Clear room history
Clear shout history
Clear private text data
Clear alert data
Remove User
Edit Current Shout (Can use html and php)
Edit Room (Can use html and php)
Reset online list
Edit room names
New layout
Disable/Enable alerts
Display if user is online or offline
Can download photos in the gallery
Can resize photos in the gallery
Fixed major bugs in online listing
Fixed Disable/Enable Alerts which was not working
Fixed major errors in the shoutbox,rooms, and message boxes
Fixed errors in the admin panel
Fixed errors in user settings
Fixed some security errors
Computer Version Fixed
Just upload the files and folders to your site and then visit install.php with your browser.
install.php may not work if you cant use mkdir() and chmod() on your server
more updates comming soon hopefully
Valid xhtml...
Clear room history
Clear shout history
Clear private text data
Clear alert data
Remove User
Edit Current Shout (Can use html and php)
Edit Room (Can use html and php)
Reset online list
Edit room names
New layout
Disable/Enable alerts
Display if user is online or offline
Can download photos in the gallery
Can resize photos in the gallery
Fixed major bugs in online listing
Fixed Disable/Enable Alerts which was not working
Fixed major errors in the shoutbox,rooms, and message boxes
Fixed errors in the admin panel
Fixed errors in user settings
Fixed some security errors
Computer Version Fixed
Just upload the files and folders to your site and then visit install.php with your browser.
install.php may not work if you cant use mkdir() and chmod() on your server
more updates comming soon hopefully
Valid xhtml...