Heres a little script that I've been working on.
It's basically a capcha script.
It uses the base64 encryption to hide the image code from spam bots.
And also because spam bots reads your source, i included a little hidden checkbox which many of them
would click anyway.
They will then be redirected to they're localhost, and it will also be logged that the bot has been there.
You will have to work around with my code to implement it on your websites if you wish too.
But please, do not use any of my work on websites containing adult content.
Also a word of thanks to Gumslone for giving me the idea, and leading me in the right path of encoding some stuff.
Here you go, and enjoy guys.
It's basically a capcha script.
It uses the base64 encryption to hide the image code from spam bots.
And also because spam bots reads your source, i included a little hidden checkbox which many of them
would click anyway.
They will then be redirected to they're localhost, and it will also be logged that the bot has been there.
You will have to work around with my code to implement it on your websites if you wish too.
But please, do not use any of my work on websites containing adult content.
Also a word of thanks to Gumslone for giving me the idea, and leading me in the right path of encoding some stuff.
Here you go, and enjoy guys.