I made this a few years ago.
May need a bit of work - changing functions due to the original script having 10 statuses
// isstatus10(getuid_sid($sid)) to: isadmin($uid))
// and getinbox() deleted
// gold to pluses on user sql
but the main portion of the script is there
Sql is inside auction.php
Make sure you have a strong .htaccess in the auction folder (that you need to make)
Could be easily altered for any script
May need a bit of work - changing functions due to the original script having 10 statuses
// isstatus10(getuid_sid($sid)) to: isadmin($uid))
// and getinbox() deleted
// gold to pluses on user sql
but the main portion of the script is there

Sql is inside auction.php
Make sure you have a strong .htaccess in the auction folder (that you need to make)
Could be easily altered for any script