Wapple.890m.com Adventure

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    Wapple.890m.com Adventure

    the code written by facedown_pogi@yahoo.com

    for wapple.890m.com

    " target="_blank">

    " target="_blank">
    </a> register now.. free subdomain cpanel 11, many features and more

    <div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'><?php

    $version = "version: v1.0";
    $adven = "adventure";

    //header(&#39;Content-type: application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml&#39;);
    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd\">";
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    $bcon = connectdb();

    if (!$bcon)
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>$sitename</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/white.css\">";
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<img src=\"../images/notok.gif\" alt=\"!\"/>
    echo "Error! Cannot Connect To Database...

    echo "This error happens usually when backing up the database, please be patient...";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";
    echo "</html>";

    $action = $_GET["action"];
    $sid = $_GET["sid"];
    $sitename = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE name=&#39;sitename&#39;"));
    $sitename = $sitename[0];
    $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
    $theme = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT theme FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));

    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>Error!!!</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/white_medium.css\">";
    echo "</head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "You are not logged in
    echo "Or Your session has been expired

    echo "<a href=\"http://wapple.890m.com/index.php\">Login</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";
    echo "</html>";
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>Error!!!</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
    echo "</head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<img src=\"../images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/>
    echo "You are Banned

    $banto = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT timeto, pnreas, exid FROM ibwf_penalties WHERE uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;1&#39; OR uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;2&#39;"));
    $banres = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastpnreas FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $remain = $banto[0]- time();
    $rmsg = gettimemsg($remain);
    echo "Time Left: $rmsg
    $nick = getnick_uid($banto[2]);
    echo "By: $nick
    echo "Reason: $banto[1]";
    //echo "<a href=\"http://wapple.890m.com/index.php\">Login</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";
    echo "</html>";
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"playing wapple planet adventure","");
    $view = $_GET["view"];
    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Playing adventure\">";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<img src=\"images/roll.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>
    echo "How great... Wanna play wapple planet adventure? good luck pinoy-wapper!";
    echo "</p>";
    //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<

    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<a href=\"adven.php?action=go&amp;sid=$sid\">»Go</a>
    echo "</p>";
    ////// UNTILL HERE >>
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/roll.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "Fun/Games</a>
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "Home</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "
    else if($action=="go")
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"adventuring wapple planet","");
    $view = $_GET["view"];
    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"wapple planet\">";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<big>Adventure $version</big>
    echo "Mania!";
    echo "</p>";

    echo "You need at least 75 plusses to play adventure!";

    //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<

    echo "choose hero:";
    echo "<a href=\"adven.php?action=a&amp;sid=$sid\">King Wapple</a> , <a href=\"adven.php?action=b&amp;sid=$sid\">King Rohan</a> , <a href=\"adven.php?action=c&amp;sid=$sid\">King Xyve</a> , other hero not yet supported in this game $version like King Richard and Lothor<a href=\"adven.php?action=d&amp;sid=$sid\">King Richard</a>, <a href=\"adven.php?action=e&amp;sid=$sid\">King Lothor</a>";

    echo "</p>";

    ////// UNTILL HERE >>
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=$sid\">«back to fun menu</a>
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "Home</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"ADVENTURING Hero Wapple","");
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>Adventure $version</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
    echo "</head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";

    //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<

    $num1 = rand(1, 5);

    $uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM ibwf_ses WHERE id=&#39;".$sid."&#39;"));
    $uid = $uid[0];
    $usrid = $uid;
    echo "$adven $version
    echo "King Wapple $adven
    echo "You are armored with 3 sword and magical powers, try to kill your enemy!";
    echo "<p align=left><a href=\"adven.php?action=a&amp;sid=$sid\">Sword Attack</a> , <a href=\"adven.php?action=a&amp;sid=$sid\">Kick</a> , <a href=\"adven.php?action=a&amp;sid=$sid\">Magic</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    echo "Golden Plusses: $ugpl
    $power = rand(50,100);
    echo "Power: $power
    $damage = rand(0,100);
    $evil = Monster;
    $gold = rand(30,100);

    if ($num1 == 1) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil with damage $damage. You&#39;ve Won $gold Gold!";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num1 == 2) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil with damage $damage,but he return 2 kick for you with damage $gold. You&#39;ve been attacked and Lost $gold gold!";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num1 == 3) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil damaging him $damage %. Then $evil return magic attack to you, damaging you $damage %. You draw! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num1 == 4) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil with a damage of $damage %. Then $evil return a scratch attack to you $gold %. You draw! Minus $gold plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num1 == 5) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil damaging him 0%. Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=$sid\">Back To Fun Zone</a>";
    echo "
    echo "0 <a accesskey=\"0\" href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"ADVENTURING Hero Rohan","");
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>Adventure $version</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
    echo "</head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";

