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>SpiderWap</title>\n"; echo "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style/style.css\" />"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"must-revalidate\" />\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n"; echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/><br/>"; echo "This IP address is blocked<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; echo "How ever we grant a shield against IP-Ban for our great users, you can try to see if you are shielded by trying to log-in, if you kept coming to this page that means you are not shielded, so come back when the ip-ban period is over<br/><br/>"; $banto = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT timeto FROM ibwf_penalties WHERE penalty='2' AND ipadd='".$uip."' AND browserm='".$ubr."' LIMIT 1 ")); //echo mysql_error(); $remain = $banto[0] - time(); $rmsg = gettimemsg($remain); echo " IP: $rmsg<br/><br/>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } } if(($action != "") && ($action!="terms") && ($action!="gviewfrm") && ($action!="gviewcat") && ($action!="gviewtpc") && ($action!="gforumindx")) { $uid = getuid_sid($sid); if((islogged($sid)==false)||($uid==0)) { echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>SpiderWap</title>\n"; echo "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style/style.css\" />"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"must-revalidate\" />\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n"; echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "You are not logged in<br/>"; echo "Or Your session has been expired<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } } //echo isbanned($uid); if(isbanned($uid)) { echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>SpiderWap</title>\n"; echo "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style/style.css\" />"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"must-revalidate\" />\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n"; echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/><br/>"; echo "You are <b>Banned</b><br/>"; $banto = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT timeto FROM ibwf_penalties WHERE uid='".$uid."' AND penalty='1'")); $banres = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastpnreas FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$uid."'")); $remain = $banto[0]- time(); $rmsg = gettimemsg($remain); echo "Time to finish your penalty: $rmsg<br/><br/>"; echo "Ban Reason: $banres[0]"; echo "</p>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET browserm='".$ubr."', ipadd='".$uip."' WHERE id='".getuid_sid($sid)."'");
<?php include("config.php"); include("core.php"); connectdb(); //protect against sql injections and remove $ sign if( !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { if( is_array($_GET) ) { while( list($k, $v) = each($_GET) ) { if( is_array($_GET[$k]) ) { while( list($k2, $v2) = each($_GET[$k]) ) { $_GET[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2); } @reset($_GET[$k]); } else { $_GET[$k] = addslashes($v); } } @reset($_GET); } if( is_array($_POST) ) { while( list($k, $v) = each($_POST) ) { if( is_array($_POST[$k]) ) { while( list($k2, $v2) = each($_POST[$k]) ) { $_POST[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2); } @reset($_POST[$k]); } else { $_POST[$k] = addslashes($v); } } @reset($_POST); } } $bcon = connectdb(); $uid = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET["loguid"] ); $pwd = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET["logpwd"] ); $theme = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT theme FROM ibwf_users WHERE name='".$uid."'")); header("Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>"; echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN\"\"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd\">"; echo "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">"; $netwerk=network(ip(),1); mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET subno='".$netwerk."' WHERE name='".$uid."'"); echo "<head><title>$uid@$stitle.co.za</title>"; if($theme){echo "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style/$theme[0]\" />";} else{echo "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style/style.css\" />";} echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"must-revalidate\" />"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\"/>"; echo "<body>"; if (!$bcon) { echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div align=\"center\">"; echo "<img src=\"images/exit.gif\" alt=\"*\"/><br/>"; echo "ERROR! cannot connect to database<br/><br/>"; echo "This error happens usually when backing up the database, please be patient, The site will be up any minute<br/><br/>"; echo "<b>THANK YOU VERY MUCH</b>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } $tolog = false; $tolog = false; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div align=\"center\">"; echo "<small>"; echo "<img src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"*\"/><br/>"; echo "Bookmark THIS page to avoid repeating the login proccess in the future<br/><br/>"; $uinf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_users WHERE name='".$uid."'")); if($uinf[0]==0) { //Check for user ID echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>UserID doesn't exist<br/><br/>"; }else{ //check for pwd $epwd = md5($pwd); $uinf = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_users WHERE name='".$uid."' AND pass='".$epwd."'")); if($uinf[0]==0) { echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Incorrect Password<br/><br/>"; }else{ $tm = time(); $xtm = $tm + (getsxtm()*60); $did = $uid.$tm; $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_ses SET id='".md5($did)."', uid='".getuid_nick($uid)."', expiretm='".$xtm."'"); if($res) { $tolog=true; echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"+\"/>Logged in successfully as $uid<br/>"; $idn = getuid_nick($uid); $lact = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastact FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$idn."'")); mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET lastvst='".$lact[0]."' WHERE id='".$idn."'"); }else{ //is user already logged in? $logedin = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT (*) FROM ibwf_ses WHERE uid='".$getuid_nick($uid)."'")); if($logedin[0]>0) { //yip, so let's just update the expiration time $xtm = time() + (getsxtm()*60); $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_ses SET expiretm='".$xtm."' WHERE uid='".getuid_nick($uid)."'"); if($res) { $tolog=true; echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"+\"/>Logged in successfully as <b>$uid</b><br/><br/>"; echo "Bookmark <b>THIS PAGE</b> to avoid the login process in the future.<br/><br/>"; $lact = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastact FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$idn."'")); mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET lastvst='".$lact[0]."' WHERE id='".$idn."'"); mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET lastact='".time()."' WHERE id='".$idn."'"); }else{ echo "<img src=\"images/point.gif\" alt=\"!\"/>Can't login at the time, plz try later<br/>"; //no chance this could happen unless there's error in mysql connection } } } echo "<br/><br/><b>Welcome back!!</b><br/>"; echo "$stitle, your no.1 online community!!!<br/>"; echo "We're still new and need members, please tell your friends about us<br/>"; echo "Enjoy!!<br/><br/>"; } } if($tolog) { $sid = md5($did); echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo ">>Enter<<</a><br/><br/>"; }else{ echo "<a href=\"index.php\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a>"; } echo "</small></div>"; echo "<div class=\"ahblock2\">"; echo "</div>"; echo "<p>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</body>"; ?> </html>