Jackpot Game!

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    Jackpot Game!

    so get me hired as your personal coder for your games or you can buy some of my games

    [img]https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but21.gif' alt='Make some donation to help me as your game provider! I will code 15 games for lavalair script users' border='0' />

    this game is dedicated to my family friends and all for filipinos

    this is my ideas to share to all

    Hope you found good script from me!

    ad this to your if else statments for losers and winers

    $pmtext="Your Bet: $bet . Your Digit: $guess1. The winning number is $num1 . Yes, you lose $bet ! ";

    $tm = time();
    $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='".$pmtext."', byuid='57', touid='".$uid."', timesent='".$tm."'");

    $pmtext="Your Bet: $bet . Your Digit: $guess1 . The winning number is $num1 . Yes, you win! $dagdag ";

    $tm = time();
    $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text='".$pmtext."', byuid='57', touid='".$uid."', timesent='".$tm."'");

    see this ( byuid='57') this is the id of the owner or bot info

    <div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'><?php
    //////original copy of wapple adventure changed title to Ancient Empires
    ///// pinoy2.com official games xyve aka facedown ideas!
    $version = "version: 3";
    $adven = "On the Spot Jackpot!";
    $adven2 = "Instant Jackpot Money! A modified lucky 9";
    //$xyvepotmoney = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE name=&#39;potmoney&#39;"));

    $updates = "Updates by: your name


    //header(&#39;Content-type: application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml&#39;);
    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd\">";
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    $bcon = connectdb();

    if (!$bcon)
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>Pinoy2.com</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/white.css\">";
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<img src=\"../images/notok.gif\" alt=\"!\"/>
    echo "Error! Cannot Connect To Database...

    echo "This error happens usually when backing up the database, please be patient... or go to our chatsite <a href=\"http://pinoy2.com/index.php\">http://www.pinoy2.com</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";
    echo "</html>";

    $bet = $_GET["bet"];
    $guess1 = $_GET["guess1"];
    $action = $_GET["action"];
    $sid = $_GET["sid"];
    $sitename = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE name=&#39;sitename&#39;"));
    $sitename = $sitename[0];
    $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
    $theme = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT theme FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));

    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>Error!!!</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/white_medium.css\">";
    echo "</head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "You are not logged in
    echo "Or Your session has been expired

    echo "<a href=\"http://pinoy2.com/index.php\">Login</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";
    echo "</html>";
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>pinoy2.com !!!</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<img src=\"../images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/>
    echo "You are Banned

    $banto = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT timeto, pnreas, exid FROM ibwf_parusa WHERE uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;1&#39; OR uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;2&#39;"));
    $banres = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastpnreas FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $remain = $banto[0]- time();
    $rmsg = gettimemsg($remain);
    echo "Time Left: $rmsg
    $nick = getnick_uid($banto[2]);
    echo "By: $nick
    echo "Reason: $banto[1]";
    echo "<a href=\"http://pinoy2.com/index.php\">Login</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";
    echo "</html>";
    addonline(getuid_sid(($sid),"playing $adven","../Jackpot3.php?action=main&sid=$sid");
    $view = $_GET["view"];
    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Playing adventure\">";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<img src=\"images/roll.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>
    echo "see and play pinoy2.com ($adven2) $adven? Well good luck!
    Script created by facedown_pogi@yahoo.com!
    echo "</p>";
    //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<
    echo "<center><a href=\"Jackpot3.php?action=go&sid=$sid\">[Go]
    pinoy2! este Pinoy to! isigaw mo! JACKPOT!</a>

    Advertisers: $x

    echo "</p>";
    ////// UNTILL HERE >>
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<center><a href=\"index.php?action=funm&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/roll.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "Fun/Games</a>
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "Home</a></center>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "
    else if($action=="go"))
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"playing $adven","../Jackpot3.php?action=main&sid=$sid");
    $view = $_GET["view"];
    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"wapple super games\">";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<big>$adven $version</big>
    echo " © Pinoy2.com
    Script created by facedown_pogi@yahoo.com!
    echo "</p>";

    echo "You need at least 75 plusses to play Jackpot! Stay away!";

    //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<

    $bet = $_POST["bet"];
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";

    echo "<center><font color= red> <blink>© Pinoy2.com </blink></font>
    Advertisers: $x
    Jackpot money is $xyvepotmoney
    Please choose your bet!
    This is an instant jackpot game!
    Your bet will be multiplied by the current jackpot!
    The more you bet, the more you win!
    The cost of game is per bet minus in your current plusses!
    The minimum bet is ten!


