[wap] Methoswap V3

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    [wap] Methoswap V3

    Saves you going to his web forum just download it here :-)
    Attached Files

    cheers will have a look..


      would be better if it was complete though, no admincp ownercp and various other bits,


        more file not found...like...owner cp admin cp mod cp ...
        if like my post click:



          lol at sumat


            sweetangel just recode a wapdesire admin owner cp etc or search on here, the files are about if you can be bothered to look


              I need original methos cp. I wont add vip status at my new wapdesire version
              if like my post click:



                so code it sweetangel. theres a clone of methos v3 on here to give you a good guideline and use bits from wapdesire and you'll be there, two hour job for even a noob if they have a basic grasp of php


                  sooooo easy for me hehe


                    shop not found...the code is different from wapdesire....
                    if like my post click:



                      make your own shop i did as i didnt like the one that came with the wapdesire i use, btw if anyone wants to look and comment its here -

                      header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
                      header("Pragma: no-cache");
                      //header(&#39;Content-type: application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml&#39;); 
                      echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
                      echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd\">";
                      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
                      $bcon = connectdb();
                      $sitename = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE name=&#39;sitename&#39;"));
                      $sitename = $sitename[0];
                      if (!$bcon)
                          echo "<head>";
                          echo "<title>Error!!!</title>";
                          echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/white_medium.css\">";
                          echo "</head>";
                          echo "<body>";
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "<img src=\"../images/notok.gif\" alt=\"!\"/>
                          echo "[b][b]Error! Cannot Connect To Database...[/b][/b]
                          echo "This error happens usually when backing up the database, please be patient...";
                          echo "</p>";
                          echo "</body>";
                          echo "</html>";
                      $brws = explode("/",$HTTP_USER_AGENT);
                      $ubr = $brws[0];
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                      $sqlthing = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;$uid&#39;");
                      if(($action != "") && ($action!="terms"))
                          $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
                            echo "<head>";
                            echo "<title>Error!!!</title>";
                            echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/white_medium.css\">";
                            echo "</head>";
                            echo "<body>";
                            echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                            echo "You are not logged in
                            echo "Or Your session has been expired
                            echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>";
                            echo "</p>";
                            echo "</body>";
                            echo "</html>";
                      //echo isbanned($uid);
                            echo "<head>";
                            echo "<title>Error!!!</title>";
                            echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
                            echo "</head>";
                            echo "<body>";
                            echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                            echo "<img src=\"../images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/>
                            echo "[b]You are Banned[/b]
                            $banto = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT timeto, pnreas, exid FROM ibwf_penalties WHERE uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;1&#39; OR uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;2&#39;"));
                          $banres = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastpnreas FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
                            $remain = $banto[0]- time();
                            $rmsg = gettimemsg($remain);
                            echo "[b]Time Left: [/b]$rmsg
                            $nick = getnick_uid($banto[2]);
                          echo "[b]By: [/b]$nick
                          echo "[b]Reason: [/b]$banto[1]";
                            //echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>";
                            echo "</p>";
                            echo "</body>";
                            echo "</html>";
                      $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET browserm=&#39;".$brws4."&#39;, ipadd=&#39;".$uip."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;");
                      ////////////////////////////////////////MAIN PAGE
                        $mmsg = htmlspecialchars(getsetmood(getuid_sid($sid)));
                        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Shop ($mmsg)","");
                        echo "<head>";
                        echo "<title>Shop</title>";
                        echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
                        echo "</head>";
                        echo "<body>";
                        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        $plusses = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses, name FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
                        $message2 = Avater;
                        Echo "$sitename Plusses Shop,
                        echo "You Currently Have $plusses[0] Plusses";
                        echo "</p>";
                        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        echo "The Items You Can Buy Are Listed Below:</p>";
                        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "Your Own Profile Avater
                          echo "Cost: 150 Plusses
                          echo "</p>"; 
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "<form action=\"shop.php?action=peravar&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$plusses[1]&amp;whoid=$uid&amp;message=$message\" method=\"post\">";
                          echo "[b]<center>Please describe the pic you would like and the name you&#39;d like on it</center>[/b]";
                          echo "<center><input name=\"message\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"200\"/></center>";
                          echo "<center><input type=\"Submit\" Name=\"Submit\" Value=\"Buy Now\"></center></form>";
                          echo "</p>";    
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "Your Own Personal Smilie
                          echo "Cost: 250 Plusses
                          echo "</p>"; 
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "<form action=\"shop.php?action=persmile&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$plusses[1]&amp;whoid=$uid&amp;message=$message\" method=\"post\">";
                          echo "[b]<center>Please Describe the icon you&#39;d like</center>[/b]";
                          echo "<center><input name=\"message\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"200\"/></center>";
                          echo "<center><input type=\"Submit\" Name=\"Submit\" Value=\"Buy Now\"></center></form>";
                          echo "</p>";    
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "Your Own Public Chatroom
                          echo "Cost: 300 Plusses
                          echo "</p>"; 
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "<form action=\"shop.php?action=pubchat&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$plusses[1]&amp;whoid=$uid&amp;message=$message\" method=\"post\">";
                          echo "[b]<center>What chatroom name would you like</center>[/b]";
                          echo "<center><input name=\"message\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"200\"/></center>";
                          echo "<center><input type=\"Submit\" Name=\"Submit\" Value=\"Buy Now\"></center></form>";
