Important Info - Yikes Script

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    Important Info - Yikes Script

    The Yikes script recently uploaded here isn't safe to use. Someone claiming to own the script has hacked into the demo version i put online for you all to see and banned everyone off it.

    Details As Follows -

    Username - Sonja

    Devices Used - Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; EN-US) AppleWebKit/523+ (KHTML, like Gecko)
    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071008 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/

    IP's Used -

    Use this script at your own risk, cos this person does know how to gain access to it, If anyone wants to attempt to secure it just search my posts in this forum.

    Oh and for your info Sonja it was only a demo for ppl here so not that bothered, you wasted 3 hours for nothing lol

    I know her...

    Click here!!!


      well just watch out for the bint, i've found the file she used and deleted it


        lol do what im doing bro, will keep you out of trouble, code your own script lol thats what im doing, when im done im gana get myself a huge surver and make a success.

        Click here!!!


          this is one of the main reasons why i NEVER use anyone else's scripts/files


            this is one of the main reasons why i NEVER use anyone else's scripts/files[/b]
            Lol i got hacked before by idiots calling themselves right brothers, well they should be the wrong brothers
            anywayz im out of here see you later tonight guyz have some work to do and beers to drink.

            Click here!!!


              those are subzero's so called hacker friends which i highly doubt don't exist


                I spent hrs on nd i realised tht nothng is unhackable.... Especialy php scripts... U cn make ur script totaly secure but its **** cuz if sum1 realy wanna hack u, he/she will do tht no mather what... I saw it on my own eyes sum day ago.... Nd it was baaaaaad.... It wasnt my site, but the feeling when u c the site open home root 4 download its not excatly nice.... So i thnk the only secure thng is 2 make a backup dayly or live on the web LMAO


                  I spent hrs on nd i realised tht nothng is unhackable.... Especialy php scripts... U cn make ur script totaly secure but its **** cuz if sum1 realy wanna hack u, he/she will do tht no mather what... I saw it on my own eyes sum day ago.... Nd it was baaaaaad.... It wasnt my site, but the feeling when u c the site open home root 4 download its not excatly nice.... So i thnk the only secure thng is 2 make a backup dayly or live on the web LMAO[/b]
                  Very true.. my ip.board 2.3.4 (was up to date at time) which is same script as this forum... Trashed: an i paid $149 for that LOL...


                    lol if u cant hack ur own script no one can hack it lol

