Welcome inbox v2

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    Welcome inbox v2

    please help, i wanna change the automated welcome inbox so that it will go into inbox 2, can anybody tell me how to do this

    Hey im thinking as I wanted to do that to go to your core functions.inc and duplicate autopm to say autopm2
    function autopm2($msg, $who)
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO inbox2 SET text='".$msg."', byid='1', toid='".$who."', unread='1', timesent='".time()."'");
    And in register.inc where you see this part
     addonline(getuid_nick($name),"Just Registered","");
    $delonline=mysql_query("DELETE FROM online WHERE uid='".getuid_nick($name)."'");
    $msg="Hello Welcome from everyone here at ".sitename()." hope you have a great and friendly time at our site any problems pm myself or my team anytime[br/] You are awarded 100 points for joining you can gain points by using forums,Games and chat which will unlock other site parts enjoy yourself and have fun :o)[small][i][br/]p.s: this is an automated pm[/i][/small]";
    return 0;
    return 2;
    change autopm($msg,getuid_nick($name)); to autopm2($msg,getuid_nick($name)); just to call it at function.inc try that it should work
    Last edited by wolvertoon; 15.11.10, 16:42.


      ok, i got a reply to add but it keeps saying requst entity too large or something wierd like that...
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        ok, just a thought:
        (I'd typed this out in more detail twice but it kept giving error when i try post, so thus consise version)
        what if the welcome pm is stored in the database? that way you can change it every 5 minutes if you want from the staff tools...
        ok, here's a step by step ish guide:

        1. add another field into your settings table called welcomepm
        2. set it to be varchar 500 or whatever...
        3. Put your desired welcome message text there...
        4. Add an extra box to general settings/admin tools...
        5 Add extra $variable on the update settings page to carry welcomepm...
        6. add welcomepm="$welcomepm" to the update sql bit...
        7. add a query to call $msg from db instead of having: $msg = "message text";
        8. Enjoy changing welcome PM for special occasions, etc...
        (You'll never believe how easy it is till you try)
        C3 Themes: http://c3themes.wen.ru/index.html
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