From i got a error white screen in genproc.php its a good script can some body test and fix it!!
in genproc.php
in php.ini temp directory "/home/..../pkfiles"
file upload on
max upload 2MB
The file was working in folder only problem in mysql it doest update the file enter my problem is Give me white screen i think in mysql got an error or in genproc test this guys heres my sql table 4 this!
//////////////////////////////////////////add vault else if($action=="addvlt") { if(!getplusses(getuid_sid($sid))>25) { echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "At least you should have 25 plusses to add an item to your vault<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid&type=send\">Main Menu</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</card>"; echo "</wml>"; exit(); } addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"v2:Adding Vault Item","index.php?action=$action"); echo "<title>Add Vault</title>"; echo "<p align=\"left\">Earn more plusses by adding more files :)<br/><a href=\"$sid&ver=html\">Upload files from your Phone</a><br/>"; echo "<form action=\"genproc.php?action=addvlt&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">"; echo "Item Name: <input name=\"viname\" maxlength=\"50\"/><br/>"; echo "Item URL: <input name=\"vilink\" maxlength=\"255\" value=\"http://\"/><br/>"; echo "Description: <input name=\"videsc\" maxlength=\"50\"/><br/>"; echo "<select name=\"did\">"; echo "<option value=\"1\">Symbian Software</option>"; echo "<option value=\"2\">Java Software</option>"; echo "<option value=\"3\">Anti Virus</option>"; echo "<option value=\"4\">s40v2/s40v3-Themes</option>"; echo "<option value=\"5\">s60/s60v3/Nseries/-Themes </option>"; echo "<option value=\"6\">Sony Ericsson-Themes </option>"; echo "<option value=\"7\">s30/40/s40v2-Games </option>"; echo "<option value=\"8\">s60/s60v3 Games </option>"; echo "<option value=\"9\">Nseries/Eseries/Ngage-Games </option>"; echo "<option value=\"10\">Sony Ericsson-Games</option>"; echo "<option value=\"11\">Full MP3</option>"; echo "<option value=\"12\">3GP Videos</option>"; echo "<option value=\"13\">Scandal</option>"; echo "<option value=\"14\">Gameboy Games</option>"; echo "<option value=\"15\">Naruto-Themes/Poly/MP3</option>"; echo "<option value=\"16\">MP3/MIDI/WAV/POLY/AMR/RAR</option>"; echo "<option value=\"17\">Opera Software</option>"; echo "</select><br/>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Upload\"/>"; echo "</form>"; echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid&type=send\">"; echo "Main menu</a>"; echo "</p>"; }
in genproc.php
else if($action=="addvlt") { if(!getplusses(getuid_sid($sid))>25) { echo "<title></title>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "Only the user of 25+ plusses can add a vault item<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Home</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } $viname = $_POST["viname"]; $vilink = $_POST["vilink"]; $videsc = $_POST["videsc"]; $did = $_POST["did"]; //$qut = $_POST["qut"]; $fname= array_reverse(explode("/",$vilink)); addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Adding A Vault Item","index.php?action=main"); error_reporting(0); if(strlen($viname)<5) { echo "<title></title>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "5 minimum letters for the title!"; echo "<br/><a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Main menu</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } if(strlen($vilink)<5) { echo "<title></title>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "5 minimum letters for the link!"; echo "<br/><a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Main menu</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } if(strlen($videsc)<5) { echo "<title></title>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "5 minimum letters for the description!"; echo "<br/><a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Main menu</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } if(spacesin($vilink)) { echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Error adding\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "No space input!<br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Main menu</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } $fname= array_reverse(explode("/",$vilink)); if (!eregi("\.(mid|gif|bmp|mid|midi|3gp|mp3|mp4|wav|mpn|nth|mpc|jar|jad|jpeg|jpg|sis|mmf|amr|thm|png|wbmp|rar|zip)$",$fname[0])) { echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Error adding\">"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Unsuported File extention!</b><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Main menu</a>"; echo "</p></card></wml>"; exit(); } echo "<title></title>"; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; $crdate = time(); //$uid = getuid_sid($sid); $res = false; $defaultDest = "$dir"; $slash = "/"; $dest = "./pkfiles/"; $fname= array_reverse(explode("/",$vilink)); $ds = array($dest, $slash, $fname[0]); $ds = implode("", $ds); if (!copy($vilink, $ds)) { echo "Dead link is not allowed!(<br/>"; }else{ $fname= array_reverse(explode("/",$vilink)); $ext = getext($fname[0]); $mime = getextfile($ext); $fname= array_reverse(explode("/",$vilink)); $filesize = filesize($ds); $filesize = $filesize / 1048576; $fsize = 0; $fsizetxt = ""; if ($filesize < 1) { $fsize = round($filesize*1024,0); $fsizetxt = "".$fsize."KB"; $check1 = "KB"; }else{ $fsize = round($filesize,2); $fsizetxt = "".$fsize." MB"; $check1 = "MB"; } $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_vault SET uid='".$uid."', title='".mysql_escape_string($viname)."', pudt='".$crdate."', did='".$did."', info='".$videsc."',filesize='".$fsizetxt."', mime='".$mime."', itemurl='".$fname[0]."'"); if($res) { mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=plusses-'5' WHERE id='".$uid."'"); echo "File added successfully!"; }else{ } } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">"; echo "Main menu</a>"; echo "</p>"; echo "</body>"; }
file upload on
max upload 2MB
The file was working in folder only problem in mysql it doest update the file enter my problem is Give me white screen i think in mysql got an error or in genproc test this guys heres my sql table 4 this!
-- -- Table structure for table `ibwf_vault` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ibwf_vault` ( `id` int(100) NOT NULL auto_increment, `uid` int(100) NOT NULL default '0', `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `pudt` int(100) NOT NULL default '0', `did` int(100) NOT NULL default '0', `info` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '0', `filesize` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `mime` int(100) NOT NULL default '0', `itemurl` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `downloads` int(100) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `uid` (`uid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `ibwf_vault` --
///////////////////////////////////////get file ext. function getext($strfnm) { $str = trim($strfnm); if (strlen($str)<4){ return $str; } for($i=strlen($str);$i>0;$i--) { $ext .= substr($str,$i,1); if(strlen($ext)==3) { $ext = strrev($ext); return $ext; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////get extension icon function getextimg($ext) { $ext = strtolower($ext); switch ($ext) { case "jpg": case "gif": case "png": case "bmp": return "<img src=\"\" alt=\"image\"/>"; break; case "zip": case "rar": return "<img src=\"\" alt=\"package\"/>"; break; case "amr": case "wav": case "mp3": return "<img src=\"\" alt=\"music\"/>"; break; case "mpg": case "3gp": return "<img src=\"\" alt=\"video\"/>"; break; default: return "<img src=\"\" alt=\"!\"/>"; break; } }