Something Else Wml Browser v1.0 (BETA) - CHROME ADDON

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    Something Else Wml Browser v1.0 (BETA) - CHROME ADDON

    This addon i have made enables you to surf wml pages on google chrome

    it is still in Beta so may have bugs

    To install unzip then drag it across on to your extensions page on chrome:
    Attached Files

    nice try man, i see no form support yet?

    check this out:
    my attempt at creating a wml browser in delphi.. same concept as yours, converting wml to html
    can only display one page, and you can view source code, set user agent, use hidemyass proxy and set referrer.. not based on ie/ff/others

    anyways, are there no full featured wml exts for chrome yet?


      damn forgot about form submit lol


        don't forget field variables, for example:
        <input type="text" name="somefield"/>
        <setvar name="somefield" value="milomir"/>
        <postfield name="name" value="$(somefield)"/>

        it posts to name "name" but takes data from input field named "somefield" or var "somefield"

        man, last time i used wml was in 2007 i think :D lots of stuff there

        i also found a bug in your ext, even if wml code in a html page for just a reference, not a wml page at all, just some code, your ext displays wml page, not the actual html page

        example, i'll post wml code in this post and your ext will display this page as a wml page, without html lol

        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.2//EN" "">
        <card title="test">
        <p>just a test..</p>

        you see what you did there? xD
        Last edited by milomir; 08.12.12, 13:45.


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            Originally posted by milomir View Post

            you see what you did there? xD
            in other words it needs a total rewrite....
            however it is wml - which is why i could not be bothered to go much further with it,
            but your welcome to do what ever you like to it

            here's the script so far:
            PHP Code:
            function htmlspecialchars_decode (stringquote_style) {
            optTemp 0,
            noquotes false;
              if (
            typeof quote_style === 'undefined') {
            quote_style 2;
            string string.toString().replace(/&lt;/g'<').replace(/&gt;/g'>');
            OPTS = {
              if (
            quote_style === 0) {
            noquotes true;
              if (
            typeof quote_style !== 'number') { // Allow for a single string or an array of string flags
            quote_style = [].concat(quote_style);
                for (
            0quote_style.lengthi++) {
            // Resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'PATHINFO_EXTENSION' becomes 4
            if (OPTS[quote_style[i]] === 0) {
            noquotes true;
                  } else if (
            OPTS[quote_style[i]]) {
            optTemp optTemp OPTS[quote_style[i]];
            quote_style optTemp;
              if (
            quote_style OPTS.ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE) {
            string string.replace(/&#0*39;/g, "'"); // PHP doesn't currently escape if more than one 0, but it should
                // string = string.replace(/&apos;|&#x0*27;/g, "'"); // This would also be useful here, but not a part of PHP
              if (!
            noquotes) {
            string string.replace(/&quot;/g'"');
            // Put this in last place to avoid escape being double-decoded
            string string.replace(/&amp;/g'&');


            doc document.documentElement.outerHTML;
            doc htmlspecialchars_decode(doc'ENT_NOQUOTES');
            count doc.match(/<wml>/g); 
            start doc.indexOf("<wml>");
            end doc.indexOf("</wml>");
            doc doc.substring(start,end);    
            doc doc.replace(/<wml>/gi,"");
            doc doc.replace(/<\/wml>/gi,"");
            doc doc.replace(/<\/card>/gi,"");
            doc doc.replace(/<card(.*?)>/gi,"");
            doc doc.replace(/<do(.*?)do>/gi,"");
            doc doc.replace(/<\/go>/gi,"");
            doc doc.replace(/<anchor>/gi,"");
            doc doc.replace(/<\/anchor>/gi,"<2input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go\"/></form>");
            doc doc.replace(/<go href/gi,"<form action");
            doc doc.replace(/<input(.*?)>/gi,"");
            doc doc.replace(/2input/gi,"input");
            doc doc.replace(/postfield/gi,"input");
            document.body.innerHTML doc;    

            and nope chrome doesn't support wml normally


              yeah i know chrome doesn't support wml, but its been on the market for so long i though there is already an extension like that wml addon for firefox
              i wish i could help but i lack the knowledge of javascript :P did you check the source of firefox wml addon?


                yeah firefox uses a .jar to convert it from wml
                and also yeah chromes been around for so long and no wml support.
                maybe i should use your php script and convert it into javascript

