friends, this is the code of mine shouts.. i want to show 3 shouts instead of 1 .. how to do this..
code of core.php
function getshoutbox($sid)
$eval = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT shout, shouter, id FROM bdbfdf_shouts ORDER BY shtime DESC LIMIT 1"));
global $suli;
if($suli!='' && $GLOBALS['h']!=1){
$shnick = getnick_uid($eval[1]);
$shbox .= "<i><a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid& who=$eval[1]\">".$shnick."</a></i>: ";
$shbox .= parsepm($eval[0], $sid);
$shbox .= "<br/>";
$shbox .= "<a href=\"121lists121.php?action=shouts&sid=$sid\ ">history</a> ";
$shbox .= "<a href=\"index.php?action=shout&sid=$sid\">shout </a>";
if (ismod(getuid_sid($sid)))
$shbox .= " <a href=\"121mprocpl121.php?action=delsh&sid=$sid &shid=$eval[2]\">delete</a>";
//$shbox .= "<br/>";
return $shbox;
code of core.php
function getshoutbox($sid)
$eval = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT shout, shouter, id FROM bdbfdf_shouts ORDER BY shtime DESC LIMIT 1"));
global $suli;
if($suli!='' && $GLOBALS['h']!=1){
$shnick = getnick_uid($eval[1]);
$shbox .= "<i><a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid& who=$eval[1]\">".$shnick."</a></i>: ";
$shbox .= parsepm($eval[0], $sid);
$shbox .= "<br/>";
$shbox .= "<a href=\"121lists121.php?action=shouts&sid=$sid\ ">history</a> ";
$shbox .= "<a href=\"index.php?action=shout&sid=$sid\">shout </a>";
if (ismod(getuid_sid($sid)))
$shbox .= " <a href=\"121mprocpl121.php?action=delsh&sid=$sid &shid=$eval[2]\">delete</a>";
//$shbox .= "<br/>";
return $shbox;