Help 4 Crapside Script

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    Help 4 Crapside Script

    good script...I have install it...but not can register...any1 can help me 4 fix this problem???please...
    if like my post click:

    it is wapside now lol??? this was the SQL i used for this..
    -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
    -- version 2.11.0
    -- [url][/url]
    -- Host: localhost
    -- Generation Time: Feb 24, 2008 at 14:18 PM
    -- Server version: 5.0.45
    -- PHP Version: 5.2.3
    -- Database: `a3307824_1`
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_buddies`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_buddies` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `uid` text NOT NULL,
      `bid` text NOT NULL,
      `grp` int(255) NOT NULL,
      `accepted` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_buddies`
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_budgroups`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_budgroups` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `name` text NOT NULL,
      `uid` int(255) NOT NULL,
      `img` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_budgroups`
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(2, 'best friends', 0, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(3, 'good friends', 0, '2');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(4, 'friends', 0, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(5, 'acquaintances', 0, '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(6, 'havent met ', 0, '5');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(7, 'best friends', 107, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(8, 'good friends', 107, '2');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(9, 'friends', 107, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(10, 'acquaintances', 107, '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(11, 'havent met ', 107, '5');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(14, 'Gr8 FrIends', 108, '2');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(15, 'friends', 108, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(16, 'acquaintances', 108, '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(17, 'havent met ', 108, '5');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(21, '****s', 108, '3');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(22, 'test', 108, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(23, 'best friends', 109, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(24, 'good friends', 109, '2');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(25, 'friends', 109, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(26, 'acquaintances', 109, '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(27, 'havent met ', 109, '5');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(28, 'wap2k', 108, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(29, 'wap2k', 108, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(30, 'wap2k', 108, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(31, 'best friends', 110, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(32, 'good friends', 110, '2');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(33, 'friends', 110, '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(34, 'acquaintances', 110, '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_budgroups` VALUES(35, 'havent met ', 110, '5');
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_clubdata`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_clubdata` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `uid` text NOT NULL,
      `cid` text NOT NULL,
      `fid` text NOT NULL,
      `desci` text NOT NULL,
      `title` text NOT NULL,
      `ucid` text NOT NULL,
      `logo` text NOT NULL,
      `rules` text NOT NULL,
      `createdtime` text NOT NULL,
      `language` text NOT NULL,
      `private` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_clubdata`
    INSERT INTO `ws_clubdata` VALUES(24, '1', '252ba551', '252ba551', 'test', 'test', '1', 'haha', 'lol', '1188315302', 'english', '0');
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_clubmembers`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_clubmembers` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `uid` text NOT NULL,
      `cid` text NOT NULL,
      `cadmin` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_clubmembers`
    INSERT INTO `ws_clubmembers` VALUES(76, '79', '21', '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_clubmembers` VALUES(79, '1', '24', '1');
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_clubs`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_clubs` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `name` text NOT NULL,
      `type` text NOT NULL,
      `cid` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_clubs`
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_crooms`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_crooms` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `name` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_crooms`
    INSERT INTO `ws_crooms` VALUES(4, 'General');
    INSERT INTO `ws_crooms` VALUES(5, 'testing room');
    INSERT INTO `ws_crooms` VALUES(7, '$$(name)');
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_ctext`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_ctext` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `uid` text NOT NULL,
      `message` text NOT NULL,
      `privid` text NOT NULL,
      `time` text NOT NULL,
      `cid` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_ctext`
    INSERT INTO `ws_ctext` VALUES(26, '50', 'test', '', '1176329541', '2');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ctext` VALUES(27, '50', 'tst', '', '11:06:22', '1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ctext` VALUES(28, '50', 'yo', '', '11:06:41', '2');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ctext` VALUES(29, '79', 'Test..!', '', '15:09:29', '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ctext` VALUES(31, '100', 'test <wml> card id="test1"></p></card>"', '', '00:06:48', '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ctext` VALUES(32, '100', 'insert into $$ws_users WHERE', '', '00:07:39', '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ctext` VALUES(33, '101', 'tst', '', '01:51:49', '4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ctext` VALUES(34, '81', 'heya', '', '10:13:02', '4');
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_filecats`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_filecats` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `name` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_filecats`
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_files`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_files` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `filename` text NOT NULL,
      `fileurl` text NOT NULL,
      `filepass` text NOT NULL,
      `uid` text NOT NULL,
      `time` text NOT NULL,
      `cat` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_files`
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_flags`
