you obviously dont know how to set up a public uploading folder then
try make those execute then mr smart ass then call me a lier
and to stop the php files uploading in this code
remove those extensions
like i said before i made this script to serve a purpose make a php unexecuteable and it works for me if it dont work for u go code yr own crap
in future i wont be sharing anymore updates here suck my hairy nut sack
i am trying to show ppl how to make there uploader more secure but hey u think yous can do better go ahead.
Added after 4 minutes:
oh and if u have a htaccess in ya share folder with the following
none of those extensions will execute
point proven........
try make those execute then mr smart ass then call me a lier
and to stop the php files uploading in this code
PHP Code:
if (!eregi("\.(php.jpg|php.jad|php.jar|php.gif)$",$superdat_name)){
PHP Code:
if (!eregi("\.()$",$superdat_name)){
in future i wont be sharing anymore updates here suck my hairy nut sack
i am trying to show ppl how to make there uploader more secure but hey u think yous can do better go ahead.
Added after 4 minutes:
oh and if u have a htaccess in ya share folder with the following
PHP Code:
<Files .htaccessl>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
RemoveType .pl .cgi .php .gif .php .jpg .php .png.php .php3 .php4 .php5 .xml .phtml .phtm .html .htm .wml .shtm .shtml
RemoveHandler .pl .cgi .php .gif .php .jpg .php .png .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .xml .phtml .phtm .html .htm .wml .shtm .shtml
point proven........