Need wap guest blog script

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    Need wap guest blog script

    I need a blog script where any one can create, post and comments on blog. admin can create category, blog, post comment. with blog post rating and comment vote/rating system. No database, no ragistration/login.

    any one provide me a small mysql less wap blog for my small site..?

    I think niether you don't know what you asking for. don't beg for it ,warm your chair learn basics of php,mysql,html an create that what you call simply blog your self ,don't loose your time here asking somebody to do it :D

    by the way it's 21 century ,why use flat file sistem instead mysql databases??


      how many days from u khow the PHP language..? if u dont provide me or dont know, what is my post meaning. then dont cross me.. mysql db is easy to upload server and easy to connect with script. but FFDB create and connect to complite script is hearder.

      Originally posted by Igor Vuk View Post
      I think niether you don't know what you asking for. don't beg for it ,warm your chair learn basics of php,mysql,html an create that what you call simply blog your self ,don't loose your time here asking somebody to do it :D

      by the way it's 21 century ,why use flat file sistem instead mysql databases??
      * and PHP not your home made script or your patent that only u know it or use it. *

