hi there friends i have been working on a chapel page well changing it so it fits my site and when i go to see the site and look at the chapel i get a white page and any one tell me why this is happening please here is the coding i am using
i have been trying to think what it can be but not getting any where with it this is also my first time i am doing this as well i am new to this coding this chapel id for the wapdesire v_2 script
thanks to any person that can help get this working or that can help me fix this problem
<?php define('WCS',true); include('./core/main.inc'); header_type(); cleardata(); if(ipbanned(ip(),browser())){ if(!shield(getuid_sid($sid))){ echo head_tag("Ip Blocked!!!",0,0); echo ipbanned_msg(); echo foot_tag(); exit(); } } if(!islogged($sid)){ echo head_tag("Error!!!",0,0); echo session_expired(); echo foot_tag(); exit(); } if(banned(getuid_sid($sid))){ echo head_tag("Error!!!",1,getnick_sid($sid)); echo banned_msg($sid); echo foot_tag(); exit(); } if($pass!=""){$pw="&pass=$pass";} if($rid!=""){ $rooms=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM chatrooms WHERE id='".$rid."'")); $rname=$rooms[1]; $chatlink="&rid=$rid$pw"; } mysql_query("UPDATE users SET browser='".browser()."', ipaddress='".ip()."', host='".subno()."' WHERE id='".getuid_sid($sid)."'"); if($aciton=="chapel") { addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"in chapel","chapel.php"); echo head_tag(getnick_sid($sid)."@chapel",1,getnick_sid($sid)); $main= "<p align=\"center\">"; $main= "<u><b> $sitename Chapel</b></u><br/>"; $main= "<img src=\"../images/chapel.gif\" alt=\"Chapel\"/><br/>"; $main= "Welcome To $sitename Chapel. <br/>"; $main= "Marry that special someone online.<br/><br/>"; $couple = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who, partner, req FROM couple WHERE partner='".$uid."'")); if($couple[2]=='1') { $unick = getnick_uid($couple[1]); $nick = getnick_uid($couple[0]); $nopl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sex FROM users WHERE id='".$couple[0]."'")); if($nopl[0]=='M') { $usex = "Husband"; }else if($nopl[0]=='F'){ $usex = "Wife"; }else{ $usex = "Partner"; } $main.="<b>Marriage Between $unick and $nick</b><br/><br/>"; $main.="Your Only one step away from Marrying your true love. All you need to do is read and accept the vows below<br/><br/>"; $main.="$unick, do you take user to be your wedded $usex to live together in marriage.<br/>"; $main.="Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep <br/>"; $main.="For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.<br/>"; $main.="And forsaking all others, be faithful only to<br/>"; $main.="so long as you both shall live?<br/><br/>"; $main.="<a href=\"chapel.php?action=reqacc&sid=$sid&who=$couple[0]\">Yes, I Do</a><br/>"; $main.="<a href=\"chapel.php?action=reqref&sid=$sid&who=$couple[1]\">Sorry, I Dont</a><br/><br/>"; }else{ $main.="To Begin Please Enter The Nickname Of The User You Want to Marry, A PM will be sent<br/>"; $main.="To them asking if they wish to marry you and inviting them to the chapel to complete the service.<br/>"; $main.="By Sending the message below you agree to the below vows also<br/><br/>"; $nick = getnick_sid($sid); $main.="$nick, do you take $unick, to be your wedded [wife/husband] to live together in marriage.<br/>"; $main.="Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep [him/her]<br/>"; $main.="For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.<br/>"; $main.="And forsaking all others, be faithful only to<br/>"; $main.="[him/her] so long as you both shall live?<br/><br/>"; $whonick = getnick_uid($who); $main.="<form action=\"chapel.php?action=getreq&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">"; $main.="<center>Username:<br/><input name=\"usr\" maxlength=\"25\"/></center>"; //$main.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"usr\" value=\"$(usr)\"/>"; $main.="<center><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"I Do\"></center></form>"; } $rukiya = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM couple WHERE (who='".$uid."' OR partner='".$uid."') AND accept='1'")); if ($rukiya[0]=="1") { $main.="<center><a href=\"chapel.php?action=div&sid=$sid\">Divorce!</a></center><br/>"; } $main.