i m using 8ball game from mobilezomez script.
when i ask any question then,ball do not replying anything.
anybody please help me in this error
i m using 8ball game from mobilezomez script.
when i ask any question then,ball do not replying anything.
anybody please help me in this error
PHP Code:
else if($action == "8ball")
addonline(getuid_sid($sid), "Talking to magic ball", "");
echo "<p align=\"center\"><b><big>The Magic Ball</big></b></p>";
echo "<p align=\"center\">";
$gid = $_POST["gid"];
$un = $_POST["un"];
if($gid == "")
echo "<img src=\"images/8ball.jpg\" alt=\"8Ball\"/><br/>";
echo "<b><u>Magic Ball</u></b><br/>You can ask a question to magic ball and you'll get a reply, so start asking!<br/>";
echo "<b><i>Question:</i></b><br/>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"text\" value=\"\"/>";
echo "<br/>
<form action=\"games.php?action=8ball&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
echo "<input name=\"text\" id=\"inputText\"/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<input id=\"inputButton\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Ask\"/>";
echo "</form>";
$xfile = @file("text.txt");
$random_num = rand (0, count($xfile)-1);
$udata = explode("::", $xfile[$random_num]);
echo "<b><u>The ball says</u></b><br/>";
echo "<b><i>$udata[1]</i></b><br/>";
echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"games.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">«Back to Games</a><br/>";
echo "</p>";