    CREATE TABLE `ws_flags` (
      `flag_id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `flag_name` text,
      `flag_image` text,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`flag_id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_flags`
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(1, 'Afghanistan', 'af.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(2, 'Akrotiri', 'ax.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(3, 'Albania', 'al.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(4, 'Algeria', 'ag.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(5, 'American Samoa', 'aq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(6, 'Andorra', 'an.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(7, 'Angola', 'ao.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(8, 'Anguilla', 'av.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(9, 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'ac.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(10, 'Argentina', 'ar.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(11, 'Armenia', 'am.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(12, 'Aruba', 'aa.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(13, 'Ashmore and Cartier Islands', 'at.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(14, 'Australia', 'as.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(15, 'Austria', 'au.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(16, 'Azerbaijan', 'aj.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(17, 'Bahamas, The', 'bf.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(18, 'Bahrain', 'ba.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(19, 'Baker Island', 'fq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(20, 'Bangladesh', 'bg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(21, 'Barbados', 'bb.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(22, 'Bassas da India', 'bs.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(23, 'Belarus', 'bo.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(24, 'Belgium', 'be.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(25, 'Belize', 'bh.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(26, 'Benin', 'bn.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(27, 'Bermuda', 'bd.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(28, 'Bhutan', 'bt.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(29, 'Bolivia', 'bl.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(30, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'bk.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(31, 'Botswana', 'bc.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(32, 'Bouvet Island', 'bv.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(33, 'Brazil', 'br.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(34, 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'io.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(35, 'British Virgin Islands', 'vi.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(36, 'Brunei', 'bx.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(37, 'Bulgaria', 'bu.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(38, 'Burkina Faso', 'uv.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(39, 'Burma', 'bm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(40, 'Burundi', 'by.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(41, 'Cambodia', 'cb.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(42, 'Cameroon', 'cm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(43, 'Canada', 'ca.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(44, 'Cape Verde', 'cv.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(45, 'Cayman Islands', 'cj.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(46, 'Central African Republic', 'ct.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(47, 'Chad', 'cd.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(48, 'Chile', 'ci.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(49, 'China', 'ch.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(50, 'Christmas Island', 'kt.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(51, 'Clipperton Island', 'ip.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(52, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'ck.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(53, 'Colombia', 'co.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(54, 'Comoros', 'cn.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(55, 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the', 'cg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(56, 'Congo, Republic of the', 'cf.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(57, 'Cook Islands', 'cw.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(58, 'Coral Sea Islands', 'cr.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(59, 'Costa Rica', 'cs.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(60, 'Cote d''Ivoire', 'iv.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(61, 'Croatia', 'hr.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(62, 'Cuba', 'cu.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(63, 'Cyprus', 'cy.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(64, 'Czech Republic', 'ez.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(65, 'Denmark', 'da.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(66, 'Dhekelia', 'dx.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(67, 'Djibouti', 'dj.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(68, 'Dominica', 'do.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(69, 'Dominican Republic', 'dr.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(70, 'East Timor', 'tt.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(71, 'Ecuador', 'ec.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(72, 'Egypt', 'eg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(73, 'El Salvador', 'es.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(74, 'Equatorial Guinea', 'ek.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(75, 'Eritrea', 'er.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(76, 'Estonia', 'en.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(77, 'Ethiopia', 'et.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(78, 'Europa Island', 'eu.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(79, 'Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)', 'fk.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(80, 'Faroe Islands', 'fo.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(81, 'Fiji', 'fj.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(82, 'Finland', 'fi.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(83, 'France', 'fr.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(84, 'French Guiana', 'fg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(85, 'French Polynesia', 'fp.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(86, 'French Southern and Antarctic Lands', 'fs.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(87, 'Gabon', 'gb.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(88, 'Gambia, The', 'ga.