Gallery Moderator enabled $rights(1)
Site Moderator and Administrator have their permissions (see those in action), Supervisor all of them + keeps track whom made what of Cats and Albums
Can't be two the same name Category
Can't be two the same name Albums in the same Category
Comments added and adding to user stats when writing, subtracting when file, category or album is deleted.
Dynamic preview of images on-the-fly with http://coding-talk.com/f16/easyphpth...l-class-15922/
Listing new images with a few in random preview (4-5 for mobile, 5 for pc browser) on Gallery main page
... and so on...
Copy-paste function from this into your file:
Delete /gallery/temp/
Upload and/or replace all other files and folders.
If you are using gallery already simply re-upload images from /foto/ folder into /files/gallery/ and than delete /foto/ folder
I hope you'll like it.
Gallery Moderator enabled $rights(1)
Site Moderator and Administrator have their permissions (see those in action), Supervisor all of them + keeps track whom made what of Cats and Albums
Can't be two the same name Category
Can't be two the same name Albums in the same Category
Comments added and adding to user stats when writing, subtracting when file, category or album is deleted.
Dynamic preview of images on-the-fly with http://coding-talk.com/f16/easyphpth...l-class-15922/
Listing new images with a few in random preview (4-5 for mobile, 5 for pc browser) on Gallery main page
... and so on...
Copy-paste function from this into your file:
Delete /gallery/temp/
Upload and/or replace all other files and folders.
If you are using gallery already simply re-upload images from /foto/ folder into /files/gallery/ and than delete /foto/ folder
I hope you'll like it.