hello there i am using the class.upload.php and upload.php for the image upload processing it upload with only the name of the file currently so is there any way it will rename autometically of the name like facebook use how to do that ???? anyone can help
auto rename the uploaded image
PHP Code:<?php
// Usage: uploadfile($_FILE['file']['name'],'temp/',$_FILE['file']['tmp_name'])
function uploadfile($origin, $dest, $tmp_name)
$origin = strtolower(basename($origin));
$fulldest = $dest.$origin;
$filename = $origin;
for ($i=1; file_exists($fulldest); $i++)
$fileext = (strpos($origin,'.')===false?'':'.'.substr(strrchr($origin, "."), 1));
$filename = substr($origin, 0, strlen($origin)-strlen($fileext)).'['.$i.']'.$fileext;
$fulldest = $dest.$newfilename;
if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $fulldest))
return $filename;
return false;
upload php auto rename - PHP - Snipplr
auto rename
Code:<?php // Name of the uploaded file $name = $_FILES['uploadedFile']['name']; // Random 25 chars+nums . . . $your_25_digit_code = substr(md5(rand(0,9999)), 17, 25); // Get the file apart by ., so the 25 chars can be added before the extension $temp_arr = explode(".", $name); // Default it $original_name = ''; // Make sure the file isn't something like // image.something.whatever.hi.hello.what.s.up.png // Minus 2 because it would come out to // (file_name).(random_chars).(extension), // with this it comes out to (file_name)(random_chars).(extension) for ($x = 0; $x < count($temp_arr)-2; $x++) { // Add to it $original_name .= $temp_arr[$x] . '.'; } // The new file name $new_file = $original_name . $temp_arr[$x] . $your_25_digit_code . '.' . $temp_arr[$x+1]; $tempFile = $_FILES['uploadedFile']['tmp_name']; $destination = "C:\\ImageHosting\\" . $new_file; copy($tempFile, $destination); copy($_FILES['uploadedFile']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['uploadedFile']['name']);
Last edited by GiLL; 27.10.09, 13:25.left wap stuff
Here is a detailed description and code to a Image Uploader with auto rename and security to ensure that it is only Images that is being uploaded
Charlie's BLOG Blog Archive Image Uploader