Whenever i enter in my created room in my community site my browser always say :
Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Here is the chat.php
Added after 10 minutes:
but when i try to run the script on xampp application no error at all.it works!
Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Here is the chat.php
<?php include("inc/func.inc.php"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"; echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd\">\n"; ?> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <?php if(!db()){ echo "<head>"; echo "<title>XpressWap</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo getdberror(); echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } $show = $_GET["show"]; $hits = $_GET["hits"]; $page = $_GET["page"]; $who = $_GET["who"]; $uid = getuid_hits($hits); $uip = getip(); $ubr = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; cleardata(); addvisitor(); if(isipbanned($uip,$ubr)){ if(!isshield(getuid_hits($hits))){ echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo getipbanned($uip, $ubr); echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } } if(($show != "") && ($show != "terms")){ $uid = getuid_hits($hits); if((islogged($hits)==false)||($uid==0)){ echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo getsesexplog(); echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } } if((isbanned($uid))&&($uid != '0')){ echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo getbanned($uid); echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } $id = $_GET["id"]; $rid = $_GET["rid"]; $rpw = $_GET["rpw"]; $uexist = isuser($uid); $isroom = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mx_rooms WHERE id='".$rid."'")); if($isroom[0]==0) { echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Room Error</b>"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"center\">"; echo "This Room Doesn't Exist Anymore<br/>"; echo ":P See In Another Room</div>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=chat&hits=$hits\">ChitChat</a>"; echo "</div>"; echo footerweb($hits); echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } $passworded = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT pass FROM mx_rooms WHERE id='".$rid."'")); if($passworded[0]!="") { if($rpw!=$passworded[0]) { echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Wrong Password</b>"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"center\">"; echo "You Can't Enter This Room<br/>"; echo ":P Stay Away</div>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=chat&hits=$hits\">ChitChat</a>"; echo "</div>"; echo footerweb($hits); echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } } if(!canenter($rid,$hits)) { echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Private Room</b>"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"center\">"; echo "You Can't Enter This Room<br/>"; echo ":P Stay Away</div>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=chat&hits=$hits\">ChitChat</a>"; echo "</div>"; echo footerweb($hits); echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; exit(); } addtochat($uid, $rid); $timeto = 300; $timenw = time(); $timeout = $timenw-$timeto; $deleted = mysql_query("DELETE FROM mx_chat WHERE timesent<".$timeout.""); $rooms = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM mx_rooms WHERE id='".$rid."'")); $rname = $rooms[1]; $nick = getnick_hits($hits); if($show=="") { addonline($uid,"ChitChat In $rname","chat.php?rid=$rid"); echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"45; url=chat.php?time="; echo "".date("dmHis").""; echo "&hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>$rname</b></div>"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"left\">"; $message = $_POST["message"]; $who = $_POST["who"]; $rinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT censord, freaky FROM mx_rooms WHERE id='".$rid."'")); if(trim($message) != "") { $nosm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mx_chat WHERE msgtext='".$message."'")); if($nosm[0]==0) { $chatok = mysql_query("INSERT INTO mx_chat SET chatter='".$uid."', who='".$who."', timesent='".time()."', msgtext='".$message."', rid='".$rid."'"); $usts = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM mx_users WHERE id='".$uid."'")); $upl = $usts[0]+2; mysql_query("UPDATE mx_users SET plusses='".$upl."' WHERE id='".$uid."'"); $lstmsg = mysql_query("UPDATE mx_rooms SET lastmsg='".time()."' WHERE id='".$rid."'"); $hehe=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT chmsgs, chmsgs2 FROM mx_users WHERE id='".$uid."'")); $totl = $hehe[0]+1; $totls = $hehe[1]+1; $msgst= mysql_query("UPDATE mx_users SET chmsgs='".$totl."', chmsgs2='".$totls."' WHERE id='".