This script is designed to waste the time of e-mail harvesting robots that may visit your site trying to grab your e-mail adresses, and the ones of your users, by filling them up with invalid mailbox adresses. It has a proven track record, and has only recently been adapted to general public use. We are sure you have seen other robot traps out there, but here are some reasons we think ours is better...
It uses advanced record generation techniques to keep from appearing totally random. (Some robots check for this, and will ignore any page that does not load the same way twice).
It uses a reduced nameset so that at least some of the e-mail addresses generated will have a valid host name (but the chances of the actual complete address being valid are slim to none). This fools the botmasters into thinking they have found a good list.
It can generate an infinite number of pages, each with a unique set of addresses, and each page will load the same way every time (see #1), even if the robot comes back to it much later in a random sequence.
Php Poison Pill X-Treme logs the bots coming through into a standard CSV, giving IP, Page Loaded, and Date/Time so you can judge it's performance in a spreadsheet/database.
This script uses the no-index, no-follow, and the no-archive meta-tags to insure that good bots don't get tangled in it's web.
PHP PPX uses one numeric query variable that is passed through a mathematical transform before being used to insure no hacks can come through it.
The datasets are changed every 24 hours to keep from having the appearance of a static list.
It's GNU/GPL V.2 freeware, and easy to install.
How to install...
Installation is super easy, just follow these steps...
Unzip/Extract the program to your webserver's public html root.
It will make a directory called "CHANGE_THIS_DIRECTORY_NAME"
Change the name of that directory to anything good sounding to you, like "email records" or "contacts"
Make a link on your contact page, or in your forums, or wherever you like pointing to that directory (e.g. http://yoursite.com/<new directory name> ). Make sure the link would not attract good humans to it, like "Strange E-mail addresses"
You're done. Enjoy!
How to maintain...
Occasionally delete the .csv from the directory should it get too big, and also check back here for updates. Simple enough?
This script is designed to waste the time of e-mail harvesting robots that may visit your site trying to grab your e-mail adresses, and the ones of your users, by filling them up with invalid mailbox adresses. It has a proven track record, and has only recently been adapted to general public use. We are sure you have seen other robot traps out there, but here are some reasons we think ours is better...
It uses advanced record generation techniques to keep from appearing totally random. (Some robots check for this, and will ignore any page that does not load the same way twice).
It uses a reduced nameset so that at least some of the e-mail addresses generated will have a valid host name (but the chances of the actual complete address being valid are slim to none). This fools the botmasters into thinking they have found a good list.
It can generate an infinite number of pages, each with a unique set of addresses, and each page will load the same way every time (see #1), even if the robot comes back to it much later in a random sequence.
Php Poison Pill X-Treme logs the bots coming through into a standard CSV, giving IP, Page Loaded, and Date/Time so you can judge it's performance in a spreadsheet/database.
This script uses the no-index, no-follow, and the no-archive meta-tags to insure that good bots don't get tangled in it's web.
PHP PPX uses one numeric query variable that is passed through a mathematical transform before being used to insure no hacks can come through it.
The datasets are changed every 24 hours to keep from having the appearance of a static list.
It's GNU/GPL V.2 freeware, and easy to install.
How to install...
Installation is super easy, just follow these steps...
Unzip/Extract the program to your webserver's public html root.
It will make a directory called "CHANGE_THIS_DIRECTORY_NAME"
Change the name of that directory to anything good sounding to you, like "email records" or "contacts"
Make a link on your contact page, or in your forums, or wherever you like pointing to that directory (e.g. http://yoursite.com/<new directory name> ). Make sure the link would not attract good humans to it, like "Strange E-mail addresses"
You're done. Enjoy!
How to maintain...
Occasionally delete the .csv from the directory should it get too big, and also check back here for updates. Simple enough?