please tell me what should i add in phpmyadmin from below
PHP Code:
$sname = strtolower($sname);
$sname = str_replace(" ", "", "$sname");
$st = "$sname.$subdomain";
$name = $body->protect($name);
$email = $body->protect($email);
$st = $body->protect($st);
$up = "INSERT `user_sites` SET `password`='".$pwd."', `email`='".$email."', `date`='".$join."', `sub`='".$sname."', `title`='".$st."', `domain`='".$subdomain."'";
$new = $db->Query($up) or die(mysql_error());
$uownerid = $body->uniqueid_nick($sname,$subdomain);
$upx = "INSERT `user_pages` SET `ownerid`='".$uownerid."', `folder`='root', `page_name`='index.php'";
$sendx = $db->Query($upx) or die(mysql_error());
$pageidr = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_pages WHERE ownerid='".$uownerid."' and page_name='index.php'"));
$upx = "INSERT `user_content` SET `content`='<div align=\"center\">', `ownerid`='".$uownerid."', `page_name`='".$pageidr[0]."', name='center', position='0'";
$sendx = $db->Query($upx) or die(mysql_error());
$upx = "INSERT `user_content` SET `content`='Welcome to My Site<br/>You can start adding content now!', `ownerid`='".$uownerid."', `page_name`='".$pageidr[0]."', position='1', name='Welcome to My Site'";
$sendx = $db->Query($upx) or die(mysql_error());
$to = "$email";
$subject = "Createbd.Com Best Wap Site Builder..";
$txt = "Welcome to [url=http://Createbd.Com]CreateBd mobile site builder / Mobile Site Creator[/url] wapbuilder!\n Your site have been created successfully!\n Username: $sname\n Password: $pwd \n your site url is: http://$sname.$subdomain\n Go to: [url=http://Createbd.Com/mods/login.php]CreateBd mobile site builder / Mobile Site Creator[/url] and login to make your site be the best!!!\n and you will earn money easy as 1 2 3";
$headers = "From: [email]noreplay@Createbd.Com[/email]";