$uid."'"); if($rinfo[1]==2) { //robot $botid = "d960293f6e374371"; $hostname = "www.pandorabots.com"; $hostpath = "/pandora/talk-xml"; $sendData = "botid=".$botid."&input=".urlencode($message)."&custid=".$custid; $result = PostToHost($hostname, $hostpath, $sendData); $pos = strpos($result, "custid=\""); $pos = strpos($result, "<that>"); if ($pos === false) { $reply = ""; } else { $pos += 6; $endpos = strpos($result, "</that>", $pos); $reply = unhtmlspecialchars2(substr($result, $pos, $endpos - $pos)); $reply = mysql_escape_string($reply); } $chatok = mysql_query("INSERT INTO mx_chat SET chatter='0', who='', timesent='".time()."', msgtext='".$reply." @ ".getnick_uid($uid)."', rid='".$rid."';"); } } $message = ""; } $chats = mysql_query("SELECT chatter, who, timesent, msgtext, exposed FROM mx_chat WHERE rid='".$rid."' ORDER BY timesent DESC, id DESC"); $counter=0; while($chat = mysql_fetch_array($chats)) { $canc = true; if($counter<12) { if(istrashed($chat[0])){ if($uid!=$chat[0]) { $canc = false; } } //////good /*if(isignored($chat[0],$uid)){ $canc = false; }*/ //////////good if($chat[0]!=$uid) { if($chat[1]!=0) { if($chat[1]!=$uid) { $canc = false; } } } if($chat[4]=='1' && ismod($uid)) { $canc = true; } if($canc) { $cmid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT chmood FROM mx_users WHERE id='".$chat[0]."'")); $imld = ""; if(($cmid[0]!=0)) { $mlnk = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT img, text FROM mx_moods WHERE id='".$cmid[0]."'")); $imld = "<img src=\"$mlnk[0]\" alt=\"$mlnk[1]\"/>"; } $online = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sex, uicon FROM mx_users WHERE id='".$chat[0]."'")); if($online[1]=="") { if($online[0]=="M") { $iml = "<img src=\"images/male.gif\" alt=\"M\"/>"; } else if($online[0]=="F") { $iml = "<img src=\"images/female.gif\" alt=\"F\"/>"; }else{ $iml = ""; } }else{ $iml = "<img src=\"$online[1]\" alt=\"*\"/>"; } if($chat[0]==0) { $chnick = "<b>Mrs.Wap29</b>"; }else{ $chnick = getnick_uid($chat[0]); } $optlink = "$imld$iml$chnick"; if(($chat[1]!=0)&&($chat[0]==$uid)) { ///out $imld = "<img src=\"moods/out.gif\" alt=\"!\"/>"; $chnick = getnick_uid($chat[1]); $optlink = "$imld$iml PM to $chnick"; } if($chat[1]==$uid) { ///out $imld = "<img src=\"moods/in.gif\" alt=\"!\"/>"; if($chat[0]==0) { $chnick = "<b>Mrs.Wap29</b>"; }else{ $chnick = getnick_uid($chat[0]); } $optlink = "$imld$iml PM by $chnick"; } if($chat[4]=='1') { ///out $imld = "<img src=\"moods/point.gif\" alt=\"!\"/>"; if($chat[0]==0) { $chnick = "<b>Mrs.Wap29</b>"; }else{ $chnick = getnick_uid($chat[0]); } $tonick = getnick_uid($chat[1]); $optlink = "$imld$iml By $chnick To $tonick"; } $ds = date("H.i.s", $chat[2]); $text = parsepm($chat[3], $hits); $nos = substr_count($text,"<img src="); if($nos>3) { $chnick = getnick_uid($chat[0]); echo "<i>$chnick Only Three Smilies Allowed</i><br/>"; }else{ $sres = substr($chat[3],0,3); if($sres == "/me") { $chco = strlen($chat[3]); $goto = $chco - 3; $rest = substr($chat[3],3,$goto); $tosay = parsepm($rest, $hits); echo "$chnick $tosay<br/>"; }else{ $tosay = parsepm($chat[3], $hits); if($rinfo[0]==1) { $tosay = str_replace("****","f**k",$tosay); $tosay = str_replace("****","sh*t",$tosay); $tosay = str_replace("dick","d**k",$tosay); $tosay = str_replace("pussy","pu**y",$tosay); $tosay = str_replace("cock","c**k",$tosay); $tosay = str_replace("ass ","@s* ",$tosay); } if($rinfo[1]==1) { $tosay = htmlspecialchars($chat[3]); $tosay = strrev($tosay); } if($chat[0]==0) { $rinfoo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT censord, freaky FROM mx_rooms WHERE id='".$rid."'")); if($rinfoo[1]==2) { echo "$optlink - $tosay<br/>"; }else{ echo "$tosay<br/>"; } }else{ echo "<a href=\"chat.php?show=say2&hits=$hits&who=$chat[0]&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">$optlink</a> - $tosay<br/>"; } } } $counter++; } } } echo "</div></div>"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"center\">"; $ses4d = rand(10000, 100000); echo "<form action=\"chat.php?hits=$hits&rid=$rid&ran=$ses4d&rpw=$rpw\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<input name=\"message\" size=\"9\" type=\"text\" maxlength=\"500\"/>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Chat\"/>"; echo "</form></div>"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; $chatters=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mx_chonline where rid='".