most wanted script feesbook wap vrsn in english

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    mr lust when i g0ing to install,it gives me err0r that the c0nfigurti0n file n0t f0und.
    chk it


      ; Settings that override settings_6.2.dat

      ; Version of the engine
      dcms_version = 6.6.4;
      ; Status version
      dcms_state = stable;
      ; Address synchronization
      http_license =;

      ; When moving the site can register database options here (remove the ";" at the beginning of lines)
      And after that will need to resave the configuration of the system in the admin
      , The new settings enrolled in settings_6.2.dat
      ; Mysql_host = localhost; Host Database
      ; Mysql_user = root; database user name
      ; Mysql_pass =; user password database
      ; Mysql_db_name =; Database Name

      ; Defaults

      ; Keywords Site
      meta_keywords = DCMS;
      , A site description
      meta_description =;

      ; Host Database
      mysql_host = localhost;
      ; Database user name
      mysql_user = root;
      ; User password database
      mysql_pass =;
      ; Database Name
      mysql_db_name =;

      ; Selection dynamic advertising
      rekl =;

      ; ID system WAPPC.BIZ
      wappc_id = 5408.3000;
      ; Number of sponsored links
      wappc_num_links = 3;
      ; Technical password
      wappc_pwdtech =;

      ; ID client mobiads
      mobiads_id = 193;

      ; Client code mobiads
      mobiads_code = h6WWGTvdR44O;

      , The number of advertising options mobiads
      mobiads_num_links = 3;

      ; A display of icons (0-no, 1 small, 2 large)
      set_show_icon = 1;

      ; Theme for wap browser
      set_them = default;

      ; Theme for web browsers
      set_them2 = web;

      ; Key for passwords on user profiles.
      ; Occurs when installing the engine
      shif =;

      , The number of items per page
      p_str = 10;

      ; Nick wiseacre chat
      chat_umnik = Smarty;

      ; Nick joker chat
      chat_shutnik = Joker;

      ; Time auto idle (in seconds)
      time_chat = 30;

      ; Time between questions
      umnik_new = 30;

      ; Pause between the tips
      umnik_help = 30;

      ; Waiting time (total)
      umnik_time = 90;

      , Frequency of jokes (in seconds)
      shutnik_new = 15;

      ; Show file extensions in forum
      echo_rassh_forum = 0;

      ; Show file extensions in the upload center
      echo_rassh = 1;

      ; Numbered posts in the forum
      show_num_post = 1;

      ; Running away (the absence of the user)
      show_away = 0;

      ; Mail, which will come BackUp your database
      mail_backup =;

      ; The ability to write in the guest book
      write_guest = 0;

      ; Path to Copyright (superimposed on the picture)
      copy_path = style / copy.png;

      ; Upload files in the exchanger to achieve 50 points
      obmen_limit_up = 50;

      ; Mode download files
      downloads_select = 0;

      ; Showing errors interpreter (only for administration)
      show_err_php = 0;

      A maximum size of the uploaded photos in the gallery
      max_upload_foto_x = 1024;
      max_upload_foto_y = 1024;

      ; Registration regime
      reg_select = open;

      , The number of hours during which the file is considered new
      loads_new_file_hour = 24;
      ; Antidos protection
      antidos = 1;
      ; Antimat
      antimat = 1;

      ; Options BBcode
      ; Italics
      bb_i = 1;
      ; Underlined text
      bb_u = 1;
      ; Bold text
      bb_b = 1;
      ; Big zhrift
      bb_big = 1;
      ; Small text
      bb_small = 1;
      ; Selection php code
      bb_code = 1;
      ; Highlighted in red
      bb_red = 1;
      , Highlighted in yellow
      bb_yellow = 1;
      ; Highlighted in green
      bb_green = 1;
      , Marked in blue
      bb_blue = 1;
      ; Selection with white
      bb_white = 1;
      , Set the font size
      bb_size = 0;
      ; Selection options
      bb_http = 1;
      ; Insert references to its name
      bb_url = 1;
      , Inserting images
      bb_img = 0;

      New! Click the words above to view alternate translations. Dismiss


        thnx dude

        keep it up


          Thanks bro


            i cant access the admin panel any one helps me


              I cant post on the wall profile,still empty post,pls tell me


                check ur db wall table.


                  I got this on install!

                  FFmpeg: No
                  * Without FFmpeg support, not available to make
                  video screenshots
                  register_globals on: !!!
                  COOKIE Encryption: OK
                  Enabled shielding quotes
                  Add a root .htaccess linephp_value
                  magic_quotes_gpc 0
                  register_globals is enabled. Gross violation of

                  How can I solve this?


                    anyone got a working database for this script please
                    HELP THEM WHO HELPS YOU

                    i only work on wapdesire v_2 coding only


                      DCMS Version: 6.6.4 stable

                      PHP Version: 5.3.4 (OK)

                      set_time_limit: OK

                      session.use_trans_sid: OK

                      magic_quotes_gpc: 0 (OK)

                      arg_separator.output: & (OK)

                      mod_rewrite: OK

                      GD: bundled (2.0.34 compatible) OK

                      MySQL: OK

                      Iconv: No

                      FFmpeg: OK

                      register_globals off: OK

                      COOKIE Encryption: OK

                      ny1 help me solve Iconv: No plz help me


                        myb ur hosting not support iconv. just click next.


                          im using its support


                            so,just ignore it n click next step.



                              im getting this problem plz

                              help me guysss


                                while running install/index.php its shows

                                "Can not find the configuration file"

                                wer should i input the db details, here only , no??

                                ; When moving the site can register database options here (remove the ";" at the beginning of lines)
                                And after that will need to resave the configuration of the system in the admin
                                , The new settings enrolled in settings_6.2.dat
                                Mysql_host = localhost; Host Database
                                Mysql_user = user; database user name
                                Mysql_pass = pass; user password database
                                Mysql_db_name = name; Database Name

                                ; Defaults

                                ; Keywords Site
                                meta_keywords = DCMS;
                                , A site description
                                meta_description =;

                                ; Host Database
                                mysql_host = localhost;
                                ; Database user name
                                mysql_user = user;
                                ; User password database
                                mysql_pass = pass;
                                ; Database Name
                                mysql_db_name = name;

