Racer Game Online

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    lol mate tnx i dont now that is jujt an exemple Mate

    $db_table = "phpbb";

    $db_table = "sb";

    $db_table = "tk";

    you need more EX Mate Regele i give that EX because is most used


      not every script is lavalair script[/b]
      sa-mi bag picioru dak imi iese ceva...uite datele de la baza de date
      Informatiile personale despre contul MySql:
      Baza de date: freehost_2172
      User: free_2172
      parola: parola mea;)

      $db_host = "localhost";
      $db_user = "";
      $db_table = "aici nush ce dracu sa pun (";//
      $db_pass = "";


        sa-mi bag picioru dak imi iese ceva...uite datele de la baza de date
        Informatiile personale despre contul MySql:
        Baza de date: freehost_2172
        User: free_2172
        parola: parola mea;)
        $db_host = "localhost";
        $db_user = "";
        $db_table = "aici nush ce dracu sa pun (";//
        $db_pass = "";[/b]
        scuza-ma ca te intreb tu ai mai instalat pana acum vreun script?


          scuza-ma ca te intreb tu ai mai instalat pana acum vreun script?[/b]
          da un script de chat lavair


            Baza de date: freehost_2172
            User: free_2172
            parola: parola mea;)
            $db_host = "localhost";
            $db_user = "";
            $db_table = "aici nush ce dracu sa pun (";// incearca si pune prefixu scriptului care il folosesti
            $db_pass = "";

            desi din cite vad din sql nu are prefix tablele


              Does anybody have the english version?????


                Lol mate all wont a English version but who cant traslate that Langue ... i try but cant find the wolds...is a mess


                  Sory for the news y give to you Mate but this is not a game Fu,,,,,, that langue but go to this adres and you see what is that scriptt and for config work just config so .. http://Unixas.Net

                  $db_host = "localhost"; // databse hostname
                  $db_user = "root"; // user of database
                  $db_table = "chat"; // name of database
                  $db_pass = "*****"; // pass

                  try and you see it work.i test in my localserver lock nice but is not a game almost lock like a forum for wap


                    nu va mai bateti,kapul cu jocul ala tampit k e varza))


                      nu va mai bateti,kapul cu jocul ala tampit k e varza))[/b]
                      e chiar tare jocu tinand cont ca e un joc wap..dupa ce il termin de tradus il,bag pe klubro


                        Lol mate all wont a English version but who cant traslate that Langue ... i try but cant find the wolds...is a mess [/b]
                        It's definitaly a game, go to http://wapdrag.com to see it in action (ENGLISH)


                          Varza in ce sens Bro din cauza erorilor din el eu leam scos dar nu inteleg nimic din limba aia Bagumi ceva in ea si sincer til dau daca vrei dar eu nu vad nici un joc acolo mai degraba arata ca un site Wap


                            somebody have this script in english???cuz i cant hadlet eith this language ,can somebody atach him here?


                              naiba ma dar ce limba e aia?? ca io nunteleg un strop ditn tot de pe acolo , macar engleza de era ca jocul e cum e


                                Limba lu pazvanti chioru pui mei ca de facut lam facut sa mearga dor Dracu poate sa il traduca nu gasesti cuvintele alea nici pe net

