Wat it actually does is ... generates a direct download link for your(only yours i.e need to put an user id & password) mediafire files, if you suppy the file id (called quick key)
Maybe useful only for them who host their files in mediafire to let their site visitors download them.
Instead of linking the files to the mediafire site, U can link it to this class & it will generate a direct download link.
Everything else is inside the archive.
example usage
Maybe useful only for them who host their files in mediafire to let their site visitors download them.
Instead of linking the files to the mediafire site, U can link it to this class & it will generate a direct download link.
Everything else is inside the archive.
example usage
PHP Code:
// example key "awdrzfzexzxmu81"
if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
require "mediafire.php";
$media_object = new MediaFire("demo@example.com", "password", 7558, "28n76xs5l5warn7kw5sbbrg1gncyr70a0unj0d5b", $_GET['key']);
} else {
echo "Quick key not supplied.";