ok here is simple url upload script:
hope this will be usefull to all of you and ya dont forget to click on thanks button
PHP Code:
if ($_GET[xfer]) {
if ($_POST[from] == "") {
print "You forgot to enter a url.";
} else {
copy("$_POST[from]", "$_POST[to]");
$size = round((filesize($_POST[to])/1000000), 3);
print "transfer complete.<br>
<a><a href=\"$_POST[from]\">$_POST[from]</a><br>
<a><a href=\"$_POST[to]\">$_POST[to]</a> : $size MB";
} else {
print "<form action=\"$PHP_SELF?xfer=true\" method=post>
from(http://): <input name='from' value=''><br>
to(filename): <input name='to'><br>
<input type=submit value=\"transload\">";
hope this will be usefull to all of you and ya dont forget to click on thanks button