I thought i would share this script with all of ya if you dont have it.
The following script automatically backs up all your data at a specific time of the day or night.
save above code in a file called fullbackup.php.
then upload to your top directory (home dir). (not /public_html, which would be less secure)
The following script automatically backs up all your data at a specific time of the day or night.
// ********* THE FOLLOWING ITEMS NEED TO BE CONFIGURED ********* // Info required for cPanel access $cpuser = "username"; // Username used to login to CPanel $cppass = "password"; // Password used to login to CPanel $domain = "example.com"; // Domain name where CPanel is run $skin = "x"; // Set to cPanel skin you use (script won't work if it doesn't match). Most people run the default x theme // Info required for FTP host $ftpuser = "ftpusername"; // Username for FTP account $ftppass = "ftppassword"; // Password for FTP account $ftphost = "ftp.example.com"; // Full hostname or IP address for FTP host $ftpmode = "ftp"; // FTP mode ("ftp" for active, "passiveftp" for passive) // Notification information $notifyemail = "you@example.com"; // Email address to send results // Secure or non-secure mode $secure = 0; // Set to 1 for SSL (requires SSL support), otherwise will use standard HTTP // Set to 1 to have web page result appear in your cron log $debug = 0; // *********** NO CONFIGURATION ITEMS BELOW THIS LINE ********* if ($secure) { $url = "ssl://".$domain; $port = 2083; } else { $url = $domain; $port = 2082; } $socket = fsockopen($url,$port); if (!$socket) { echo "Failed to open socket connection… Bailing out!\n"; exit; } // Encode authentication string $authstr = $cpuser.":".$cppass; $pass = base64_encode($authstr); $params = "dest=$ftpmode&email=$notifyemail&server=$ftphost&user=$ftpuser&pass=$ftppass&submit=Generate Backup"; // Make POST to cPanel fputs($socket,"POST /frontend/".$skin."/backup/dofullbackup.html?".$params." HTTP/1.0\r\n"); fputs($socket,"Host: $domain\r\n"); fputs($socket,"Authorization: Basic $pass\r\n"); fputs($socket,"Connection: Close\r\n"); fputs($socket,"\r\n"); // Grab response even if we don't do anything with it. while (!feof($socket)) { $response = fgets($socket,4096); if ($debug) echo $response; } fclose($socket); ?>
then upload to your top directory (home dir). (not /public_html, which would be less secure)