$rid."'")); echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=chat&hits=$hits\">ChitChat</a> (<a href=\"chat.php?show=inside&hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">$chatters[0] Users</a>)"; echo "</div>"; echo footerweb($hits); echo "</body>"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////SAY else if ($show=="say") { echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; addonline($uid,"Writing Chat Message",""); echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Option</b>"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<form action=\"chat.php?hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\" method=\"post\">"; echo "Message:<br/><input name=\"message\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"255\"/><br/>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"/></form><br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"chat.php?show=inside&hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">Who's Inside</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"chat.php?hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">Back to Chatroom</a></div>"; //end echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=chat&hits=$hits\">ChitChat</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=main&hits=$hits\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a></div>"; include("wapv.php"); echo "</body>"; } //////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////SAY2 else if ($show=="say2") { echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; ///echo "<card=\"say\" title=\"MaxHits.CO.CC\">"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; $unick = getnick_uid($who); echo "<b>View Chatter</b>"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"center\">"; addonline($uid,"View Chatter",""); echo "<form action=\"chat.php?hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\" method=\"post\">"; echo "Message:<br/><input name=\"message\" type=\"text\" value=\" \" maxlength=\"255\"/><br/>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"/>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"who\" value=\"$who\"/></form><br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"prov.php?show=viewuser&hits=$hits&who=$who\">View $unick's Profile</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"chat.php?show=expose&hits=$hits&who=$who&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">Expose $unick</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"chat.php?show=inside&hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">Who's Inside</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"chat.php?hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">Chatroom</a></div>"; //end echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=chat&hits=$hits\">ChitChat</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=main&hits=$hits\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a></div>"; include("wapv.php"); echo "</body>"; } //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////inhitse////////// else if ($show=="inside") { addonline($uid,"Chat Inside List",""); echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; ///echo "<card=\"main\" title=\"Inside list\">"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Who Inside</b>"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"left\">"; $inside=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM mx_chonline WHERE rid='".$rid."' and uid IS NOT NULL"); while($ins=mysql_fetch_array($inside)) { $unick = getnick_uid($ins[1]); $userl = "<a href=\"chat.php?show=say2&hits=$hits&who=$ins[1]&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">$unick</a>, "; echo "$userl"; } echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"chat.php?hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">«Chatroom</a></div>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=chat&hits=$hits\">ChitChat</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=main&hits=$hits\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a></div>"; include("wapv.php"); echo "</body>"; } else if ($show=="expose") { addonline($uid,"Chat inside list",""); echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; ///echo "<card=\"main\" title=\"Inside list\">"; echo "<div class=\"box_cen\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<b>Expose</b>"; echo "<div class=\"box_sub\" align=\"center\">"; mysql_query("UPDATE mx_chat SET exposed='1' WHERE chatter='".$who."' AND who='".$uid."'"); $unick = getnick_uid($who); echo "$unick messages to you are exposed to the moderation team. We will deal with the matter as soon as possible."; echo "</div>"; echo "<a href=\"chat.php?hits=$hits&rid=$rid&rpw=$rpw\">Back to Chatroom</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=chat&hits=$hits\">ChitChat</a><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?show=main&hits=$hits\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Home</a></div>"; include("wapv.php"); echo "</body>"; }else{ echo "<head>"; echo "<title>eJaTd29.CoM - One Way Forward !</title>"; include("inc/css.inc.php"); echo "</head>"; echo "<body>"; echo getpagerror(); echo "</body>"; } ?> </html>
but when i try to run the script on xampp application no error at all.it works!