    //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<

    $num2 = rand(1, 9);

    $uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM ibwf_ses WHERE id=&#39;".$sid."&#39;"));
    $uid = $uid[0];
    $usrid = $uid;
    echo "$adven $version
    echo "King Rohan $adven
    echo "You are armored with Special Axe and magical powers, try to let your enemy with low lifepower!
    echo "<p align=left><a href=\"adven.php?action=b&amp;sid=$sid\">Axe Attack</a> , <a href=\"adven.php?action=b&amp;sid=$sid\">Kick</a> , <a href=\"adven.php?action=b&amp;sid=$sid\">Magic</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    echo "Golden Plusses: $ugpl
    $power = rand(50,100);
    echo "Power: $power
    $damage = rand(0,100);
    $evil2 = Darklord;
    $gold = rand(30,100);
    $magic = rand(60,93);
    $level = 2;
    $level2 = 3;
    $low = 1;
    if ($num2 == 1) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil2 with damage $damage. You&#39;ve Won $gold Gold!";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 2) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil2 with damage $damage,but he return 2 body and $low high kick for you with damage $gold. You&#39;ve been attacked and Lost $gold gold!";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 3) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You cast magic $magic % with a hit to $evil2 damaging him $damage %. Then $evil2 return magic attack to you, damaging you $damage %. You draw! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 4) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil2 with a damage of $damage %. Then $evil2 return dark spell attack to you $gold %. You draw! Minus $gold plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 5) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil2 damaging him 0%. Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 6) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil2 damaging him 100%. level up $level2. You are a GODLIKE! Plus 90 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "90";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 7) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil2 damaging him 40%. Level up to $level You win 50 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "50";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You did not hit $evil2 . He jump faster than your attack! Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 9) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil2 $damage % damage, but he hit you 99 % damage. Minus 99 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "99";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=$sid\">Back To Fun Zone</a>";
    echo "
    echo "0 <a accesskey=\"0\" href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";
    addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"ADVENTURING Hero Rohan","");
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<title>Adventure $version</title>";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../themes/$theme[0]\">";
    echo "</head>";
    echo "<body>";
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";

    //////ALL LISTS SCRIPT <<

    $num2 = rand(1, 9);

    $uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM ibwf_ses WHERE id=&#39;".$sid."&#39;"));
    $uid = $uid[0];
    $usrid = $uid;
    echo "$adven $version
    echo "King Xyve $adven
    echo "You are armored with Two bladed Samorai and Fire powers, try to let your enemy with low life stat!
    echo "<p align=left><a href=\"adven.php?action=c&amp;sid=$sid\">Samorai Attack</a> , <a href=\"adven.php?action=c&amp;sid=$sid\">Back-Stub</a> , <a href=\"adven.php?action=c&amp;sid=$sid\">Fire</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    echo "Golden Plusses: $ugpl
    $power = rand(50,100);
    echo "Power: $power
    $damage = rand(0,100);
    $evil3 = HeadDragon;
    $gold = rand(30,100);
    $magic = rand(60,93);
    $level = 2;
    $level2 = 3;
    $low = 1;
    if ($num2 == 1) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil3 with damage $damage. You&#39;ve Won $gold Gold!";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 2) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil3 with damage $damage,but he return 2 kick for you with damage $magic . You&#39;ve been attacked and Lost $gold gold!";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 3) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You cast magic $magic % with a hit to $evil3 damaging him $damage %. Then $evi3 return magic attack to you, damaging you $damage %. You draw! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 4) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil3 with a damage of $damage %. Then $evil2 return hold spell attack to you $gold %. You draw! Minus $gold plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 5) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil3 damaging him 0%. Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 6) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil3 damaging him 100%. You are a GODLIKE! Plus 98 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "90";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 7) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil3 damaging him 70%. Level up to $level2 You win 50 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "50";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You did not hit $evil3 . He ran faster than your attack! Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    if ($num2 == 9) {
    $num = rand(1, 3);
    echo "You hit $evil3 $damage % damage, but he hit you 100 % damage. Minus 100 plusses for that attack";
    $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
    $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
    $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "99";
    mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

    echo "
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=funm&amp;sid=$sid\">Back To Fun Zone</a>";
    echo "
    echo "0 <a accesskey=\"0\" href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</body>";


    the code written by facedown_pogi@yahoo.com

    for wapple.890m.com</div>

    Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

    Below is a list of services I offer:

    Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


    General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
    Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.

    well facedown made that thing he coded it for wapple, im sharing it, for itis free... look at web.lavalair.net same thing is posted there

    Mabuyhay ang pinoy wapple


    Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

    Below is a list of services I offer:

    Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


    General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
    Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.


      well just put the credit whom created that little thing... hope it helps you

      Are you looking to take your wap or wapsite to a higher level? Do you want to stand out and rise above your competitors?

      Below is a list of services I offer:

      Wap Design and Customized Coding -The first way to stand out in a crowd is to have a brilliant and unique design for your wap or wapsite.


      General consulting – My current hourly rate is $100 / hour.
      Custom Wapsite Community - My current rate is $500 / Wap Community Development.


        header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
        header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
        echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">";
        $action = $_GET["action"];
        $sid = $_GET["sid"];
        $page = $_GET["page"];
        $who = $_GET["who"];
        $sitename = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE name=&#39;sitename&#39;"));
        $sitename = $sitename[0];
        $rid= $_GET["rid"];
        $rooms = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_rooms WHERE id=&#39;".$rid."&#39;"));
        $rname = $rooms[1];
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"$sitename\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "You are not logged in
        echo "Or Your session has been expired

        echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
        echo "</wml>";
        $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"$sitename\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<img src=\"../images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/>
        echo "You are Banned

        $banto = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT timeto, pnreas, exid FROM ibwf_penalties WHERE uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;1&#39; OR uid=&#39;".$uid."&#39; AND penalty=&#39;2&#39;"));
        $banres = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastpnreas FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $remain = $banto[0]- time();
        $rmsg = gettimemsg($remain);
        echo "Time Left: $rmsg
        $nick = getnick_uid($banto[2]);
        echo "By: $nick
        echo "Reason: $banto[1]";
        //echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
        echo "</wml>";

        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Play Kingdom WAR","kingdom.php?action=main");
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kingdom WAR\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "Kingdom WAR";
        echo "
        echo "Now lets see your power to get the power of the WAR !";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"left\">";
        echo "Choose your dungeon:";
        echo "

        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=a&amp;sid=$sid\">Kirupa Island</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=b&amp;sid=$sid\">Kiran Island</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=c&amp;sid=$sid\">Fire Dungeon</a>";
        echo "


        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"fun.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Fun Menu</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";


        else if($action=="a")
        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Play Kingdom WAR","kingdom.php?action=main");
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kingdom WAR\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "Kingdom WAR";
        echo "
        echo "Now your character have a armored and magical tactics. Try kill your enemy and earn the plusess";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"left\">";
        echo "";

        $num1 = rand(1, 5);

        $uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM ibwf_ses WHERE id=&#39;".$sid."&#39;"));
        $uid = $uid[0];
        $usrid = $uid;
        $time = time();

        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Axe</a> , <a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Bash</a> , <a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Thunder Bolt</a>";
        echo "

        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        echo "Golden Plusses: $ugpl
        $power = rand(50,100);
        echo "Power: $power
        echo "
        $damage = rand(0,50);
        $evil = Kirupa;
        $gold = rand(30,50);

        if ($num1 == 1) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil with damage $damage. You&#39;ve Won $gold Gold!";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num1 == 2) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil with damage $damage,but he return 2 kick for you with damage $gold. You&#39;ve been attacked and Lost $gold gold!";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num1 == 3) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil damaging him $damage %. Then $evil return magic attack to you, damaging you $damage %. You draw! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num1 == 4) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil with a damage of $damage %. Then $evil return a scratch attack to you $gold %. You draw! Minus $gold plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num1 == 5) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil damaging him 0%. Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "

        echo "
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">King dom WAR</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"fun.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Fun Menu</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";


        else if($action=="b")
        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Play Kingdom WAR","kingdom.php?action=main");
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kingdom WAR\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "Kingdom WAR";
        echo "
        echo "Now your character have a armored and magical tactics. Try kill your enemy and earn the plusess";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"left\">";
        echo "";

        $num2 = rand(1, 9);

