try this in your reg.php if your using mobile chat script etc
make a ban.php
or use this for ban ip range or seg make a php file called ipban.php and in reg.php put this on top after header codes
include "./ipban.php";
$cou = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `ip`,`soft` FROM `chat_users` order by id desc LIMIT 1")); if($cou[0]=="".getenv(REMOTE_ADDR)."") { include "./ban.php"; }
make a ban.php
<? echo '<card title="'.getenv(REMOTE_ADDR).'@ NO ACCESS banned!">'; echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo"<b>banned by staff !</b><br/>"; echo"<b>Contact Site Owners</b><br/>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php\">BACK</a><br/><b>© your site</b>"; echo "</p></card></wml>"; @mysql_close(); ?>
or use this for ban ip range or seg make a php file called ipban.php and in reg.php put this on top after header codes
include "./ipban.php";
<? $getip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $banned_ip = array(); // Here you change ips which you want ban $banned_ip[] = '172.99.*'; $banned_ip[] = '*'; $banned_ip[] = '193.*'; foreach($banned_ip as $banned) { $blacked=str_replace('*', '', $banned); $len=strlen($blacked); if ($ip==$blacked || substr($getip, 0, $len)==$blacked) { echo 'You are banned!'; exit; } }