yes yes i know this has been posted before and i have tried and failed with many variations of scripts that have it but i still cant get mine to work.
wen i join up a test user i get online time like 42 years or sumat,.
i have added all the bits in core and register parts in core.
updated login . but ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol .
heres wot i got
register part of core
cheers in advance
wen i join up a test user i get online time like 42 years or sumat,.
i have added all the bits in core and register parts in core.
updated login . but ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol .
heres wot i got
function addonline($uid,$place,$plclink) { /////delete inactive users $tm = (time() - $timeadjust) ; $timeout = $tm - 420; //time out = 5 minutes $deloff = mysql_query("DELETE FROM dave_online WHERE actvtime <'".$timeout."'"); ///now try to add user to online list and add total time online $lastactive = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastact FROM dave_users WHERE id='".$uid."'")); $tolsla = (time() - $timeadjust) - $lastactive[0]; $totaltimeonline = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT tottimeonl FROM dave_users WHERE id='".$uid."'")); $totaltimeonline = $totaltimeonline[0] + $tolsla; $res = mysql_query("UPDATE dave_users SET tottimeonl='".$totaltimeonline."' WHERE id='".$uid."'"); $res = mysql_query("UPDATE dave_users SET lastact='".(time() - $timeadjust)."' WHERE id='".$uid."'"); $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO dave_online SET userid='".$uid."', actvtime='".$tm."', place='".$place."', placedet='".$plclink."'"); if(!$res) { //most probably userid already in the online list //so just update the place and time $res = mysql_query("UPDATE dave_online SET actvtime='".$tm."', place='".$place."', placedet='".$plclink."' WHERE userid='".$uid."'"); } $maxmem=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM dave_settings WHERE id='2'")); $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dave_online")); if($result[0]>=$maxmem[0]) { $tnow = date("D d M Y - H:i"); mysql_query("UPDATE dave_settings set name='".$tnow."', value='".$result[0]."' WHERE id='2'"); } $maxtoday = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT ppl FROM dave_mpot WHERE ddt='".date("d m y")."'")); if($maxtoday[0]==0||$maxtoday=="") { mysql_query("INSERT INTO dave_mpot SET ddt='".date("d m y")."', ppl='1', dtm='".date("H:i:s")."'"); $maxtoday[0]=1; } if($result[0]>=$maxtoday[0]) { mysql_query("UPDATE dave_mpot SET ppl='".$result[0]."', dtm='".date("H:i:s")."' WHERE ddt='".date("d m y")."'"); } }
$reg = mysql_query("INSERT INTO dave_users SET name='".$name."', pass='".$pass."', birthday='".$year.$month.$day."', sex='".$usex."', location='".$uloc."', email='".$email."',news='".$news."', signature='".$info."', regdate='".time()."', validated='".$validated."', ipadd='".getip()."',lastvst='".(time() - $timeadjust)."', browserm='".browser()."'");
$lact = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastact FROM dave_users WHERE id=".getuid_nick($uid)."")); mysql_query("UPDATE dave_users SET lastvst='".$lact[0]."' WHERE id=".getuid_nick($uid)."")); mysql_query("UPDATE dave_users SET lastact='".(time() - $timeadjust)."' WHERE id=".getuid_nick($uid).""));