Mobilust Decoded (fixed)

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    Mobilust Decoded (fixed)

    Mobilust Decoded (fixed)

    Version: 1.0.0
    Category: Forums / Communities

    i fixed the script, you can check it at

    View File

    Submitted by Akon, on Aug 19 2008, 03:27 PM

    how on earth do you validate yourself and give yourself owner tools on this script ?


      how on earth do you validate yourself and give yourself owner tools on this script ?[/b]
      well, you might have a look at .mdb files in db folder, you'll need some database management software or something..

      or you can write a script to set you as an admin..


        thx akon... here is a installation file from the previous version of this site......
        hope it helps with the admin and nalidation yhingy note coloured texts

        How to / Installation

        Open all .asp files and replace MySiteName string with your site name; you can use Editplus text editor to do that.
        If you want to change forum names open default.asp and find "sub gbv" and there change Forum1,Forum2... to your forum names. You can add unlimited forums.
        If you want to chat room names, find "sub csec" and change room names. You can add unlimited chat rooms.
        Admin page is admin.asp and default pw is "admin" to change it find "sub checklogin" in admin.asp and change it to what ever you want.
        adminRenamer.asp is a security measure and lets you to rename admin.asp whenever you want.

        There is no special software needed to run this application. All you need is a windows based hosting and 5-10 mb space.
        In addition, you might want to cheek if you have read/write access to Ms Access database files. Without it site will not work.
        Once you have uploaded it use your phone or a wml editor software to access your site.

        This application released under GNU General Public License (GPL).
        You cannot sell or claim money out of this application.
        Although it is not necessary, i would like you to mention my site or nick name in your wap site.


        Main features are Forums,Chat room and Instant messaging.
        Admin section allows you to delete forum posts,ban users.
        There are some other small stuff but i dont have time to explain here and it is pretty basic to findout.

        FAQ Answers

        Yes site only for mobile phones
        Well if you don’t know how to use your phone for internet access you shouldn’t be reading this
        No, there could be no colour on wml and this is wml.
        Yes you can easily broke the source if you do not know what you doing.
        Yes, source is too messy and full off bugs but it has been running on many sites over 3 years.
        Yes, it can slow down your server if you have more than 10-12 people online at same time.
        No there is no SQL version.




          worked it out now. erm.... seriously insecure, more holes than a seive and coding errors all over the place, lol and i thought the sp/youngson one was bad !!! DELETED IT ALREADY lol


            worked it out now. erm.... seriously insecure, more holes than a seive and coding errors all over the place, lol and i thought the sp/youngson one was bad !!! DELETED IT ALREADY lol[/b]
            Dark u mind sharing what u did as lut emailed me he doesnt give support for it anymore
             Thu, 21:23
              Today at 09:17
            smsLUST / mobiLUST
            Re: re:Mobilust forum site advanced
            Dear mr Coetzee
            sorry i no longer support that code but if i remember correct there should be settings on admin panel
            ----- Original Message ----- 
            From: carlctz 
            To: [email][/email] 
            Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 7:50 PM
            Subject: re:Mobilust forum site advanced
            Mr Lust first off nice coding. I downloaded a cheekywap script from ur site and was wondering how to verify myself as a user and maybe put outomatic verification on? I will really appreciate if u can help me on this...... yours sincerely carl coetzee 
            Can you take your dating service with you ? Web and mobile dating. 


              upload, config and sign ya name up
              then go to your url/admincreator.asp and you can give yourself an admin username and password (and so can anyone else, theres no security)
              Now go to your url/admin.asp and login with the admin name and pass you just set and you can then validate yourself for the main site.
              Sorry but whoever thought this was a good way to do it needs some serious talking to lol, ok you can rename the admin creator file but still... not exactly the best option lol


                how bout if u delete admin rename file afterwords?


                  people who thinks code is insecure, it is not!
                  it doesnt have any programing errors but could have unnecessary varibales etc.
                  its just messy and reason im a messy coder

                  it worked over 2-3 years without any security problem on any site.


                    people who thinks code is insecure, it is not!
                    it doesnt have any programing errors but could have unnecessary varibales etc.
                    its just messy and reason im a messy coder

                    it worked over 2-3 years without any security problem on any site.[/b]
                    Lust is this realy you?
                    If it is you...
                    then hope u can help coz i realy like script as i veiwed it offline with opera browsers and i used the previous version ...i get error if i try and validate myself


                      this is error i get on my phone when validate user or myself and press send validate mail
                      Server.MapPath() error 'ASP 0175 : 80004005' 
                      Disallowed Path Characters 
                      /carlsworld/forum/admin.asp, line 1688 
                      The '..' characters are not allowed in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
                      this is what opera gives me im unable to locate this in admin.asp
                       1: <?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" ""><wml><head><meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="max-age=0" forua="true"/><meta forua="true" http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="must-revalidate"/><meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"/></head><card id="main"  title="CheekyWap">
                        2: <p align="center"> <font face="Arial" size=2>
                      Server.MapPath()</font> <font face="Arial" size=2>error &#39;ASP 0175 : 80004005&#39;</font>
                        5: <font face="Arial" size=2>Disallowed Path Characters</font>
                      and i know this code to be faulty
                      <p align="center"> <font face="Arial" size=2>
                      must be like this
                      <p align="center"> <font face="Arial" size="2">
                      but i cant find it in the script???


                        your server admin disallowed . char in path. you can either tel them to allow it or use phsical path to db file

                        so insted of ../db/mydb.mdb


                          will rather look 4 other hosting then lol


                            will rather look 4 other hosting then lol[/b]
                            unfortunately it is the default behavior of iis6 so unless they changed it will be same on other hosts. you can easily find out physical path of file with

                            <%= Server.MapPath("\")%>


                              im just a noob lust got no idea with this...