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(89, 'Georgia', 'gg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(90, 'Germany', 'gm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(91, 'Ghana', 'gh.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(92, 'Gibraltar', 'gi.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(93, 'Glorioso Islands', 'go.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(94, 'Greece', 'gr.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(95, 'Greenland', 'gl.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(96, 'Grenada', 'gj.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(97, 'Guadeloupe', 'gp.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(98, 'Guam', 'gq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(99, 'Guatemala', 'gt.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(100, 'Guernsey', 'gk.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(101, 'Guinea', 'gv.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(102, 'Guinea-Bissau', 'pu.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(103, 'Guyana', 'gy.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(104, 'Haiti', 'ha.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(105, 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'hm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(106, 'Holy See (Vatican City)', 'vt.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(107, 'Honduras', 'ho.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(108, 'Hong Kong', 'hk.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(109, 'Howland Island', 'hq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(110, 'Hungary', 'hu.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(111, 'Iceland', 'ic.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(112, 'India', 'in.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(113, 'Indonesia', 'id.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(114, 'Iran', 'ir.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(115, 'Iraq', 'iz.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(116, 'Ireland', 'ei.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(117, 'Isle of Man', 'im.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(118, 'Israel', 'is.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(119, 'Italy', 'it.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(120, 'Jamaica', 'jm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(121, 'Jan Mayen', 'jn.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(122, 'Japan', 'ja.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(123, 'Jarvis Island', 'dq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(124, 'Jersey', 'je.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(125, 'Johnston Atoll', 'jq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(126, 'Jordan', 'jo.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(127, 'Juan de Nova Island', 'ju.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(128, 'Kazakhstan', 'kz.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(129, 'Kenya', 'ke.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(130, 'Kingman Reef', 'kq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(131, 'Kiribati', 'kr.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(132, 'Korea, North', 'kn.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(133, 'Korea, South', 'ks.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(134, 'Kuwait', 'ku.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(135, 'Kyrgyzstan', 'kg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(136, 'Laos', 'la.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(137, 'Latvia', 'lg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(138, 'Lebanon', 'le.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(139, 'Lesotho', 'lt.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(140, 'Liberia', 'li.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(141, 'Libya', 'ly.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(142, 'Liechtenstein', 'ls.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(143, 'Lithuania', 'lh.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(144, 'Luxembourg', 'lu.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(145, 'Macau', 'mc.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(146, 'Macedonia', 'mk.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(147, 'Madagascar', 'ma.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(148, 'Malawi', 'mi.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(149, 'Malaysia', 'my.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(150, 'Maldives', 'mv.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(151, 'Mali', 'ml.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(152, 'Malta', 'mt.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(153, 'Marshall Islands', 'rm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(154, 'Martinique', 'mb.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(155, 'Mauritania', 'mr.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(156, 'Mauritius', 'mp.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(157, 'Mayotte', 'mf.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(158, 'Mexico', 'mx.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(159, 'Micronesia, Federated States of', 'fm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(160, 'Midway Islands', 'mq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(161, 'Moldova', 'md.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(162, 'Monaco', 'mn.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(163, 'Mongolia', 'mg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(164, 'Montserrat', 'mh.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(165, 'Morocco', 'mo.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(166, 'Mozambique', 'mz.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(167, 'Namibia', 'wa.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(168, 'Nauru', 'nr.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(169, 'Navassa Island', 'bq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(170, 'Nepal', 'np.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(171, 'Netherlands', 'nl.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(172, 'Netherlands Antilles', 'nt.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(173, 'New Caledonia', 'nc.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(174, 'New Zealand', 'nz.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(175, 'Nicaragua', 'nu.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(176, 'Niger', 'ng.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(177, 'Nigeria', 'ni.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(178, 'Niue', 'ne.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(179, 'Norfolk Island', 'nf.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(180, 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'cq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(181, 'Norway', 'no.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(182, 'Oman', 'mu.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(183, 'Pakistan', 'pk.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(184, 'Palau', 'ps.