im working on new script from scratch so thought id share my wml version im currently using with u all and dnt ask for xhtml as only way u will get that is if u code it yourself im not aware of any bugs in this script but depending ur host some bits may not function properly or u dnt no how to setup a script lol either way enjoy
My Wml Version Of The Lava Lair+all Updates
linkrx7Tags: None
still the same even using the old ravingwap sql even has the chat moods my sister made and same file names in the lava/ravingscript, if it is just a modified script the bugs i know of would work and no im not talking about the modproc.php exploit, so no offence but this isnt a completley new script at its current stage and also this script has a major security risk not gonna say what it is here but i have pm'd ori himself about it on his own site so i would suggest you fix that before releasing it or perhaps it was intentional..? wouldnt be suprised if you added a callhome into it lol
anyway besides all that some good updates in the script
**** 4got 2 put my .htaccess file in the logs folder lol all fixed now its cos the most recent updates were done on another domain haha but fanx ill b sure 2 check fully 4 stupid mistakes like that it has all my recent updates except for new script that is but not ready yet far from it
if anyone needs any help with this script i no this and use it with my own updates so gimme or link a yell