    echo "<form action=\"Jackpot3.php?action=a&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">
    echo "<font color= orange>Your Bet:</font><select name=\"bet\">";
    echo "<option value=\"10\">10 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"20\">20 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"30\">30 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"40\">40 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"50\">50 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"60\">60 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"70\">70 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"80\">80 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"90\">90 Plusses</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"100\">100 Plusses</option>";
    echo "</select>

    echo "
    Choose your number from 1 to 9 in the selection box bellow!
    Our system will send immidiately the prize and will send the confirmation of your winnings at your inbox!
    So choose wisely!
    You get 100 bonus plusses if you win!

    echo "<font color= blue>Choose Your Digit:</font><select name=\"guess1\">";
    echo "<option value=\"0\">--blank--</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"1\"> -1- </option>";
    echo "<option value=\"2\"> -2- </option>";
    echo "<option value=\"3\"> -3- </option>";
    echo "<option value=\"4\"> -4- </option>";
    echo "<option value=\"5\"> -5- </option>";
    echo "<option value=\"6\"> -6- </option>";
    echo "<option value=\"7\"> -7- </option>";
    echo "<option value=\"8\"> -8- </option>";
    echo "<option value=\"9\"> -9- </option>";
    echo "</select>
    echo "<input type=\"Submit\" Name=\"Submit\" Value=\"Submit\"></center>";

    echo "</p>";

    ////// UNTILL HERE >>
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<center><a href=\"index.php?action=funm&sid=$sid\">«back to fun menu</a>
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "Home</a></center>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"playing $adven","");
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>play $adven $version</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
    echo "</head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";

    //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<

    $num1 = rand(1, 9);

    $guess1 = $_POST["guess1"];

    $bet = $_POST["bet"];

    $uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM ibwf_ses WHERE id=&#39;".$sid."&#39;"));
    $uid = $uid[0];
    $usrid = $uid;
    echo "$adven $version
    echo "$adven2

    echo "<center>
    Mananalo ka sa Jakpot kapag may natanggap ka na mensahe sa inbox!
    You win if you see YES YOU WIN in your mail inbox!
    You get 100 bonus point plusses if you win!

    echo "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"Jackpot3.php?action=go&sid=$sid\">[Try Again]</a>
    echo "</p>";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    echo "Current Plusses: $ugpl
    echo "Your Bet: $bet";
    echo "Your Digit: $guess1";
    echo "The Winning Number is: $num1";

    $tval = $bet+100;
    $npluss = $ugpl+$tval;
    echo "<img src=\"images/win.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>
    echo "Win!

    if(@mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$npluss."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"))
    echo "So you have won $tval

    $npluss = $ugpl-$bet;
    echo "<img src=\"images/lose.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>
    echo "Lose!

    if(@mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$npluss."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"))
    echo "So you have lost $bet


    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=funm&sid=$sid\">«Back To Fun Zone</a>";
    echo "
    echo "0 <a accesskey=\"0\" href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a></center>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";

    Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

    Below is a list of services I offer:

    Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


    General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
    Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.

    to my friends at the Philippines..

    i coded this thing dedicated to all wapmasters...

    my friend min0taur of pinoywap "hello"

    my friend thanatos of natasu "hi"

    my friend busterkeaton10 "waz up"

    my friend denverporia at crypticworld "this thing can help you"

    my friend creptone of wapmetal "this code will help you much"

    my friend simsoft "hi"

    my friend gambit "hello"

    And most especially i dedicate this work to lavalair and 2wap thanks to your help i learn coding


    Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

    Below is a list of services I offer:

    Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


    General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
    Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.



      Click here!!!


        god lol help us lol just joking good to see ya sharing dude
        Visit: Chat4u.mobi - The New Lay Of being a site of your dreams!
        Visit: WapMasterz Coming Back Soon!
        Chat4u Script : coding-talk.com/f28/chat4u-mobi-script-only-150-a-17677/ - > Best Script for your site no other can be hacked by sql or uploaders.
        FileShare Script : coding-talk.com/f28/file-wap-share-6596/ -> Uploader you will never regret buying yeah it mite be old now but it still seems to own others...
        Info & Tips


          My script 100 percent working i knew if else statements hahaha




          Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

          Below is a list of services I offer:

          Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


          General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
          Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.


            Thanks for sharing facedown. But this thing could not help me. I could code it on my own.
            But the best way for u 2 learn or best for me 2 learn is do code it for ur own self.
            Sharing is not bad.
            Well ur script is fit to all newbies who wants to instant install to their sites.