="<center><small>Please Note: This Marriage IS NOT Legally Binding</small></center><br/>"; $L6="$zerokey<a $key0 href=\"./main.php?sid=$sid\"><img src=\"./images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Main Menu</a>"; echo xhtml($sid,$title,1,$L1,$L2,$L3,$L4,$L5,$L6,0,0,$main); echo foot_tag(); exit; } else if($action=="getreq") { addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"$sitename Chapel ($mmsg)",""); $main.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">"; $main.="<p align=\"center\">"; $usr = $_POST["usr"]; $usr = mysql_real_escape_string($usr); $usr = getuid_nick($usr); $we = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who, partner, accept, req FROM couple WHERE who='".$uid."'")); if($we[2]=='1') { $wer = getnick_uid($we[1]); $main.="You're already married to $wer!<br/><br/>"; $L6="$zerokey<a $key0 href=\"./main.php?sid=$sid\"><img src=\"./images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Main Menu</a>"; echo xhtml($sid,$title,1,$L1,$L2,$L3,$L4,$L5,$L6,0,0,$main); echo foot_tag(); exit; } $me = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who, partner, accept, req FROM couple WHERE partner='".$uid."'")); if($me[2]=='1') { $sya = getnick_uid($me[0]); $main.="You're already married to $sya!<br/><br/>"; $L6="$zerokey<a $key0 href=\"./main.php?sid=$sid\"><img src=\"./images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Main Menu</a>"; echo xhtml($sid,$title,1,$L1,$L2,$L3,$L4,$L5,$L6,0,0,$main); echo foot_tag(); exit; } $sex1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sex FROM profiles WHERE id='".$uid."'")); $sex2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sex FROM profiles WHERE id='".$usr."'")); if($usr==0) { $main.="User Does Not exist<br/>"; }else if($usr==$uid) { $main.="lol.. Why do you wanna marry yourself? PMPL..<br/>"; $main.="<a href=\"chapel.php?action=chapel&sid=$sid\">back</a><br/>"; } elseif($sex1[0]!=$sex2[0]) { $whonick = getnick_uid($usr); $couple = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who, partner, accept, req FROM couple WHERE partner='".$usr."'")); if($couple[2]=='1') { $sya = getnick_uid($couple[0]); $main.="$whonick is already married to $sya. Try your luck to other users!<br/><br/>"; } $byuid = getuid_sid($sid); $tm = time(); if((!isignored($byuid, $who))&&(!istrashed($byuid))) { $unick = getnick_uid($uid); $pmtext = "(bemine) $unick would like to To ask For your hand in marriage, to accept or refuse visit the chapel link in the site main page [br/][small]p.s: this is an automatic pm[/small]"; $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='".$pmtext."', byuid='".$byuid."', touid='".$usr."', timesent='".$tm."'"); }else{ $res = true; } if($res) { $main.="<u><b> $sitename Chapel</b></u>"; $main.="<br/>Here You Can Get Married Online.<br/><br/>"; $main.="Marriage Request was sent successfully to $whonick<br/>"; $main.="Please wait for a response<br/><br/>"; $main.="<small>Please Note: This Marriage IS NOT Legally Binding</small><br/>"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO couple SET req='1', partner='".$usr."', who='".$uid."', time='".time()."'"); }else{ $main.="Can't Send your Request to $whonick<br/><br/>"; } } $L6="$zerokey<a $key0 href=\"./main.php?sid=$sid\"><img src=\"./images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Main Menu</a>"; echo xhtml($sid,$title,1,$L1,$L2,$L3,$L4,$L5,$L6,0,0,$main); echo foot_tag(); exit; } else if($action=="reqacc") { $who = $_GET["who"]; addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"$sitename Chapel ($mmsg)",""); $main.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">"; $main.="<p align=\"center\">"; $main.="<b> $sitename Chapel</b><br/><br/>"; $byuid = getuid_sid($sid); $nick = getnick_uid($uid); $main.="Congratulations! You are Marriage To $nick Is Complete. We Hope You Are Both Happy in your new Relationship.<br/><br/>"; $msg = "Congratulations! You are Marriage To $nick Is Complete. We Hope You Are Both Happy in your new Relationship [br/][small]p.s: this is an automatic pm[/small]"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='".$msg."', byuid='".$byuid."', touid='".$who."', unread='1', timesent='".time()."'"); mysql_query("UPDATE couple SET accept='1', req='2', joined='".time()."' WHERE partner='".$uid."' AND who='".$who."'"); $nick = getnick_uid($who); $byuid = getuid_sid($sid); $unick = getnick_uid($byuid); $fmsg = "$nick and I just get married!"; mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET shouts='".$fmsg."' WHERE id='".$byuid."'"); $main.