Change Writing Colour

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    $text = preg_replace("/\[run\](.*?)\[\/run\]/i","<marquee direction="left">\\1</marquee>", $text);
    BBcode by me, running txt,

    Click here!!!


      $text = preg_replace("/\[run\](.*?)\[\/run\]/i","<marquee direction=\"left\">\\1</marquee>", $text);
      Here we go, running txt

      Click here!!!


        ok here we go the this allows users to select there own colors for various parts of the site
        first add these tables to your users dbase..

        `bgcol` varchar(7) NOT NULL default &#39;#000000&#39;,
        `linkcol` varchar(7) NOT NULL default &#39;#FF4500&#39;,
        `textcol` varchar(7) NOT NULL default &#39;#FFD700&#39;,
        `hcol` varchar(7) NOT NULL default &#39;#DC143C&#39;,

        ================================================== =====
        now make this as a sepparate table

        -- Table structure for table `xhtml_hex`

        CREATE TABLE `xhtml_hex` (
        `color` varchar(20) NOT NULL default &#39;&#39;,
        `hex` varchar(7) NOT NULL default &#39;&#39;

        -- Dumping data for table `xhtml_hex`

        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;blue&#39;, &#39;#0000FF&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;black&#39;, &#39;#000000&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;brown&#39;, &#39;#A52A2A&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;crap blue&#39;, &#39;#5F9EA0&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;chocolate&#39;, &#39;#D2691E&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;cornflower blue&#39;, &#39;#6495ED&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;crimson&#39;, &#39;#DC143C&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;cyan&#39;, &#39;#00FFFF&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;violent&#39;, &#39;#00008B&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;something&#39;, &#39;#B8860B&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;dark gray&#39;, &#39;#A9A9A9&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;khaki&#39;, &#39;#BDB76B&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;orange order&#39;, &#39;#FF8C00&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;woman scorned&#39;, &#39;#8B0000&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;fish paste&#39;, &#39;#E9967A&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;seaweed&#39;, &#39;#8FBC8F&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;slate blue&#39;, &#39;#483D8B&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;violet&#39;, &#39;#9400D3&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;pink&#39;, &#39;#FF1493&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;sky blue&#39;, &#39;#00BFFF&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;bricks&#39;, &#39;#B22222&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;trees n ****&#39;, &#39;#228B22&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;grannys house&#39;, &#39;#DCDCDC&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;going for gold&#39;, &#39;#FFD700&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;orange peel&#39;, &#39;#DAA520&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;green&#39;, &#39;#008000&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;flamingos&#39;, &#39;#FF69B4&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;indigo&#39;, &#39;#4B0082&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;grass&#39;, &#39;#7CFC00&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;marooned&#39;, &#39;#800000&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;blue two&#39;, &#39;#0000CD&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;purple&#39;, &#39;#9370D8&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;minty&#39;, &#39;#00FA9A&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;midnight&#39;, &#39;#191970&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;red&#39;, &#39;#FF4500&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;sand&#39;, &#39;#F4A460&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;silver&#39;, &#39;#C0C0C0&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;yellow&#39;, &#39;#FFFF00&#39;);
        INSERT INTO `xhtml_hex` VALUES(&#39;white&#39;, &#39;#FFFFFF&#39;);

        now for the fun part of this feature i have

        add this to index php

        else if($action=="colour")
        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"xhtml colour menu","");
        echo "<head>";
        $bgcol2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT bgcol FROM mad_users WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;"));
        $linkcol2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT linkcol FROM mad_users WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;"));
        $hcol2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT hcol FROM mad_users WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;"));
        $textcol2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT textcol FROM mad_users WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;"));
        echo "
        <style type=\"text/css\">
        body {
        color: #$textcol;
        background-color: #$bgcol;
        text-align: center;
        a:link { color: #$linkcol; }
        a:visited { color: #$linkcol; }
        .form-container {
        text-align: center;
        h1 {
        font-size: medium;
        background-color: #$hcol;
        color: #textcol;
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "Colors Menu";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "This is where you may choose your own color prferences for the site
        echo "We allow you to select your own background color,text colors and links colors
        echo "Please be carefull when chosing your colours as some background colours may not work well with the text colours.
        ie:black background and black text</br/>note:does not work yet being devloped.
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=txtcol&amp;sid=$sid\">TEXT COLORS</a>
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=linkcol&amp;sid=$sid\">LIN K COLORS</a>
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=bgcol&amp;sid=$sid\">BACKG ROUND COLORS</a>
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=hcol&amp;sid=$sid\">HEADER COLORS</a>
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=rescol&amp;sid=$sid\">RESE T MY COLORS</a>
        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</body>";
        ///////////////////////////////////////////////color menu pick
        else if ($action=="txtcol")
        echo "<body>";
        echo "

        Select the text colour.
        please don&#39;t pick one similar to your background.

