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    phMagick allows you to dynamically generate thumbnails create catching effects like drop shadows, draw text, watermark images, reflex effect to images all without opening photoshop just with Php and ImageMagick.

    phMagick is wrapper for ImageMagick written in php 5, and it's designed with to ease the developer job by wraping ImageMagick complexity in easy to use functions.

    The main reason for making phMagick is to avoid the inefficiency of GD and php memory limits

    Features highlight

    * Not being limited by your host php memory settings
    * PHP5 ready
    * Plugin based, it's now easy to extend phMagick, or to include just the features you want
    * Image reflection effect
    * Better debug support, now you get the ImageMagick error messages
    * Photoshop like image enhancements (noise, sharpen, smoth, sharpen, contrast, etc...)
    * Glow effect, put an "aura" all around the image
    * On the fly (or run time) thumbnail generation
    * Draw text
    * Add watermarks
    * Create tab strips
    * Resize Images and Convert to another format
    * Smart Crop
    * Common Image manipulation functions (invert, colors, rotate, flip & flop, etc)
    * Advanced Image manipulation functions (levels, noise, sharpen, etc)
    * Thumbnails from PDF and video files
    * Polaroid effect
    * Rounded Corners
    * Drop Shaddow


    phMagick :: Thumbnail from Pdf or Video file

    Please note that for videos you must have the correct codecs installed in your server and for pdf you need ghostscript
    It's quite simple to use
    $p = new phmagick('','destination.png');

    phMagick :: Rounded Corners

    $phMagick = &new phMagick('resize_porp_wh.png');
    ->roundCorners();// default is 15px

    $phMagick = &new phMagick('resize_porp_wh.png');

    Original Image

    Rounded 15px

    rounded 35px

    phMagick :: Polaroid Effect

    We can add a polaroid effect to images.

    We have two options a fake polaroid effect, which is mainly adding the withe borders an a real polaroid effect with text and shading witch make a very realistic effect
    Fake Polaroid

    $phMagick = &new phMagick('lipe1.jpg');


    Use this function to convert an image to another format

    $p = new phmagick('source.jpg', 'destination.png');

    This example converts source.jpg to destination.png, optionaly setImageQuality() can be used to specify the quality of the new image
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Anshul; 13.07.09, 07:25.

    alternate you can use phpthumb Demo of phpThumb() - thumbnails created by PHP using GD and/or ImageMagick
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      It's just an Imagick PHP extension alternative that I always used.