            Well keep it up


              Thanks for sharing facedown. But this thing could not help me. I could code it on my own.
              But the best way for u 2 learn or best for me 2 learn is do code it for ur own self.
              Sharing is not bad.
              Well ur script is fit to all newbies who wants to instant install to their sites.

              Well keep it up [/b]
              THANKS PARE... alam mo kung asan ngayon si simonsoft?

              i&#39;m looking for him he might buy my scripts

              Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

              Below is a list of services I offer:

              Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


              General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
              Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.


                nice share..

                you posted the script already, simon might just copy and edit some part of it instead of buying it


                  nice share..

                  you posted the script already, simon might just copy and edit some part of it instead of buying it [/b]

                  musta mga noypi hehehe and2 pala mga admins ng ibang site well im newbie in coding ..m pls do visit mah site xtremewap.org thankss


                    what is if else statements? i m cofsed
                    Failure is not when a girls leaves you, its only when you let her go virgin. heheh!!

                    <span style="color:#9ACD32"><span style="font-size:36pt;line-height:100%">BEST MOBILE ADVERTISER</span></span>


                      Something like this:

                      $pmtext="Your Bet: $bet . Your Digit: $guess1 . The winning number is $num1 . Yes, you win! $dagdag ";
                      $pmtext="Your Bet: $bet . Your Digit: $guess1. The winning number is $num1 . Yes, you lose $bet ! ";

                      $tm = time();
                      mysql_query("INSERT INTO ibwf_private SET text=&#39;".$pmtext."&#39;, byuid=&#39;1&#39;, touid=&#39;".$uid."&#39;, timesent=&#39;".$tm."&#39;");

                      n maybee an update of plusses etc


                        I have thousands of ideas to come lol such i&#39;m not worried to release one of my scripts.. lol

                        i&#39;m planning to release the rpg for all.. what would be the wap world with having sites with lots of games to critical to all admins..

                        well actually, giving new games is the best way to achieve new members.. well i&#39;m not planning to be just wapmaster but instead a seller of games scripts.. tnt lol i just earned 40 dollars last night...

                        i will code in exchange of money.. thats my very reason lol.. i&#39;m earning.. tnt

                        this script only prove that i will sell my ideas to all..

                        Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

                        Below is a list of services I offer:

                        Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


                        General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
                        Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.


                          nice share..

                          you posted the script already, simon might just copy and edit some part of it instead of buying it [/b]
                          i&#39;m not worried, coz i have plenty of ideas to come,

                          natasu would you mind to see if my account in your site alredy deleted?

                          Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

                          Below is a list of services I offer:

                          Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


                          General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
                          Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.


                            I have thousands of ideas to come lol such i&#39;m not worried to release one of my scripts.. lol

                            i&#39;m planning to release the rpg for all.. what would be the wap world with having sites with lots of games to critical to all admins..

                            well actually, giving new games is the best way to achieve new members.. well i&#39;m not planning to be just wapmaster but instead a seller of games scripts.. tnt lol i just earned 40 dollars last night...
                            i will code in exchange of money.. thats my very reason lol.. i&#39;m earning.. tnt

                            this script only prove that i will sell my ideas to all..[/b]
                            //////original copy of wapple adventure changed title to Ancient Empires
                            ///// pinoy2.com  official games xyve aka facedown ideas!............
                            so you gonna sell other ppl work?
                            It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.
                            ⓣⓗⓔ ⓠⓤⓘⓔⓣⓔⓡ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓑⓔ©ⓞⓜⓔ, ⓣⓗⓔ ⓜⓞⓡⓔ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓐⓡⓔ ⓐⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓗⓔⓐⓡ !
                            ιη тнєσяу, тнє ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ α яєѕυℓт σƒ тнє тнєσяу, вυт ιη ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ тнє σρρσѕιтє.
                            キノgんイノ刀g 4 ア乇ムc乇 ノ丂 レノズ乇 キucズノ刀g 4 √ノ尺gノ刀ノイリ!


                              Here&#39;s the game without the errors.
                              Just upload the file to where you have your index.php, core.php etc... as jackpot.php and link it in your fun menu like

                              echo &#39;[size="1"][url="jackpot.php?sid=&#39;.$sid.&#39;"]JackPot[/url][/size]
                              create your own image, jackpot.gif and upload it to your images folder. i havent tested the script so if you see any errors or bugs please report them here and i&#39;ll fix it

                              <div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'><?php

                              * @Copyright wizard <mc_jayrulez@yahoo.com.au>
                              * @File: jackpot.php
                              * @param: $sid

                              header(&#39;Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml&#39;);

                              echo &#39;<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml">&#39;;

                              echo &#39;<wml>&#39;;



