hi guys im having a problem with sendpm ive implemented a chat bot to reply to pms but
when i send the pm it shows that she has read it and it appears in online list as reading so and so's pm. when i goto retrieve the message
the mesage is blank although her reply appears i my inbox.
has anyone else coded this im also using pandora bots the bot has been publishes as well.
when i send the pm it shows that she has read it and it appears in online list as reading so and so's pm. when i goto retrieve the message
the mesage is blank although her reply appears i my inbox.
has anyone else coded this im also using pandora bots the bot has been publishes as well.
PHP Code:
echo "<head>\n";
echo "<title>mzonez</title>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"must-revalidate\" />\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n";
echo "</head>";
echo "<body>";
echo "<p align=\"center\">";
$whonick = getnick_uid($who);
$byuid = getuid_sid($sid);
$tm = time();
$lastpm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT MAX(timesent) FROM ibwf_private WHERE byuid='".$byuid."'"));
$pmfl = $lastpm[0]+getpmaf();
if($who==5) {
$botid = "f476b7115e34e98f";
$hostname = "www.pandorabots.com";
$hostpath = "/pandora/talk-xml";
$sendData = "botid=".$botid."&input=".urlencode($pmtext)."&custid=".$custid;
$result = PostToHost($hostname, $hostpath, $sendData);
$pos = strpos($result, "custid=\"");
$pos = strpos($result, "<that>");
if ($pos === false) {
$reply = "";
} else {
$pos += 6;
$endpos = strpos($result, "</that>", $pos);
$reply = unhtmlspecialchars2(substr($result, $pos, $endpos - $pos));
$reply = mysql_escape_string($reply);
$uid = getuid_sid($sid);
$res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='".$reply."', byuid='5', touid='".$uid."', timesent='".$tm."'");
$res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='".$pmtext."', byuid='".$uid."',touid='".$who."', unread='0', timesent='".$tm."'");
if((!isignored($byuid, $who))&&(!istrashed($byuid)))
$res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='".$pmtext."', byuid='".$byuid."', touid='".$who."', timesent='".$tm."'");
$res = true;
echo "<img src=\"images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>";
echo "PM was sent successfully to $whonick<br/><br/>";
echo parsepm($pmtext, $sid);
echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>";
echo "Can't Send PM to $whonick<br/><br/>";
$bantime = time() + (7*24*60*60);
echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>";
echo "Can't Send PM to $whonick<br/><br/>";
echo "You just sent a link to one of the crapiest sites on earth<br/> The members of these sites spam here a lot, so go to that site and stay there if you don't like it here<br/> as a result of your stupid action:<br/>1. you have lost your sheild<br/>2. you have lost all your plusses<br/>3. You are BANNED!";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_penalties SET uid='".$byuid."', penalty='1', exid='1', timeto='".$bantime."', pnreas='Banned: Automatic Ban for spamming for a crap site'");
mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses='0', shield='0' WHERE id='".$byuid."'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='".$pmtext."', byuid='".$byuid."', touid='2', timesent='".$tm."'");
$rema = $pmfl - $tm;
echo "<img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>";
echo "Flood control: $rema Seconds<br/><br/>";
echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"inbox.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Back to inbox</a><br/>";
echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
echo "Home</a>";
echo "</p>";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>";