Testing Your Own Script

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    Testing Your Own Script

    I want to test my own script but i cant seem to find an app that does, what i have to do is upload to server and see if the code works but im sure theres an app that can do that without you having to upload everytime.
    i also want to test my script for security. and im also trying to encode my script so that the code cant be copied, so the app must still be able to read the encoded script.

    As i can remember posting to this topic not long ago
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    Info & Tips


      try to download http://www.easyphp.org/ instal on your pc and test what you want... without internet or external server...


        and... do you have a sample script? what you want to encode? for what? if you have some special/super/etc script dont share and try professional hosting... if you just edit another lava... forget about this


          and... do you have a sample script? what you want to encode? for what? if you have some special/super/etc script dont share and try professional hosting... if you just edit another lava... forget about this [/b]
          no im making my own but, i dont mind sharing it so i wont need to encode it


            For testin your script in your pc you can use WAMP, XAMPP, Apache2Traid or vertigo


              as cipssy92 said .. any web server bundle will do. Unless you want to install the bits and pieces seperatly but thats not really required unless you are going to run a site from your own machine (which i doubt u are).

              encryption... if you choose to go down that path go with ioncube.. any other encryption can be decrypted easily with readily available free software (ioncube decoders are far less available) however i would obfuscate the code first.. there are obfuscation apps out there .. most will rename functions/variables and anything you allow it too, to silly names like instead of $user = get_uid() it would be $CgBhRRTSjj = get_uid() and after changing it , it will then move the whole PHP script onto a single line.

              and as for security/optimisation testing .. well feel free to post the script here or send it too me and i'll go over it and tell you whats wrong .. considering ive not as of yet seen one decent script without at least one problem i reckon u'll have a few things that could be improved

