How can i send a pm to users online or all users or staff users
Help me pls
Help me pls
function PMtoALL($text){ $sql = @mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ibwf_users"); while ($id = @mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ @mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET byuid = '1', touid = '".$id[0]."', text = '".$text."', timesent = '".time()."'"); } } //// this is the id of the owner, if u are the owner put your id here byuid = '1'
else if ($action=="pmtoall"){ echo '<card id="main" title="Send pm to all"> '; echo 'Send pm to all: '; echo '<input type="text" name="msg"/> '; echo '<anchor>send'; echo "<go href=\"adminproc.php?action=pmtoall&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<postfield name=\"msg\" value=\"$(msg)\"/>"; echo '</go></anchor>'; echo '</p></card>'; }
else if ($action=="pmtoall"){ echo '<card id="main" title="Send pm to all"> '; $msg = $_POST['msg']; PMtoALL($msg); echo 'Pm sent to all users! '; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">index</a>"; echo '</p></card>'; }
function PMtoALL($text){ $sql = @mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ibwf_users"); while ($id = @mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ @mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET byuid = '1', touid = '".$id[0]."', text = '".$text."', timesent = '".time()."'"); } } //// this is the id of the owner, if u are the owner put your id here byuid = '1'
else if ($action=="pmtoall"){ echo '<card id="main" title="Send pm to all"> '; echo 'Send pm to all: '; echo '<input type="text" name="msg"/> '; echo '<anchor>send'; echo "<go href=\"adminproc.php?action=pmtoall&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<postfield name=\"msg\" value=\"$(msg)\"/>"; echo '</go></anchor>'; echo '</p></card>'; }
else if ($action=="pmtoall"){ echo '<card id="main" title="Send pm to all"> '; $msg = $_POST['msg']; PMtoALL($msg); echo 'Pm sent to all users! '; echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">index</a>"; echo '</p></card>'; }
function PMtoALL($text){ $offline = 300; $sql = @mysql_query("select * from `ibwf_users` WHERE lastvst>'".intval(time()-$offline)."'"); while ($id = @mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ @mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET byuid = '1', touid = '".$id[0]."', text = '".$text."', timesent = '".time()."'"); } }
function PMtoALL($text){ $offline = 300; $sql = @mysql_query("select * from `ibwf_users` WHERE lastvst>'".intval(time()-$offline)."'"); while ($id = @mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ @mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET byuid = '1', touid = '".$id[0]."', text = '".$text."', timesent = '".time()."'"); } }