Help With Google Ads In Lavalair Script

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    Help With Google Ads In Lavalair Script

    i had seen new service started by google adsense, they allow to put google ads even in wapsites, i had made new site with lavalair script, i tried using google ad codes in php, but it didnt worked, i tried creating .htaccess file, but that file is missing in my wap folder & also its not working at all, how can i put ad codes of google in php format, and where should i put the codes in the folder.

    i tried for google adds on ma wapsite too but they said site isnt accesible by wep so if ua site is accessible by web u can do tht nd add the code given by google to a new file nd jst include it anywhere u want to show adds tht wud work


      yeah i had tried, but it didnt worked and was not visible too


        Well ok then i guess the adds are not for ua site cos if they were they wud have showed up it works on ma website nd shu work on wap too ...//Amylee can help u better ...


          hope so i get help from her about where to put codes


            Amm ok fine inbox me ua site addy nd try admob ,admoda etc tooo


              i have never tried admob and i dont know anything about admod payouts, as i have been using google adsense from many months, so i am used it, but for web, for wap i dont know how to put codes for ads, ok i will inbox you my site link


                can put google ads on xhtml if its just the text banner ads but not with wml plus google ads is crap admob is way better and generate more revenue with goodle ads i only made 10 bucks in a month but with admob i made roughly around a grand before i got banned making 20 bucks a day with my new account

                to install google adsense you should've got a bit of html with your adsense acount number and what not in it just copy and paste that into where you want ads to show in the script


                  amylee i had tried that long back, before i asked helped here, but none of it works, i earn with google adsense 250$ month, so adsense work good for me, can you tell me link of admob and how much is the minimum payouts?


                    amylee i had tried that long back, before i asked helped here, but none of it works, i earn with google adsense 250$ month, so adsense work good for me, can you tell me link of admob and how much is the minimum payouts?[/b]
                    google is only good for searching anything else is **** and its and theres no minimum payouts you get what you earn with admob


                      oh i see i will try that site, do you know how to put that codes of admob in wapsite? i am asking this because i have never tried admob, this is first time i am registering with admob, how do they pay? is it something like someone clicks on ad and then i get paid? is it on daily basis? or monthly?


                        just read the faqs on explains it all there


                          Amylee i m been banned by Admob can i make account there again ? ...nd Renu has google adsense accepted ua wapsite for adds ?


                            ok i will read the faqs, but i think admob is similar to adbrite


                              nd Renu has google adsense accepted ua wapsite for adds ?[/b]
                              they dont need to accept my wapsite, because i am already user of adsense, and they have started new service for wapsite ads, which i am not able to put the codes, i am still trying out.