="<small>Please Note: This Marriage IS NOT Legally Binding</small><br/>"; $L6="$zerokey<a $key0 href=\"./main.php?sid=$sid\"><img src=\"./images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Main Menu</a>"; echo xhtml($sid,$title,1,$L1,$L2,$L3,$L4,$L5,$L6,0,0,$main); echo foot_tag(); exit; } else if($action=="reqref") { $who = $_GET["who"]; addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"$sitename Chapel ($mmsg)",""); $main.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">"; $main.="<p align=\"center\">"; $main.="<b> $sitename Chapel</b><br/><br/>"; $nick = getnick_uid($who); $main.="Ohh.. We are sorry to hear about Your Decision, your proposer has been informed of your decison, thank you.<br/><br/>"; $byuid = getuid_sid($sid); $couple = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who, partner FROM couple WHERE partner='".$uid."'")); $msg = "Sorry, $nick has refused your proposal.(blink) we are sorry to hear this, but feel free to try again at a later date [small]p.s: this is an automatic pm[/small]"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO inbox SET text='".$msg."', byuid='".$byuid."', touid='".$couple[0]."', unread='1', timesent='".time()."'"); $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM couple WHERE partner='".$uid."' AND who='".$couple[0]."'"); $main.="<small>Please Note: This Marriage IS NOT Legally Binding</small><br/>"; $L6="$zerokey<a $key0 href=\"./main.php?sid=$sid\"><img src=\"./images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Main Menu</a>"; echo xhtml($sid,$title,1,$L1,$L2,$L3,$L4,$L5,$L6,0,0,$main); echo foot_tag(); exit; }else if($action=="div") { addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"$sitename Chapel ($mmsg)",""); $main.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">"; $main.="<p align=\"center\">"; //$me = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who, partner, accept, req FROM couple WHERE who ='".$uid."'")); $me = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who,partner FROM couple WHERE who='".$uid."' OR partner='".$uid."'")); //$you = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who, partner, accept, req FROM couple WHERE partner ='".$uid."'")); $nick = getnick_uid($me[0]); $unick = getnick_uid($me[1]); if($uid==$me[0]) { $main.="Do you really want to divorce $unick ?"; } if($uid==$me[1]) { $main.="Do you really want to divorce $nick ?"; } $wed = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT partner FROM couple WHERE who='".$uid."'")); if (!$wed) { $wed = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT who FROM couple WHERE partner='".$uid."'")); } $who = $wed[0]; $main.="<form action=\"chapel.php?action=sep&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">"; $main.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"who\" value=\"$who\"/>"; $main.="<center><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Yes\"></center></form>"; $main.="<center><a href=\"chapel.php?action=chapel&sid=$sid\">No</a></center><br/><center>----</center><br/>"; $main.="<center><a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Main Menu</a></center>"; $main.="</p>"; $main.="</body>"; }else if($action=="sep") { addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"$sitename Chapel ($mmsg)",""); $main.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">"; $main.="<p align=\"center\">"; $who = $_POST["who"]; $uid = getuid_sid($sid); $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM couple WHERE who='".$uid."' OR partner='".$uid."'"); $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM couple WHERE who='".$who."' OR partner='".$who."'"); if($res) { $nick = getnick_uid($who); $nic = getnick_uid($uid); $msg = "A very sad news for you:( ! $nic has devorced you.We are extreamly sorry for the broke up (gifimage34). Be patient![br/][small]p.s: this is an automatic pm[/small]"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO inbox SET text='".$msg."', byuid='".$uid."', touid='".$who."', unread='1', timesent='".time()."'"); $main.="You have successfully divorced $nick !<br/><br/>"; }else{ $main.="Database Error!<br/><br/>"; } $L6="$zerokey<a $key0 href=\"./main.php?sid=$sid\"><img src=\"./images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Main Menu</a>"; echo xhtml($sid,$title,1,$L1,$L2,$L3,$L4,$L5,$L6,0,0,$main); echo foot_tag(); exit; } ?>
thanks to any person that can help get this working or that can help me fix this problem