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(185, 'Palmyra Atoll', 'lq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(186, 'Panama', 'pm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(187, 'Papua New Guinea', 'pp.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(188, 'Paraguay', 'pa.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(189, 'Peru', 'pe.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(190, 'Philippines', 'rp.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(191, 'Pitcairn Islands', 'pc.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(192, 'Poland', 'pl.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(193, 'Portugal', 'po.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(194, 'Puerto Rico', 'rq.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(195, 'Qatar', 'qa.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(196, 'Reunion', 're.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(197, 'Romania', 'ro.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(198, 'Russia', 'rs.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(199, 'Rwanda', 'rw.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(200, 'Saint Helena', 'sh.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(201, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'sc.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(202, 'Saint Lucia', 'st.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(203, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'sb.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(204, 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'vc.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(205, 'Samoa', 'ws.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(206, 'San Marino', 'sm.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(207, 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'tp.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(208, 'Saudi Arabia', 'sa.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(209, 'Senegal', 'sg.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(210, 'Serbia and Montenegro', 'yi.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(211, 'Seychelles', 'se.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(212, 'Sierra Leone', 'sl.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(213, 'Singapore', 'sn.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(214, 'Slovakia', 'lo.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(215, 'Slovenia', 'si.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(216, 'Solomon Islands', 'bp.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(217, 'Somalia', 'so.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(218, 'South Africa', 'sf.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(219, 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'sx.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(220, 'Spain', 'sp.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(221, 'Sri Lanka', 'ce.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(222, 'Sudan', 'su.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(223, 'Suriname', 'ns.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(224, 'Svalbard', 'sv.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(225, 'Swaziland', 'wz.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(226, 'Sweden', 'sw.gif');
    INSERT INTO `ws_flags` VALUES(227, 'Switzerland', 'sz.gif');
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    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `ws_ops`
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    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(8, '', '', 'Bharti Cellular India');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(9, '', '', 'Bharti Cellular India');
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    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(12, '', '', ' Optus Australia');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(13, '', '', 'Optus Australia');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(14, '', '', 'Optus Australia');
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    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(17, '', '', 'Device IP');
    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(18, '', '', 'Device IP');
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    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(54, '', '', 'Telkom South Africa');
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    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(56, '', '', 'TelKom South Africa');
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    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(68, '', '', 'BT Braodband United Kingdom');
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    INSERT INTO `ws_ops` VALUES(73, '', '', 'Mobitel Gprs Slovenia');
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    CREATE TABLE `ws_wapsitedata` (
      `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `name` text NOT NULL,
      `type` text NOT NULL,
      `url` text NOT NULL,
      `image` text NOT NULL,
      `uid` text NOT NULL,
      `br` text NOT NULL,
      `orderpos` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Dumping data for table `ws_wapsitedata`
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(1, 'center', 'align', '', '', '1', '', 'site1');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(2, 'wmd wap logo', 'image', '', '[url]'[/url], '1', '1', 'site2');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(3, 'Welcome to the newest minisite on wap lmoa', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', 'site3');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(4, 'car', 'image', '', '[url]'[/url], '1', '1', 'site4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(5, 'time', 'image', '', '[url]'[/url], '1', '1', 'site5');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(6, 'right', 'align', '', '', '1', '', 'site6');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(7, '****', 'icon', '[url]'[/url], '[url]'[/url], '1', '1', 'site7');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(8, 'Shout Box', 'icon', '[url]'[/url], '[url]'[/url], '1', '1', 'site8');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(9, 'left', 'align', '', '', '1', '', 'site9');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(10, 'Yahoo! Mail', 'image', '', '[url]'[/url], '1', '1', 'site4');
    INSERT INTO `ws_wapsitedata` VALUES(11, '--', 'image', '', '[url]'[/url], '1', '1', 'site11');
    all you need to change is the details in
    INSERT INTO `ws_users` VALUES(1, 'PUT YOUR USSERNAME HERE', 'PUT YOUR PASSWORD HERE', '8aca1', '19', '09', '1982', 'm', 'United Kingdom', '1197034547', '', 'admin', 'Opera/9.25', '', '', '1', './images/administrator.gif', '', '1196626791', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'site owner', 'who am i', '42', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
    and you will be owner/admin plus all users can register up at site also.. please do not tell me it wont work i just tested it 5 minutes ago and it was fine lol..
