Here are the english version and russian
but i just cant get the name in the link bar changed its stil RuSex.uS
but i just cant get the name in the link bar changed its stil RuSex.uS
here goes another russian auto index for u guys... description Script of the listing of the directories To [vozmozhnostti]: - The unlimited number of [podpapok] - It is trans-cast folders and the files - Individual tuning for each type of file on [razshireniyu] - The addition of [predprosmotra] for the pictures and [skrinshota], for example for the games - The calculation of a quantity of running off of the file - For [MP]3 of files is reflected [Bitreyt], the frequency of discreteness, duration (if file is not spoiled, for example [Bitreyt]= 0 or [Vremya]= -2:46) - The cutting Of mp3 - The addition of the description - Additions the commentary - Easily tuned - Two versions of xHTML and WML - The table of the orders - The exchanger - TOP 20 on the running off