                              function canplay_jackpot($uid)
                              $sql = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
                              return true;
                              return false;

                              $bcon = connectdb();
                              $sid = $_GET[&#39;sid&#39;];
                              $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
                              $action = $_GET[&#39;action&#39;];

                              echo &#39;<card id="main" title="Database Error">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;[img]images/notok.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;Database Connection Error, please try again later!&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/roll.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Fun Menu</a>
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=main&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/home.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Home</a>
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</card>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</wml>&#39;;

                              echo &#39;<card id="main" title="Login Error">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;[img]images/notok.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;You are not logged in or your session has expired!&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;Login&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=main&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/home.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Home</a>
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</card>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</wml>&#39;;

                              echo &#39;<card id="main" title="Login Error">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;[img]images/notok.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;&#39;;
                              echo &#39;You are Banned
                              echo &#39;
                              $sql = "SELECT timeto, pnreas, exid
                              FROM ibwf_parusa
                              WHERE uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39;
                              AND penalty=&#39;1&#39; OR uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39;
                              AND penalty=&#39;2&#39;
                              $banto = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
                              $banres = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastpnreas FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
                              $remain = $banto[0]- time();
                              $rmsg = gettimemsg($remain);
                              echo &#39;Time Left: &#39;.$rmsg.&#39;&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              $nick = getnick_uid($banto[2]);
                              echo &#39;By: &#39;.$nick.&#39;&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;Reason: &#39;.$banto[1].&#39;&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=main&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/home.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Home</a>
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</card>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</wml>&#39;;

                              echo &#39;<card id="main" title="Error">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;[img]images/notok.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;You must have atleast 10 plusses to play JackPot!&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/roll.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Fun Menu</a>
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=main&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/home.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Home</a>
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</card>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</wml>&#39;;

                              echo &#39;<card id="main" title="JackPot">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;[img]images/jackpot.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;Place your bet&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;<select name="bet">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="10">10</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="20">20</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="30">30</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="40">40</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="50">50</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="60">60</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="70">70</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="80">80</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="90">90</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="100">100</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</select>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;Choose your lucky number&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;<select name="lucky_number">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="1">1</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="2">2</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="3">3</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="4">4</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="5">5</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="6">6</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="7">7</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="8">8</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="9">9</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<option value="10">10</option>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</select>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;<anchor>[Spin]<go href="jackpot.php?action=do_bet&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid .&#39;" method="post">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<postfield name="bet" value="$(bet)"/>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<postfield name="lucky_number" value="$(lucky_number)"/>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</go></anchor>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/roll.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Fun Menu</a>
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=main&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/home.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Home</a>
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</card>&#39;;
                              }else if($action==&#39;do_bet&#39;)
                              $bet = $_POST[&#39;bet&#39;];
                              $lucky_number = $_POST[&#39;lucky_number&#39;];
                              $random = rand(1,10);

                              echo &#39;<card id="main" title="JackPot">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;[img]images/jackpot.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;JackPot Result&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;

                              $uplus = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));

                              echo &#39;Your Plusses: &#39;.$uplus[0].&#39;&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;Your lucky number: &#39;.$lucky_number.&#39;&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;The winning number: &#39;.$random.&#39;&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;

                              $var = $bet * 2;
                              $nplus = $uplus[0] + $var;

                              if(@mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$nplus."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"))
                              echo &#39;You have recieved &#39;.$var.&#39; plusses for winning&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;You now have &#39;.$nplus.&#39; plusses left.&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              $nplus = $uplus[0] - $bet;
                              $nplus = 0;
                              if(@mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$nplus."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"))
                              echo &#39;You have lost &#39;.$bet.&#39; plusses for losing&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;You now have &#39;.$nplus.&#39; plusses left.&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;Try Again&#39;;

                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/roll.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Fun Menu</a>

                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=main&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/home.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Home</a>
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</card>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<card id="main" title="Cheater">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;What the hell are you trying???
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/roll.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Fun Menu</a>
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=main&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/home.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Home</a>
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</card>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<card id="main" title="JackPot">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;[img]images/jackpot.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;So you want to challenge our dealer and Win the jackpot!&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;If you think you got what it takes, click below:&#39;;
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;Play Now&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<p align="center">&#39;;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/roll.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Fun Menu</a>
                              echo &#39;
                              echo &#39;<a href="index.php?action=main&amp;sid=&#39;.$sid.&#3 9;">[img]images/home.gif[/img]&#39;;
                              echo &#39;Home</a>
                              echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
                              echo &#39;</card>&#39;;

                              echo &#39;</wml>&#39;;


