Ok, well I was bored yesterday n wanted to code a little hit counter for my site that logs hits by matching ip, browser, n platform since there's no login... anyways, a few minutes later, i noticed Googlebot popping up, n was curious as to what pages google was visiting, so added a few lines of code to single out googlebot n log which urls it was loading...
thought it might be useful for some people... then you can see where you might need to block robots, etc...
ok, there's a readme included, lol all three lines of it, but here's the basics...
Step 1. Input DB info in dbconnect.php
Step 2. Upload To Server in a subdirectory or whereever it will be most convenient for you...
Step 3. Include it in your index.php either after database connection with out using dbconnect, although obviously you will need to create tables, etc... Or just use it in standalone mode running with the dbconnect file in which case you can even use a separate database for logging hits...
Will update it a bit n upload improved version a bit later...
Hope it helps someone, n enjoy optimising your site for google...
thought it might be useful for some people... then you can see where you might need to block robots, etc...
ok, there's a readme included, lol all three lines of it, but here's the basics...
Step 1. Input DB info in dbconnect.php
Step 2. Upload To Server in a subdirectory or whereever it will be most convenient for you...
Step 3. Include it in your index.php either after database connection with out using dbconnect, although obviously you will need to create tables, etc... Or just use it in standalone mode running with the dbconnect file in which case you can even use a separate database for logging hits...
Will update it a bit n upload improved version a bit later...
Hope it helps someone, n enjoy optimising your site for google...