What's New?
Seo friendly profiles, forums, userlist etc...
Poking back, replying to messages will automatically delete the notifications
Notifications added to chat rooms, so you can get notified when someone pms you, pokes you etc... while you are chatting
User specific friends, photos added
Find friends by country, username, email added
BBcodes added
User specific colors added to forums
Change password added, upon users requests
Chat history won't go over 10 pages, edit chat.php to disable
Robot added to chat rooms, automatically disables itself when more than 5 users are online open head.php find \/
edit to tweak robot /\
You can see if someone sends a message @you when you are not in a chat room (this was planned to add)
A star was added to be next to all the admins username!
Another iphone related error in the uploader fixed
Status added to the top of users profiles
Hmmm.... what else lol....
Oh sent messages added, shows the latest 1000 only...
How to guide added, and shows tips to users first login only...
You can now use smileys by clicking on them while in chat rooms
Admins can delete pics, topics, users on the fly... sorry i had to add this due to perverts
And thats it... i think ;)
Mobile chatrooms, PC Compatibe
Over 800 animated smileys
Private messaging
Photo Albums
Different Themes
Forums / Discussion
Custom profile layouts - Add embed music, videos, background pics, colors,
tons of major sites supported - even pornhub lol :p jk but true >.<
AI chatbot / games
and many more...
Upload, extract, edit file in inc/config.php, import aiochat.sql
Bug Fixes/ Additions
Bug in the formus fixed
Chat room settings added, colors etc :P
Pokes, photo comments
Fixed horoscope problems, my coding this time..
Get notified when someone pms you, unfriends you etc...
Search users added
Random members pics added to main page
Some smiley errors fixed
Added find girls and find guys to the userlist
and more lol
script is only 3mb in size (:
Version 1.2 Demo <-- Not my site
100% clean first user to register becomes admin automatically
improved auto ban, curl bots results in ip ban etc lol
Admin Can
ban, unban
edit, delete forums, sticky
make admins
edit shout clear whatever they want
optimize, repair tables to avoid overhead
edit room names
and more
also to add a smiley just upload in the img/smilies directory
Don't forget to post a reply or hit thanks if you like this post, and don't come to my site asking for help, ask right here...
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see Licenses - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
Added after 12 minutes:
Ok for the person who asked for pm to all users...
PM to all users:
Seo friendly profiles, forums, userlist etc...
Poking back, replying to messages will automatically delete the notifications
Notifications added to chat rooms, so you can get notified when someone pms you, pokes you etc... while you are chatting
User specific friends, photos added
Find friends by country, username, email added
BBcodes added
User specific colors added to forums
Change password added, upon users requests
Chat history won't go over 10 pages, edit chat.php to disable
Robot added to chat rooms, automatically disables itself when more than 5 users are online open head.php find \/
PHP Code:
if($online<6) { $chuckles = 'enabled'; }
You can see if someone sends a message @you when you are not in a chat room (this was planned to add)
A star was added to be next to all the admins username!

Another iphone related error in the uploader fixed
Status added to the top of users profiles
Hmmm.... what else lol....
Oh sent messages added, shows the latest 1000 only...
How to guide added, and shows tips to users first login only...
You can now use smileys by clicking on them while in chat rooms
Admins can delete pics, topics, users on the fly... sorry i had to add this due to perverts
And thats it... i think ;)
Mobile chatrooms, PC Compatibe
Over 800 animated smileys
Private messaging
Photo Albums
Different Themes
Forums / Discussion
Custom profile layouts - Add embed music, videos, background pics, colors,
tons of major sites supported - even pornhub lol :p jk but true >.<
AI chatbot / games
and many more...
Upload, extract, edit file in inc/config.php, import aiochat.sql
Bug Fixes/ Additions
Bug in the formus fixed
Chat room settings added, colors etc :P
Pokes, photo comments
Fixed horoscope problems, my coding this time..
Get notified when someone pms you, unfriends you etc...
Search users added
Random members pics added to main page
Some smiley errors fixed
Added find girls and find guys to the userlist
and more lol

script is only 3mb in size (:
Version 1.2 Demo <-- Not my site
100% clean first user to register becomes admin automatically
improved auto ban, curl bots results in ip ban etc lol
Admin Can
ban, unban
edit, delete forums, sticky
make admins
edit shout clear whatever they want
optimize, repair tables to avoid overhead
edit room names
and more
also to add a smiley just upload in the img/smilies directory

Don't forget to post a reply or hit thanks if you like this post, and don't come to my site asking for help, ask right here...
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see Licenses - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
Added after 12 minutes:
Ok for the person who asked for pm to all users...
PM to all users:
PHP Code:
$from = "admin"; ///change to suit
$message = "Welcome to my new site! =]";
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql))
$user = $row["username"];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO pm VALUES ('$user','$from','$message')");