        $uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM ibwf_ses WHERE id=&#39;".$sid."&#39;"));
        $uid = $uid[0];
        $usrid = $uid;
        $time = time();

        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Bow</a> , <a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Deviling</a> , <a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Fire Storm</a>";
        echo "

        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        echo "Golden Plusses: $ugpl
        $power = rand(50,100);
        echo "Power: $power
        echo "
        $damage = rand(0,100);
        $evil2 = Darklord;
        $gold = rand(30,100);
        $magic = rand(60,93);
        $level = 2;
        $level2 = 3;
        $low = 1;
        if ($num2 == 1) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil2 with damage $damage. You&#39;ve Won $gold Gold!";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num2 == 2) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil2 with damage $damage,but he return 2 body and $low high kick for you with damage $gold. You&#39;ve been attacked and Lost $gold gold!";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num2 == 3) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You cast magic $magic % with a hit to $evil2 damaging him $damage %. Then $evil2 return magic attack to you, damaging you $damage %. You draw! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num2 == 4) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil2 with a damage of $damage %. Then $evil2 return dark spell attack to you $gold %. You draw! Minus $gold plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num2 == 5) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil2 damaging him 0%. Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num2 == 6) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil2 damaging him 100%. level up $level2. You are a GODLIKE! Plus 90 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "90";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num2 == 7) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil2 damaging him 40%. Level up to $level You win 50 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "50";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num2 == {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You did not hit $evil2 . He jump faster than your attack! Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num2 == 9) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil2 $damage % damage, but he hit you 99 % damage. Minus 99 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "99";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "

        echo "
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">King dom WAR</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"fun.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Fun Menu</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";


        else if($action=="c")
        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Play Kingdom WAR","kingdom.php?action=main");
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kingdom WAR\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "Kingdom WAR";
        echo "
        echo "Now your character have a armored and magical tactics. Try kill your enemy and earn the plusess";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"left\">";
        echo "";

        $num3 = rand(1, 9);

        $uid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM ibwf_ses WHERE id=&#39;".$sid."&#39;"));
        $uid = $uid[0];
        $usrid = $uid;

        $time = time();

        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Golden Sword</a> , <a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Double Bash</a> , <a href=\"kingdom.php?action=$action&amp;sid=$sid&amp ;time=$time\">Meteor</a>";
        echo "

        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        echo "Golden Plusses: $ugpl
        $power = rand(50,100);
        echo "Power: $power
        echo "
        $damage = rand(0,100);
        $evil3 = HeadDragon;
        $gold = rand(30,100);
        $magic = rand(60,93);
        $level = 2;
        $level2 = 3;
        $low = 1;
        if ($num3 == 1) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil3 with damage $damage. You&#39;ve Won $gold Gold!";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num3 == 2) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil3 with damage $damage,but he return 2 kick for you with damage $magic . You&#39;ve been attacked and Lost $gold gold!";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num3 == 3) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You cast magic $magic % with a hit to $evil3 damaging him $damage %. Then $evi3 return magic attack to you, damaging you $damage %. You draw! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num3 == 4) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil3 with a damage of $damage %. Then $evil2 return hold spell attack to you $gold %. You draw! Minus $gold plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "$gold";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num3 == 5) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil3 damaging him 0%. Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num3 == 6) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil3 damaging him 100%. You are a GODLIKE! Plus 98 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "90";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num3 == 7) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil3 damaging him 70%. Level up to $level2 You win 50 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl + "50";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num3 == {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You did not hit $evil3 . He ran faster than your attack! Miss... Miss! Miss! Minus 10 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "10";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        if ($num3 == 9) {
        $num = rand(1, 3);
        echo "You hit $evil3 $damage % damage, but he hit you 100 % damage. Minus 100 plusses for that attack";
        $ugpl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_users WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;"));
        $ugpl = $ugpl[0];
        $ugpl2 = $ugpl - "99";
        mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses=&#39;".$ugpl2."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");

        echo "
        echo "
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"kingdom.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">King dom WAR</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"fun.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Fun Menu</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";


        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Lost in kingdom","");
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Kingdom WAR Error!\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "I don&#39;t know how did you get into here, but there&#39;s nothing to show
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\">Kingdo m WAR</a>";
        echo "
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"\"/>Home</a>";
        echo "</p></card>";



        i converted the wml in 5 minutes ago ..


          looks good but i get an error

          Parse error: syntax error, unexpected &#39;{&#39; in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/lava/adven.php on line 635

