Wml Shoutbox Without Sql:(

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    it would seem your server is the one with the problem bro..
    i have just tested this script on 3 servers i use and it works fine on ALL 3 of them..

    An Internal Server Error has nothing to do with the script it self..
    if it was the script showing errors you would get xml parsing error..

    maybe you should think about changing your servers..

    i would recommend 000webhost.com as a very relaible server to run wml files on..

    hope this can be of some help to you but the script is working fine at my end..[/b]
    Thanks dude for the support! This is what i waqs thinking also. I´ll try 000webhost.com

    Later and thanks again for the support.


      Thanks dude for the support! This is what i waqs thinking also. I´ll try 000webhost.com

      Later and thanks again for the support.[/b]
      your welcome bro hope you sort it out...

      for those who are not sure also if this script is working here is a demo:

      include ('Ghost');
      if ($Post == true) {
      echo '

      alt='coding-talk.com!!' />';
      echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
      } else {
      echo '

      alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
      echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


        nice work does script also have the amilies like the demo/


          nice work does script also have the amilies like the demo/[/b]
          yes bro i made sure all smileys were added also.. enjoy man..
          include ('Ghost');
          if ($Post == true) {
          echo '

          alt='coding-talk.com!!' />';
          echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
          } else {
          echo '

          alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
          echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


            Thanks for the support dude. I have chmodd 777 (0777) all the txt files and uploaded the new files, but I still get the same error trying to shout! I keep getting INTERNAL SERVER ERROR !!! (on files: write.php and user.php)

            Internal Server Error
            The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

            What could be this problem??? Thanks again.[/b]
            i guess you installed it on a windows server dude.
            .... ------------

            Hiya ghost!! What happen to your site? i was looking for you around bro.


              thx man, you are my herou


                Here are the originals if anyone is interested, very old now though. The latest one is ok but has a missing file if i remember correctly, but that file can be taken from the other versions.

                DownloadLink: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/99457572/wappySHOUT_v1.00.zip[/url]
                File-Size: 0.16 MB
                Uploaded: 14/03/2008, 12:24:51
                DownloadLink: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/99457611/wappySHOUT_v1.50.zip[/url]
                File-Size: 0.16 MB
                Uploaded: 14/03/2008, 12:25:05
                DownloadLink: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/99457638/wappySHOUT_v1.60c.zip[/url]
                File-Size: 0.16 MB
                Uploaded: 14/03/2008, 12:25:17


                  i guess you installed it on a windows server dude.
                  .... ------------

                  Hiya ghost!! What happen to your site? i was looking for you around bro.[/b]
                  sagar i havent had chance to setup my wapchat.us.to domain yet so im using my wapchat.uk.to 1 for now..

                  thx man, you are my herou[/b]
                  your welcome lol
                  include ('Ghost');
                  if ($Post == true) {
                  echo '

                  alt='coding-talk.com!!' />';
                  echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
                  } else {
                  echo '

                  alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
                  echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';