                          echo "</p>";    
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "Your Own Public Forum
                          echo "Cost: 400 Plusses
                          echo "</p>"; 
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                          echo "<form action=\"shop.php?action=pubforum&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$plusses[1]&amp;whoid=$uid&amp;message=$message\" method=\"post\">";
                          echo "[b]<center>What forum name would you like</center>[/b]";
                          echo "<center><input name=\"message\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"200\"/></center>";
                          echo "<center><input type=\"Submit\" Name=\"Submit\" Value=\"Buy Now\"></center></form>";
                          echo "</p>";    
                        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
                        echo "</p>";
                        echo "</body>";
                        echo "<head>";
                        echo "<title>Shop</title>";
                        echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
                        echo "</head>";
                        echo "<body>";
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        $message = $_POST["message"];
                        $message2 = $_POST["message2"];
                        $message3 = "LODGE-AVATAR-$message";
                          $plusses = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses, name FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
                      if ($plusses[0] < 150){
                        echo "No cheating, you cant afford an avater";
                          $remainplus = $plusses[0] - 150;
                          $plussupdate = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$remainplus."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$who."&#39;");
                          mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text=&#39;".$message3."&#39;, byuid=&#39;".$uid."&#39;, touid=&#39;".$ownid[0]."&#39;, unread=&#39;1&#39;, timesent=&#39;".time()."&#39;");
                          echo "Thank You For Choosing To Purchase Your Personal Avater. Your Plusses Have Been Debited and your request sent to the staff for processing.
                          echo "You Now have $remainplus Plusses Remaining
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        echo "[b]0 [/b]<a accesskey=\"0\" href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
                        echo "</p>";
                          echo "</body>";
                      else if($action=="persmile")
                        echo "<head>";
                        echo "<title>Shop</title>";
                        echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
                        echo "</head>";
                        echo "<body>";
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        $message = $_POST["message"];
                        $message3 = "LODGE-SMILIE-$message";
                          $plusses = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses, name FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
                      if ($plusses[0] < 250){
                        echo "No cheating, you cant afford a smilie";
                          $remainplus = $plusses[0] - 250;
                          $plussupdate = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$remainplus."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$who."&#39;");
                          mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text=&#39;".$message3."&#39;, byuid=&#39;".$uid."&#39;, touid=&#39;".$ownid[0]."&#39;, unread=&#39;1&#39;, timesent=&#39;".time()."&#39;");
                          echo "Thank You For Choosing To Purchase Your Personal Smilie. Your Plusses Have Been Debited and your request sent to the staff for processing.
                          echo "You Now have $remainplus Plusses Remaining
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        echo "[b]0 [/b]<a accesskey=\"0\" href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
                        echo "</p>";
                          echo "</body>";
                      else if($action=="pubchat")
                        echo "<head>";
                        echo "<title>Shop</title>";
                        echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
                        echo "</head>";
                        echo "<body>";
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        $message = $_POST["message"];
                        $message3 = "LODGE-CHATROOM-$message";
                          $plusses = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses, name FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
                      if ($plusses[0] < 300){
                        echo "No cheating, you cant afford a chatroom";
                          $remainplus = $plusses[0] - 300;
                          $plussupdate = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$remainplus."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$who."&#39;");
                          mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text=&#39;".$message3."&#39;, byuid=&#39;".$uid."&#39;, touid=&#39;".$ownid[0]."&#39;, unread=&#39;1&#39;, timesent=&#39;".time()."&#39;");
                          echo "Thank You For Choosing To Purchase Your Personal Chatroom. Your Plusses Have Been Debited and your request sent to the staff for processing.
                          echo "You Now have $remainplus Plusses Remaining
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        echo "[b]0 [/b]<a accesskey=\"0\" href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
                        echo "</p>";
                          echo "</body>";
                      else if($action=="pubforum")
                        echo "<head>";
                        echo "<title>Shop</title>";
                        echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
                        echo "</head>";
                        echo "<body>";
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        $message = $_POST["message"];
                        $message3 = "LODGE-FORUM-$message";
                          $plusses = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses, name FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$who."&#39;"));
                      if ($plusses[0] < 400){
                        echo "No cheating, you cant afford a forum";
                          $remainplus = $plusses[0] - 400;
                          $plussupdate = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$remainplus."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$who."&#39;");
                          mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text=&#39;".$message3."&#39;, byuid=&#39;".$uid."&#39;, touid=&#39;".$ownid[0]."&#39;, unread=&#39;1&#39;, timesent=&#39;".time()."&#39;");
                          echo "Thank You For Choosing To Purchase Your Personal Forum. Your Plusses Have Been Debited and your request sent to the staff for processing.
                          echo "You Now have $remainplus Plusses Remaining
                          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
                        echo "[b]0 [/b]<a accesskey=\"0\" href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
                        echo "</p>";
                          echo "</body>";
                      Note - i dont claim to be a coder, i use a lot of copynpaste to get the results i want, theres nothing hard about it, read your script and understand what it does

                      Please feel free to clean up my shop if you are a genuine coder lol im aware it doesnt pass validation, but it works lol


                        methos write:
                        use the plain wml files for the admincp, ownercp ect. i didn&#39;t code them.[/b]
                        if like my post click:



                          No admincp, ownercp ect.


                            <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (mobilmega @ Oct 17 2008, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
                            No admincp, ownercp ect. [/b]
                            use the wapdesire ownercp etc.. they will work


                              awwwww poor you sweetangel, want me to play you a nice tune on the smallest violin in the world hey.. awww ? NOT FUKIN SEARCH FOR ONCE!!
                              Want something coded email me at sales@webnwaphost.com for a prices.