    include ('Ghost');
    if ($Post == true) {
    echo '

    alt='!!' />';
    echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
    } else {
    echo '

    alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
    echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


      ///*         Author:wiz              *///
      ///*   *///
      ///*      Copyright 2006-2007        *///
      include &#39;;;
      $DB_HOST = "localhost";
      $DB_USER = "sweetangelserver";
      $DB_PASS = "******";
      $DB_NAME = "db_wapside";
      $offline = 300;
      $divide = "[b]******[/b]
      $px = "chat_";
      $itable = "ignor";    
      $utable = "users";    
      $stable = "settings";    
      $qtable = "ques";        
      $vtable = "vict";        
      $mtable = "messages";    
      $meettable = "meets";        
      $ltable = "letters";        
      function gettime()
      $part_time = explode(&#39; &#39;, microtime());
      $real_time = $part_time[1].substr($part_time[0], 1);
      return $real_time;
      function autorize() {
      global $px, $utable, $login, $id, $pass;
      $q = @mysql_query("select * from `".$px.$utable."` where id=&#39;$id&#39; and pass=&#39;$pass&#39; limit 1;");
      $duser = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
      return $duser;
      $tran = array(
      function latrus($str) {
      global $tran;
      return strtr($str,$tran);
      mysql_connect($DB_HOST,$DB_USER,$DB_PASS) or die (&#39;<card id="error" title="Error">&#39;.
      &#39;Database error!&#39;.
      function ustatus() {
      global $login, $px, $utable;
      $status = $login[&#39;status&#39;];
      $posts = $login[&#39;posts&#39;];
      @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 1&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
      if($posts>=100 && $posts<500 && $status=="Status 1")
      @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 2&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
      if($posts>=500 && $posts<1000 && $status=="Status 2")
      @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 3&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
      if($posts>=1000 && $posts<3000 && $status=="Status 3")
      @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;4&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
      if($posts>=3000 && $posts<5000 && $status=="Status 4")
      @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 5&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
      if($posts>=5000 && $posts<7000 && $status=="Status 5")
      @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 6&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
      if($posts>=7000 && $status=="Status 6")
      @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 7&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
      I use this script name crapside...
      if like my post click:


        ///*         Author:wiz              *///
        ///*   *///
        ///*      Copyright 2006-2007        *///
        include &#39;;;
        $DB_HOST = "localhost";
        $DB_USER = "sweetangelserver";
        $DB_PASS = "******";
        $DB_NAME = "db_wapside";
        $offline = 300;
        $divide = "[b]******[/b]
        $px = "chat_";
        $itable = "ignor";    
        $utable = "users";    
        $stable = "settings";    
        $qtable = "ques";        
        $vtable = "vict";        
        $mtable = "messages";    
        $meettable = "meets";        
        $ltable = "letters";        
        function gettime()
        $part_time = explode(&#39; &#39;, microtime());
        $real_time = $part_time[1].substr($part_time[0], 1);
        return $real_time;
        function autorize() {
        global $px, $utable, $login, $id, $pass;
        $q = @mysql_query("select * from `".$px.$utable."` where id=&#39;$id&#39; and pass=&#39;$pass&#39; limit 1;");
        $duser = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
        return $duser;
        $tran = array(
        function latrus($str) {
        global $tran;
        return strtr($str,$tran);
        mysql_connect($DB_HOST,$DB_USER,$DB_PASS) or die (&#39;<card id="error" title="Error">&#39;.
        &#39;Database error!&#39;.
        function ustatus() {
        global $login, $px, $utable;
        $status = $login[&#39;status&#39;];
        $posts = $login[&#39;posts&#39;];
        @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 1&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
        if($posts>=100 && $posts<500 && $status=="Status 1")
        @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 2&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
        if($posts>=500 && $posts<1000 && $status=="Status 2")
        @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 3&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
        if($posts>=1000 && $posts<3000 && $status=="Status 3")
        @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;4&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
        if($posts>=3000 && $posts<5000 && $status=="Status 4")
        @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 5&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
        if($posts>=5000 && $posts<7000 && $status=="Status 5")
        @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 6&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
        if($posts>=7000 && $status=="Status 6")
        @mysql_query("update `".$px.$utable."` set status=&#39;Status 7&#39; where id=&#39;".$login[&#39;id&#39;]."&#39;;");
        I use this script name crapside...
        if like my post click:


          good script...I have install it...but not can register...any1 can help me 4 fix this problem???please... [/b]