        $query = "select * from xhtml_hex order by color";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        while ($row)
        $color = $row["color"];
        $hex = $row["hex"];

        if ($hex != "$trcol" && $hex != "$txtco" && $hex != "$meco" && $hex != "$bogc")
        $hex = str_replace("#","","$hex");
        echo "<p align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #$hex;\"><a href=\"index.php?sid=$sid&amp;hex=$hex&amp;action= textset\">$color</a></p>";
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        echo "


        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a></p></body>";
        else if ($action=="textset")
        echo "<body>";
        echo "

        $ncl = mysql_query("UPDATE mad_users SET textcol=&#39;".$hex."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");
        echo "Your New Site Text color Has Been Set. You Will See the changes when you return to the home page.
        echo "</p>";
        echo "

        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</body>";
        else if ($action=="linkcol")
        echo "<body>";
        echo "

        Select the Links colour.
        please don&#39;t pick one similar to your background.

        $query = "select * from xhtml_hex order by color";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        while ($row)
        $color = $row["color"];
        $hex = $row["hex"];

        if ($hex != "$trcol" && $hex != "$txtco" && $hex != "$linkcol" && $hex != "$bogc")
        $hex = str_replace("#","","$hex");
        echo "<p align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #$hex;\"><a href=\"index.php?sid=$sid&amp;hex=$hex&amp;action= linkset\">$color</a></p>";
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        echo "


        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a></p></body>";
        else if ($action=="linkset")
        echo "<body>";
        echo "

        $ncl = mysql_query("UPDATE mad_users SET linkcol=&#39;".$hex."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");
        echo "Your New Site Link color Has Been Set. You Will See the changes when you return to the home page.
        echo "</p>";
        echo "

        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</body>";
        else if ($action=="hcol")
        echo "<body>";
        echo "

        Select The Page Heading colour.
        please don&#39;t pick one similar to your background.

        $query = "select * from xhtml_hex order by color";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        while ($row)
        $color = $row["color"];
        $hex = $row["hex"];

        if ($hex != "$hcol" && $hex != "$txtcol" && $hex != "$linkcol" && $hex != "$bogc")
        $hex = str_replace("#","","$hex");
        echo "<p align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #$hex;\"><a href=\"index.php?sid=$sid&amp;hex=$hex&amp;action= hset\">$color</a></p>";
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        echo "


        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a></p></body>";
        else if ($action=="hset")
        echo "<body>";
        echo "

        $ncl = mysql_query("UPDATE mad_users SET hcol=&#39;".$hex."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");
        echo "Your New Site Link color Has Been Set. You Will See the changes when you return to the home page.
        echo "</p>";
        echo "

        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</body>";
        else if ($action=="bgcol")
        echo "<body>";
        echo "

        select your background colour, please be aware that you might obscure some text colours when you do this, if it goes a bit west and no colour combination you choose looks right, if you can&#39;t see the links, please inform a owner and we&#39;ll reset your colours for you.</p>";
        $query = "select * from xhtml_hex order by color";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        while ($row)

        $color = $row["color"];
        $hex = $row["hex"];
        if ($hex != "$trcol" && $hex != "$txtco" && $hex != "$meco" && $hex != "$bogc")
        $hex = str_replace("#","","$hex");
        echo "<p align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #$hex;\"><a href=\"index.php?sid=$sid&amp;hex=$hex&amp;action= bgcolorset\">$color</a></p>";
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        echo "


        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a></p></body>";

        else if ($action=="bgcolorset")
        echo "<body>";
        echo "

        $ncl = mysql_query("UPDATE mad_users SET bgcol=&#39;".$hex."&#39; WHERE id=&#39;".$uid."&#39;");
        echo "Your New Site Background color Has Been Set. You Will See the changes when you return to the home page.
        echo "</p>";
        echo "

        echo "<a href=\"home.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
        echo "Home</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</body>";

        now add this code to your pages like this for eg:::

        else if($action=="example")

        $who = $_GET["who"];

        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"checking boring crap lol","");
        $bgcol2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT bgcol FROM mad_users WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;"));
        $linkcol2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT linkcol FROM mad_users WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;"));
        $hcol2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT hcol FROM mad_users WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;"));
        $textcol2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT textcol FROM mad_users WHERE id=&#39;".getuid_sid($sid)."&#39;"));

        echo "
        <style type=\"text/css\">
        body {
        color: #$textcol;
        background-color: #$bgcol;
        text-align: center;
        a:link { color: #$linkcol; }
        a:visited { color: #$linkcol; }
        .form-container {
        text-align: center;
        h1 {
        font-size: medium;
        background-color: #$hcol;
        color: #textcol;
        echo "<body>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        $whnick = getnick_uid($who);
        echo "$whnick";
        echo "<div class=\"pageName\"><h1 align=\"center\"></h1></div>\n";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</body>";

        ps :/// dont forget to change where mad_users to ibwf_users etc lol
        and yess peeeps i was the first to get this working

        Dont Ask Me Dumb Questions.Or you'l get a Dumb Answer..
        Want A Profesional Logo or Theme For Your wap site Pm Me.If I Have The Time Ill Make It For Free

